seeds in my flowers!


Well-Known Member
The only thing that will cause you buds to have seeds is pollen from a male cannabis plant or a female plant going hermi. If there is a male plant within 5 miles of your females and they are flowering the male pollen can still make it to the females.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Hermaphroditism.A trait were the plant will try to perpetuate on it's own.Undesirable do to decreased yields.Grower error can be over stressing the plant or a light leak in 12/12 dark period.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Yes,I did that once.For me since then,is lights out is lights out.A shutdown of leaks,and continue to let them sleep like before.
They say you can use a green colored light so the plants cannot see,but finding the right green glass left me sketchy of the idea.

I would not breed with that pheno (not strain) unless you allready took clones and run them thru a light leak free flower/harvest.If the clones produces a truely exceptional bud with your technique/set up,and hermie free?I would keep her clone only.Keep in mind some gardens have a treasured dank that will throw sterile male flowers,and or spit out a seed or 2.If desperate reveg at 24 hrs till you see revegging,and bring down to 18/6 and let her recoupe.This is potentialy a months long process with no guarantees.


Well-Known Member
hermie.. you'll see banana's during budding... those are pollen sacks.. ususally brought on by either genetics (you got a hermie seed) or you have fucked with the plant during 12/12 like lihgt leaks... or unbalanced light cycles... etc....


Well-Known Member
The only way I have heard of a plant creating it's own seeds is if it is left alive passed the harvesting window of time....but even then the plant hermies and pollinates WITHIN the bud, you just can't see it because the buds are already swollen. you have a hermie bro.