Seedlings won't grow.


Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I've been having problems with some of my plants.
I have 4 plants that I planted about a month ago (1x Northern Light auto / 1x Amnesia Haze auto / 1x Royal Dwarf / 1x Unknown) so the auto's are doing really great they are already showing their genitals, but one of the others is not growing at all, its still the size of my hand and I assume its still in the seedling stage, the baby leaves have fallen off, however it doesn't seem to be dying, it still drinks water and its still green, a little bit yellowish on some of the leaves though. But it seems to also be showing its genitals, so I'm wondering what I can do to improve this one? The 4th one I gave up on it stayed small forever and it just started dying, it didn't drink any water and the leaves turned yellow and crusty. I threw it away since I apparently don't have enough space for 4 plants anyway in my grow room. I haven't given up on the Royal Dwarf just yet, so if anyone has any solutions for this please let me know, I've been trying to search on the internet but nothing so far.

My setup is a white closet, 4x 20 watt CFL, and a fan blowing on them from a distance.
I water them at the bottom of each pot and they just drink whatever they need. (also the biggest one seems to keep drinking every bit of water I give it, is this normal?)

I'll post some pictures to better explain what's going on.



Also, is it better that my leaves collide with my other plants or with the wall?
And one more thing, is it okay to spray them with water? I've sprayed mine with water a few times but they seem to be really droopy and when the water is gone there's like white spots where the water was?


Well-Known Member
imo/ = so much is misguided here ...allow me to correct you

you soil is shit, replace with a quality mix like fox farm ocean forest and mix in 25% perlite

the perlite will add much needed air

never water and expect the plants to help themselves the fungi will feed first

water always by weightlift each pot, estimate,

then pour about 10-15% of pot volume to the plant,

allow it to trickle out and discard waste water about an hour later, prevent bugs and molds

the biggest error here is the light, understand this is an art, and cfls can do it


to maximize light return, and ensure in veg you have a 50/50 mix of cool white and warm reds

for correct inter nodal distance, the gap between branches.

to my blog:

members cfl arrays:

good luck

ps ensure you use 15liter or 3 usgallon pots
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The problem is, I live in a very 'abandoned' town and its really hard for me to get all the right stuff. I would have to order most of the things that people recommend which is gonna cost me a lot of money.
So for the potting soil, I'll try to order it online for my next grow (this is my first grow btw) do you have any recommendations on which site I should order it from? I live in Belgium.
Also for watering, a friend of mine told me to water every 2 days, but how much should I water them? Like I said i just water them at the thing at the bottom, how many times should I fill it up on water day?
For the light matter, I can change that no problem, I can lower the plank that's under the pots. Not sure what you mean with 50/50 mix of cool white and warm reds? and inter nodal distance?
So what do I do about the small one? The other 2 seem to be growing fine except for when I spray them there are white spots, should I not spray them anymore? And is it a problem that the leaves collide with other plants or the wall of my closet? What about nutrients, should I be giving them nutrients ? Are they mandatory? And when should I give them the nutrients?
Hope you can answer my questions, it would help alot!
Thanks in advance.


Also, I'm not sure if you meant you want me to lower the plants or raise them to the light, but if you meant raising the little one, I have done it but it doesn't help.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
these plants are starving for nutrients . major issue . second issue you need to spend some money to buy some actual equipment . for 100 bucks you can get a t5 light .


Well-Known Member
The problem is, I live in a very 'abandoned' town and its really hard for me to get all the right stuff. I would have to order most of the things that people recommend which is gonna cost me a lot of money.
So for the potting soil, I'll try to order it online for my next grow (this is my first grow btw) do you have any recommendations on which site I should order it from? I live in Belgium.
Also for watering, a friend of mine told me to water every 2 days, but how much should I water them? Like I said i just water them at the thing at the bottom, how many times should I fill it up on water day?
For the light matter, I can change that no problem, I can lower the plank that's under the pots. Not sure what you mean with 50/50 mix of cool white and warm reds? and inter nodal distance?
So what do I do about the small one? The other 2 seem to be growing fine except for when I spray them there are white spots, should I not spray them anymore? And is it a problem that the leaves collide with other plants or the wall of my closet? What about nutrients, should I be giving them nutrients ? Are they mandatory? And when should I give them the nutrients?
Hope you can answer my questions, it would help alot!
Thanks in advance.
To my blog on the 12 week grow

warm and cool white are the color of the cfl bulbs

its ok for the plant to lean on other plants even the wall, ensure you keep a small fan in their

keep all the plant tips right near the bulbs 12 good


Well-Known Member
You live in belgium like right next door to the netherlands and you have problems getting grow stuff?
If you threw a stone you couldnt not hit a hydroponics shop in any of those countries.


Right next door like its a 5 minutes walk? What are you talking about.
+ You think we can smuggle this stuff over the border? Lol


Well-Known Member
Euro weed tourists are a real issue in Holland and surrounding areas

not like USA at all, more like a British football cup final

1000's of young fucks boozed and stoned ...not fun

with these arrogant critters

mailorder is good tho?


Well-Known Member
Hello & welcome Azinix,
If you need nutrients but cannot get them, Nettles are a good source of Nitrogen use boiling water to mash them it helps stop the formic acid (stingy bit), so is Comfery you just mash them up into water but they need diluting, or Urine ?? just pee in 5ltr of water and use, it can get smelly after a while.
you should be able to find a Belgium hippy gardener site on the internet to get the mix right.
quick+cheaper than garden centers :weed:
hope you get sorted soon