Seedlings look gross


Active Member
Hey I have some seedlings I just popped and some are looking fine, others look like they’re about to die already.

Popped in RO pH’d root cubes (1 drop of superthrive/gal). Once they popped, I put the cubes in jiffy cups with worm castings. Same genetics (strainly breeder.)

temp is a bit high and humidity a bit low. 80F 35% rh

340w DIY Samsung 301b (PCL PhotoBoost) sitting about 5 1/2 feet above the tray.

had the humidome on with a heat mat underneath, but since the temp was so high I pulled the plug on the heat mat. Maybe I need to put the humidome back on due to my low RH in the tent?

thoughts? Other than a bad way to start life...



Active Member
Ah good point. Last time (this is my second grow) I let them dry out. Possibly overcompensating.

I’ll give them a few days.

I put them in worm castings because I thought fox farms happy frog or ocean forest soil may be too hot for seedlings. Should I peel the jiffy cups off, shake off the castings, and throw them in some FF Light Warrior so the roots can breath?


Well-Known Member
I'd try it with the worst one and see what improvements it makes if any. The one looks good, I'd leave that one be and just let it dry more.
See if you can let the better one keep growing in the jiffy pot so you don't have to attempt more repots than need be.
The longer they root in those cups the less stress you'll provoke when it's actually time to repot.

35% rh is really low too.
Repot the bad one and throw a dome over it to raise the rh.
If you see improvements
Follow the same steps
But remember.. the less repots the better.


Active Member
Got it. Transplanting to Fox Farm Light Warrior. I read somewhere that straight worm castings can support seedlings well without the worry of burn. Guess I read over the part about the density suffocating the roots! Thanks for all the quick replies.


Well-Known Member
Ah good point. Last time (this is my second grow) I let them dry out. Possibly overcompensating.

I’ll give them a few days.

I put them in worm castings because I thought fox farms happy frog or ocean forest soil may be too hot for seedlings. Should I peel the jiffy cups off, shake off the castings, and throw them in some FF Light Warrior so the roots can breath?
You can't put them in straight worm castings and expect them to live...Yes, you should "peel the jiffy cups off, shake off the castings, and throw them in some FF Light Warrior so the roots can breath"...and don;t water them so much...They'll probably survive.

Worm castings are like gold, but they should be mixed in or made a tea of. Good luck!!