Seedlings with Drooping Leaves - Overwatering?

Hi all!

This is my first ever grow, and I think I'm guilty of overwatering my young seedlings a bit. They sprouted last Saturday / Sunday, so they're only about a week old. I started them in these little jiffy peat pot things I found at a local store, and they seem to pull a LOT of moisture out of the soil, so I'd been watering a little bit from the bottom pretty much every day.

They looked strong at first started getting a little bit droopy on Wednesday, and yesterday the droop got to a whole new level and it has continued into today (pictures attached). I last watered them a bit yesterday AM, before realizing that was likely the issue. Now I'm allowing them to thoroughly dry out - I was thinking I would water them next on Monday or Tuesday.

What do some of the experienced growers in the community think? Have I correctly diagnosed the issue, or is there something else going on here?

Thanks for any help you can provide!!!



Well-Known Member
Never water from the bottom always from the top use a spray bottle for about 2 weeks everyday spray the soil she well come back almost instantly in like 15 mins keep soil moist not dranched your doing good


Well-Known Member
Not sure why he is saying never water from the bottom.... If you are able to water from the bottom then you should be watering from the bottom.