banks dank
Active Member
Go to your local hydro shop and pick up a bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and some perlite.what soil should i use? asked 3x
mix 1/3 perlite 2/3 ocean forest.
Also buy the ph up and down kit. i use general hydroponic but they are all the same.
If i was a betting man i would say the reason u have plants that are so small (3 weeks should be way bigger) is cause
you have not been ph'ing the water you give them.
Soil is a big deal dude but i think the problem is your ph...
As far as watering i would water once every 3 days with a medium soak from a spray bottle. Dont
panic when u see them dry...dry=root stretch witch is good. So let them dry out a little its okay.
good luck man