Seedlings In Bad Shape.


Active Member
So I pulled one out of its pot. The roots are at the bottom and starting to mingle amongst themselves. Dirt was very moist (almost wet) on the bottom 2 inches. Top 2 was dry or almost dry. Purple leaf stems are returning. I am ALMOST sure that it is overwater. I will transplant tonight to their final pots (i'll make even more holes for drainage) And I'll add some more time inbetween waterings.



Active Member
A layer of hydroton pellets about 1-2" deep at the bottom of a pot does WONDERS. My plants have roots growing through them and out of the drain holes already.


Active Member
So I'm starting to realize I probably should have mixed in some more perlite 30-50%! This would add better drainage and oxygen retention for the roots! GAH. I shouldn't have jumped the gun so many times and skipped procedures "I" thought weren't necessary. I think I will hold off on the transplant into larger pots untill I grab a bag of perlite and can do it right. Otherwise that much more soil = that much more water retention and therefore I think will make my life hell with these plants!.


Well-Known Member
Yep, more perlite is better drainage, i add perlite and vermiculite at the moment, seems to be a good mix in soil. At least you have learnt somthing. I always associate purple stems with lack of ferts but not if overwatered.

Suppose you just got yourself between a rock and a hard point, allow the soil to dry more before watering to avoid damp roots. See how they go but they are not looking too good. Peace


Well-Known Member
Dude don't let the fuckin ups get to u. Minus the over watering they've came a long way... also its time for full strength ferts now.and sitting them outside wen it rains will give them a growth spurt. Soil plants love the rain if u can fo it without them. BEing seen just check for critters


Well-Known Member
And upgrading pot size will give the girls a growth sall the problems fuck wit u. The first grow is just for experience. The second is where u turn profit or wat ever ur trying to do. U just want to finish


Well-Known Member
Ferts and overwatering = very bad disaster!

Solve the overwatering and damp soil then consider ferts, adding ferts to an overwatered plant will compound the problem, full strength ferts is not needed here yet.

Although you might consider the last time the soil had ferts and how much ferts could have been washed out of the soil due to watering. I would allow the soil to dry and with the next watering add half strength nute to just one plant and see the results. Peace


Active Member
Good news. I came home after work here and they look MUCH better. Still pretty droopy, but from my last experience with overwater gonna take a few days before they look completely better. Still growing! that hasnt stopped so thank goodness. Seems they are starting to grow even faster nowadays. I'm strictly growing for my own medical needs (maybe share with friends) but other than that I'm not looking to profit. Just an investment for the long term goal of not having to buy it! I'd much rather grow my own prescription than pay for it. Gonna def get some perlite before i swap pots. Just monitoring condition for the next few days.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't. Implying he increase the fertilizer dosage while his plants were under stress due to a lack of oxygen to the root zone.... ( over watering )... I was suggesting he increase the proportions after he tended to the "over watering" problem and re planted his cannabis into the larger pots as he stated above but I assumed that issue was so minuscule, and that the solution was so simple and self explanitory that I wouldn't have to be so thorough in my response.since I am reviewing this forum on my outdated phone...... Mr rabbit y do u critique my statements so.


Well-Known Member
A forum only serves as a think tank. A culmination of various levels of experience, ideas, and biases all aimed at addressing a common circumstance. My opinions aren't absolute but neither r they inferior


Active Member
I appreciate everyones input on everything I post here. Thats why I am doing a little journal here and expect input from everyone :) Thanks to all.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't. Implying he increase the fertilizer dosage while his plants were under stress due to a lack of oxygen to the root zone.... ( over watering )... I was suggesting he increase the proportions after he tended to the "over watering" problem and re planted his cannabis into the larger pots as he stated above but I assumed that issue was so minuscule, and that the solution was so simple and self explanitory that I wouldn't have to be so thorough in my response.since I am reviewing this forum on my outdated phone...... Mr rabbit y do u critique my statements so.
Wasnt critisising, after your post i too thought they could do with some weak ferts but as you say you got to solve the overwatering and allow some root growth first. I wouldnt repot just yet, allow the good growth, get it stable, hit it with some weak ferts and then repot when she is looking healthier. I can't see the root ball being rootbound just yet, repotting could provide a better medium for the plant but then it is gona be tricky to water them in a bigger pot. I would repot up to a slightly bigger pot first then again just to promote root growth.

Lets see how the plant responds to being watered properly first then maybe some ferts. As the soil dries and the roots are no longer waterlogged you will notice good new growth as the roots start to absorb some oxygen and nutrients. Peace


Active Member
Well now im starting to think this is a ph problem. out of nowhere i'm starting to get some deficiencies. maybe its from overwatering but i' leave you guys to judge.



Active Member
Much better than when you started. Don't ever give up because every little bit is a valuable learning experience. Props


Well-Known Member
this is totally a learning process. I just wish I didnt have to learn it all the hard way! hehe
At what stage is the soil at, is it ready for a watering? Is that why the plant is drooping due to it needing water? If so now maybe the time for some ferts, is purple colouring starting to build up on the leaf stems? Do you think it needs ferts, if it hasn't had any now is the time.Peace


Active Member
Its been 5 days since last water. Pots are light and im going with my instinct to water them.It should be just about time anyways. Got water from a natural spring instead of from tap. PH 6.0 all natural, nothing added. did a runoff test. 7.2! I think herein lies my problem. Havnt added ferts, seems that i may have some slight burn on a few of them. I see the deficiencies but I think this may be from the medium being at 7.2 ph. Anything I should add or do to get the soil down a bit? Or will watering it with this 6.0 ph water be sufficient to level out the ph? Yes, leaf stems on many of the plants are turning or turned purple.


Well-Known Member
Water will not change pH. Why is it coming out alkaline? This might be bad in the long run, did you add too much lime to the soil?

Ok so the plants look droopy, add your ferts and water, look for the leaves to stop being droopy within a few hours, this would be a good sign and what you are hoping for. Post pics after the watering dude. Definatly could be needing a fert and water, fingers crossed for you and hope the overwatering has been sorted. Peace


Active Member
I havnt added any lime to the soil. They are watered now, each 4floz (118ml). Hopefully they look better in a few hours. Will post pics then.