Seeds sprout but no growth?

Thousand ways to skin a cat ...... and pop a seed.

Soaking will work ok ... I just soak for a few hours then sow into soil ( container or solo ).
I use tap with a drop or two of Thrive alive red or a kelp solution . Then I plant in cup.

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I restrict watering to misting ( base and seedling ) .... as not to drown them.

( I throw under a 5000k cfl to get the STARTED ) , wait for some true leaves to form then transplant into final. It works fine for regulars and autos. POOF ..... NEW PLANTS.

Plugs / Rooter : I soak in a ph solution ( 5.5 - 6.0 ) using Clonex liquid solution ( love that shit ) , adding 5 or 6 drops into a small cup . Let it sit for about an hour and shake out slightly , plant seed.
After I plant my seeds , I save liquid to a small spray bottle to MIST the new babies!

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Soil is light aerated mix ( slightly misted to dampen ) then let nature do her thing. I ADD NOTHING TO SOIL. I will either use the spray from the above method or mix up a new batch at same ratio. Thrive Alive is another great mix. A lighter mix is recommended as you reduce the chance of burning her little ass up.

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Alternative: I used to pop a plug or block INTO a solo with perlite only . I cut wrapper off of rock cube tho. And place with perlite about level with it. I hydrate it , squirting from water bottle ( mix ) .
Perlite gives this a more aerated start. TRY THIS. I think you will like it. Then tip cup out when ready to transplant. Either in soil container center , grow bag or even a DIY hempy ( perlite / vermiculite 3:1 mix ) .... I will post some pics on what I mean . I used a kids pail with a side drain filled with that perlite / vermiculite combo , but scooped out center so I can drop perlite solo “ plug “ right in .
Then it will still seek the bottom Rez portion of bucket , without missing a beat.

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However on older seed stock ( year or so ) I scuff with a rolled piece of sandpaper before hydrating it. I even heard old timers used to crack them slightly with their teeth , but I ain’t doing that shit.


Who knows ....

I even popped them in a breeder bag ...... lol

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And there it is...Short soaks. That works better then 24+ soaks for Beet seeds too!

Still, H2o2 does help......That's for those who say you don't need it.

Bottled water is a No-No for long soaks. Hell, any soak. Oh yeah sure it works for popping in soil,,,,your drawing 02 into the soil when you water. The dissolved o2 in the water, becomes less important. Far less!

One of the rockwool seedlings stretched a bit and I was planning on putting it into a soil/perlite mix. Would it be OK to bury the stem given the water retention differences between rw and soil/perlite mix?

Or should I just support it?

You guys sure make growing hard on yourselves....

So your going to need to keep the whole cube under the soil or the cube will dry out too quickly. I assume were talking about those inch and a half small cubes.

As for burying the stem, its allright to bury a bit but no plants really like it so go for it but keep it to the least so that it is a bit more supported.

I pot from small to big, three repots and my stems are a couple inches shorter naturally.

This is as best i can explain it and requires some hit and miss on your part :-)
Never buried a significant part of the stem on MJ but all my veggies love it. It'll grow roots from the stem. I actually like letting my tomatoes stretch a bit before I repot so I can bury a good extra 1" or so of the stem.