
Where do y’all get your seeds from I’m new to growing , just looking to get my setup right before dropping money on the expensive seeds
It's not a bad idea to get some decent, but less expensive seeds to start, both Seedsman and Attitude are reliable and have guaranteed shipping options. You could order from one of the domestic seed banks in the USA too, but a lot of those are expensive and mainly sell regs. If you are new to growing, I'd just start with feminized seed, until you succeed in harvesting a crop, then you could move on to more $$$ options and regs.
Are you in the states? I stick to domestic..

You can deal directly with breeders a lot of the time, check out the seed and strain review forum and see what ya like.
Ive always used JBC ,awsome all around. Last order I used North atlantic seed co.,equally great and was happy to see they had a great selection including fems. Also noticed they sold singles, 3 packs etc. Perfect for a smaller grow like mine
It's not a bad idea to get some decent, but less expensive seeds to start, both Seedsman and Attitude are reliable and have guaranteed shipping options. You could order from one of the domestic seed banks in the USA too, but a lot of those are expensive and mainly sell regs. If you are new to growing, I'd just start with feminized seed, until you succeed in harvesting a crop, then you could move on to more $$$ options and regs.
That was my thinking ! I may just bite the bullet and order a few to have on hand
Another way to look at it is most send freebies so atleast you'll get a practice seed or two before popping your money seeds
I've used Pacific seed bank for a few years. Seed banks are over priced and make you buy 10 or 20 of the same seeds for 150$ Pacific is 3 seeds for 30$ if you pay by mail you get 3 freebies. Once I buy the 3 seeds I pop 2 of then and save the third to make more seeds with tiresias mist off amazon. The only other places I use besides them are square one genetics and Robin hood seeds when they are available. I think square one is like a month out from restock and Robin hood a couple weeks
Im in the US so ordering online is a sucky experience …this last time I spent about 250 on five different strains with crop king seeds; but after talking to several folks here, I learned that they are not a breeder company but more of a seed pusher, some even say their genetics aren’t all there…now I have 25 seeds of discouragement …yet like an old timer told me, any seed is better than no seed…I use homegrowncannabis. Com now but I’m definitely going to try chosenseeds. Com soon! As im learning more about strains and terps im definitely wanting to spend the money for some frosty buds
Im in the US so ordering online is a sucky experience …this last time I spent about 250 on five different strains with crop king seeds; but after talking to several folks here, I learned that they are not a breeder company but more of a seed pusher, some even say their genetics aren’t all there…now I have 25 seeds of discouragement …yet like an old timer told me, any seed is better than no seed…I use homegrowncannabis. Com now but I’m definitely going to try chosenseeds. Com soon! As im learning more about strains and terps im definitely wanting to spend the money for some frosty buds
It wouldn't hurt to get a grow under your belt with those seeds, try out some different techniques, media, nutes, etc, just to make sure you've got the basics down, then go for the premium genetics. You'll feel a lot better about your grow doing that than spending $150 on a pack of seeds only to kill them all.
Where do y’all get your seeds from I’m new to growing , just looking to get my setup right before dropping money on the expensive seeds

I've used Humboldt Seed Co's OG Kush and it ran great - but fem - one and done!
Drop your money on reg seeds - then make babies.
Last grow I made seeds with my Herijuana plants - now I have a decent stock!

Keep the best looking boy & get him alone with the best looking girl in their own little area (or sacrifice this grow in the name of seed-stock).
- hand apply pollen to EVERY site on the female.
My seeds were ready a couple weeks after I harvested the unpollinated plants (separate tent).

BUT - you think trim jail sucks?
Try shucking & sorting....
Im currently growing some amazing Anesia strains that I picked up from in my journal. But I just picked up 10 count packs of Slurricane x Bruce Banner (10) Blackberry Moonrocks x Bruce Banner and (10) Future 1 x Bruce Banner for $30 each off of a breeder on Strainly. So 30 seeds for basically the cost of Five seeds shipped from across the pond. Could I have been taken, sure but for a little more than $100 I might have scored big. And they are Regs so if this works out I have some breeding stock of some of my favorite strains. Ive made a couple of cheap purchases now off of Strainly with no probs and lots of freebies. The home breeder has to have a place to sell his seeds too.
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