Seedling wont form a good root


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone - Ive just started two new seedlings, and one is just lovely! but the other is kind of small and gimpy, and its not really rooted into the soil at all. is there a way for me to promote the roots to grow more?

any suggestions or advice is welcome!

thanks in advance!! :leaf:

xo kimmy



Well-Known Member
ahhh nice
but dammit i watered it extra thinking the exact opposite of your suggestion. now i wait for it to dry i suppose :)

what do you think of the other one? is that healthy for 4 days in teh box?
xo kimmy


Well-Known Member
so you think that gimpy looks okay? why is it so much smaller than the other? both seeds were from the same plant - a hermie afghani bud. i planted them in clear cups so i could watch roots, but put the opaque cups around to keep light off roots.

not sure what else to do -

xo kimmy


Well-Known Member
hey! took some more photos, the gimp is still gimpy. i took an eyedropper and put water just at the bottom of the cup to try and get the roots to root but we'll see....

the other looks ok, what do you think?
any suggestions?


xo kimmy



Well-Known Member
oh right, i do have one other plant that sort of grew rogue..... the leaves are stretched like a mile apart and all that, but the top is nice... when should i chop her up and EAT HER haahhah


xo kimmy



Well-Known Member
oh right, i do have one other plant that sort of grew rogue..... the leaves are stretched like a mile apart and all that, but the top is nice... when should i chop her up and EAT HER haahhah


xo kimmy

HAHAHa Evil!!! haha
nice thread, hope ur "gimpy" plant turns out


Active Member
gimpy died. R.I.P.
very sad....i did some seeds a while back and they're all 10 inches tall or so....all but one that still looks like your gimpy....still alive but 1/4 inch tall. ? I'm thinking maybe he wasn't planted deep enough and didn't root well but who knows.

your seedlings look good but very compact. i would keep them a little farther from the lights (while they are seedlings) so the stems will stretch a little more from the soil. My seedlings are usually an inch or 2 tall before the first true leaves appear....less light should mean more root development for the little guys.


Well-Known Member
you know whats fucked up...i was looking at one of your pics and i said to myself "damn, its about to die" and i'm reading everybody say "don't worry"....haha...sorry...not laughing at you..

and the guy above said you should let them grow an inch more before letting it grow stocky.... an easy way, instead of moving your lights is just putting it on a windowsill... in one day it'll get that inch or more... do this when they are sprouting, or just let them sprout on a windowsill instead of under lights


Well-Known Member
is it really bad that they are growing with such a short stem? i was worried because my last plant has such a long stretched out stem.

what about the pics of the plant with the flower, when should i pluck her?

thanks all!!!!
xo kimmy


Active Member
ok, i put the lil baby about 8 " from the light, i'll move it closer when it stretches?
as far as when to harvest....there are some guides on the faqs you should read.

But...... here is harvesting time short and simple....quoting from...

"The optimal time to harvest marijuana plants is when THC production has reached its maximum. A rough guide as to when to harvest is to wait until 50%-80% of the white pistils (hairs) have turned dark (usually brown or red). But a better method of determining when to harvest is to wait until certain trichomes on the plant have matured."

"The best time to harvest a marijuana plant is when a majority of the trichomes have turned to a milky translucent color. See these images of what trichomes look like and what color they should be at harvest time. Not all the trichomes will mature at the exact same time, so harvest when most of the plants are ready." --- to use this method you would need at least 30x magnification to look at the trichs

Be sure you read proper drying and curing techniques on the FAQs as well.


Let your seedling get a couple inches tall (at least) before you start to give it full light (and no nutes for a week or two). I don't push plants into full veg (high light and full nutes) until 3 or 4 sets of true leaves form (when rapid growth starts on the plant...and it's probably 5 inches tall or so....). good luck!


Well-Known Member
If you know your plant is not rooting in the soil, that means you must be pulling it out to see, thats like giving the dam thing an abortion. Same prob I had, just leave them alone is the best thing to do imo