Seedling wont form a good root


Well-Known Member
ok! poor gimpy is gone forever. But, the other seedling is doing well! I tried to stretch it, got about another 3/4" of stem out of it, do you think this is enough? My plan is to "bonzai" this plant (if in fact its a female). Also, is this little guy ready for a bigger container? How big is big enough?

I've got two more afghani seeds, do you think i should wait until I see how this one goes for a while before germinating the last two?
Also, if you clone a plant, is it automatically the same sex as the original?

What do you all think?

Thanks as always!

fyi - i have been reading most of the suggested threads/links, so keep them coming. i will still ask the questions tho, because i want to hear "real life" answers ;)
xoxokimmy :weed:



Active Member
so you think that gimpy looks okay? why is it so much smaller than the other? both seeds were from the same plant - a hermie afghani bud. i planted them in clear cups so i could watch roots, but put the opaque cups around to keep light off roots.

not sure what else to do -

xo kimmy
chances are you'll have 2 hermies on ya hands


Well-Known Member
what makes you think hermies?
the seeds came from a hermie..... do hermies produce hermies, all the time?

the batch i got the seeds from was some sweet sweet sticky bud, with just one little bud packed with seeds.... so do hermies in general create quality seeds in addition to good bud?

xo kimmy


Well-Known Member
if u take a clone from a female..ur clone will be female.. but stress can turn your clone hermie, and yes taking a clone from a hermie plant will produce another hermie


Well-Known Member
Thanks man - ive got them 3 CD cases high right now, let me know what you think, ive attached photo.

Also, when shall i transplant, and what size pot should i use? I dont plan to let this plant get very tall......

Thanks again!!!
xoxo kimmy

ps i still want to eat the bud off my other plant :weed:



Well-Known Member
nice.. lookin great.. my general rule of thumb for first transplant from cup, is to wait till the plant is as tall as the cups you have, roughly 6 inches... then transplant them into about 10-12" pots


Well-Known Member
ive cut some of the bigger leaves off of that lone rogue plant i have. should i wait until i chop her down before doing more? (dont have photo of my hack job, but most of the leaves larger than 2" diam. are cut off) the white hairs are about 20% brown, and the tips turning curly and pretty and fuzzy......
xo kimmy


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Here is my newest, hopefully girl :)

The bottom leaves are turning yellow??? I've read the forums and what not, but don't know enough about ANYTHING gardening related, so I was hoping I could get some input??

Ive attached a photo, let me know!!!!




Active Member
hey man i dotn know how to help you out just saying i ahve the same problem with getting good root development. i think i might just buy some of that stuff that is formulated to help out the roots


Well-Known Member
are you feeding it anything yet? if not, it may be time to start. if so, it is probably a N deficiency (this seems to be the most common reason leaves turn yellow) you could piss on it :P

now, to address the chopping off of all your plants leaves. DONT DO THAT! plants have leaves for a reason and you arent doing it any favors by chopping them off. There are only 2 reasons you should remove a leaf 1. it is dead 2. it is directly blocking a bud from receiving light and there is no way to remedy said blockage without removing the leaf.



Well-Known Member
thanks for your reply :)

should i just pick the bud from the other plant ive stripped of leaves and eat her? mmmmmmmm budddddzzzzz yummmmy!
xo kimmi


Well-Known Member
when are you planning to transplant... your plant might about to happened to me before and a good indication is a golden brown stalk...but since i can't see your stalk i can't tell you.... but it works its way up from the roots, to the stalk, to the bottom leaves.. till eventually it takes over the whole plant and kill it.... your plant looks kinda big for its container, so thats why i think its a good time to transplant


Well-Known Member
hey all! I transplanted my little afghani, can you tell me if this looks right? any precautions i need to take to get the plant settled in comfortably?

The stalk is nice green, only the bottom leaves are yellowing - when i did the transplant the roots were abundant at the bottom of the former container, nice and white.

what do you all think?

xo kimmi:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I see you are very set on eating that bud. you will be much more satisfied with your snack if you let that thing go until most of its hairs are brown. has the yellowing of those leaves spread any further/to other leaves?


Well-Known Member
nope the yellow hasnt spread - i just transplanted it today.....

i did eat that little bud and she was delicious !!!



Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about the yellow if it doesnt continue to advance up the plant. congrats on reaping the fruits of your labor as well :P