Seeds dead? First grow

It's been a few more days and still no sprout. I decided to check again since I got off to a bad start. Walter is dead :(

Strawberry Nuggets and Sour Crack are making progress under the soil, going to cover them lightly again and lightly water with a spray bottle directly around them instead of around the entire pot. Maybe there is hope

Edit: Decided to try another Walter White seed, but this time I'll germinate in the soil directly. I can't keep the temps over 65 without the light on though. RH between 60-80%
Spraying the soil is not enough, get a syringe or a Turkey baster and dribble some water right on top of the seed and an inch radius around it, make sure the soil all around the seed is good and damp.
Sour Crack is starting to poke through the soil! The shell looks like it's about to fall off soon.

Not sure what's going on with the other two, but I'm not going to disturb them lol

Turned on my light and set the dimmer really low (3,000 lux at 30"). I figured SC would need some light, but don't want to mess with the other two. Not sure if this is okay lol
Sour Crack

Strawberry Nuggets
Planting directly in soil from now on. Much easier lol. Here's the new Walter White that I germinated directly on 5/22 at 11:30am EST


Here are the other two, slowly making it despite all the early abuse.

Sour Crack

Strawberry Nuggets
I have 3 seeds from Mephisto Genetics, germinated using toilet paper in DVD case, wrapped in shirt and tucked into tent for 50+ hours until tap roots were showing. Planted about an inch deep into Roots Organic soil with Kind Soil (hot soil - water only) underneath. (3gal fabric pots)

I kept my light on at 30 inches with the tops getting around 14,000 lux for when they sprouted. Helped keep my temps around 75 and humidity around 55-60%.

The soil always feels dry, even like 10 minutes after misting all around top 3-4 times. I'm worried they dried out and died

It's been 48 hours and no sprout, and I gently moved the soil aside. The seed that had the longest tap root is now more of a white color and the tap root looked skinny or shriveled. The second seed remains unchanged, can't tell if tap root is any longer. The third seed had a tiny tap root when planted, just poking out, now the seed seems smaller and it's almost as if the tap root started growing back inside lol

I just turned off the lights, covered the seeds with less soil (closer to the top) and made sure they were moist. Temps sitting around 66-70F with 70-80% RH with the lights off

Any chance these girls might make it still, or should I chalk this one up as a learning experience?

Thanks everyone
Next time, ditch the mister and water it like normal. I never lose seedlings. Water th solo cup enough to stay moist all the way to sprout. I put seed straight into Promix. No paper towel. When seedling needs watered, water it so that it doesn’t need water for several days. In small solo cups for me, that’s maybe 6-7 tablespoons the first watering