seedling with brown tips and wilting


New Member
I water it thoroughly every other day until i get runoff. Usually when I get back home from work it's completely dry again. What does that brown on the leaves mean?


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil do you have it in? looks "hot" and it looks like nute burn bad...if the soil has nutes in it you're burning it up by watering so much...back off the water to every other day or even every 3rd day


Well-Known Member
In my opinion it is the soil. Transplant to a good potting soil mix with no nutes, if it is not too late already. Sorry about your plant.


Well-Known Member
probably overwatered, no need to water that much when the plant is that small, even if there is a just a little moisture in the soil its probably fine. Just because the top bit of the soil is dry dosent mean that the bottom of the soil is dry. id say once or twice a week is all you would need


Active Member
why are they so short btw aside frm me keeping the light so closely?

Damn what r u doing to them? make sure they don't get too hot, it looks more like nute burn. You say no nutes in soil, hows ur water PH? hows the drainage of the pot and soil, any perlite mixed? doesn't look liek it. make sure ur top soil for about an inch deep is dry before u water, but u said they dry every other day which is kinda quick, WHATS THE TEMP LIKE???


New Member
its comfortably warm. can't be more than 70 degree even right aginst the lights. soil gets thoruoughly dry even halfway through the pot almost hourly. no perlite is mixed. this soil mix im using (hoffmans seed starter) is 50% peat moss. maybe thats whats fucking me up. haven't checked ph of water but i'm just using tap water, i'll check tomorrow. one of the plants(was growing slowest) is completely shriveled and dead now. other two are green and alive, but showing sighns of going that same way. i transferred two of the plants a week and did disturb the root systems so tthat could have had this effect on them. it's gonna suck if these fuckin things die

if anyone could recommend straight up what brands of soil/ anything i should be using at this stage that would be very helpful. id go buy some Foxfarm soil but i read it has alot of nutrients in it so idk.


Well-Known Member
After reading this thread...I'm calling the police..."Plant abuse"

Change your selection of soil and stop over watering. Use the lift method to determine when to water.:peace:


New Member
I just spray the surface/plant with a mist bottle. It dries quick as fuck though. Even when i pour water into it, with considerable runoff coming from the bottom, it's bone dry when i get back from work.

edit: I have 3 cfl bulbs hanging really close to the plants, maybe half an inch for the entire grow. thats what proboably fucke dme yp