Seeking Apprenticeship

i'm right there with you buddy, but i think trying to keep your head down, and your nose to the grindstone is really the best thing to do. Keep on doing whatever it is you can do, start a savings account that you won't touch except to fund your dream, and continue to study study study!
best of luck to you my friend,
be easy,

This would be the best advice I would give. Im jumping into this full force with a plan. There is no other option for me than to be successful. Through hell or high water I am going to see this thing through and no one can take it from me. I am in the process of buying my own house with some beautiful land and a privatized well. I drafted my own plans of a greenhouse that I am going to build by hand. Dreams come true if you put enough thought and effort into it. Hell if you put enough thought and study into it you can find someone to invest in you. Its better to use your own money. You must learn how to sell yourself and go get the things you want in life. They will not come to you.
There's no way you can start a small practice grow on your own? While it's certainly possible that somebody on here will live close enough to you for this to be possible and be willing to help, it's not terribly likely.