Tinfoil to block heat and light from reaching the hydroton is a good thing..but yeah, I think we got this guy covered. We sent each other a shit ton.
He has several failed seedlings in the past but I think he fell victim to a common beginner mistake. If there were only two cardinal rules for popping seeds I would have to say they are:
1. Keep your shit Sterile!!! If there was some type
of camera to illuminate all the germs on your fingers at any given moment, people would freak the fuck out!! Wash your hands, wear gloves, alcohol rinse everything that comes in contact and when I ph balance my RW cubes I boil the water and funk the cubes in it.
2. Don't fuck with the seeds or seedlings...ever! Dont "turn it the right way" don't "check if it has sprouted" don't pick off the cotyledons...just leave it alone. If bone dry.. Water with boiled or h2o2 treated water.
It may seem anal but after transferring seeds that were soaking to RW without washing my hands..I lost about $200 in seeds. They all took a dump on me I instituted hesinburg like sanitary standards. Not a problem since then.