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Ok so right now im doing indoor growing and im germinating a few seeds in water i put them in there yesterday around 6 or 7pm its 3:42am right now and i had few wondered questions so what if my seeds dont pop open? When will they pop open? And another question can i just fertilize my plant with urine and water ?? Until they grow maturer?? Then after they mature what should i start using? And BTW these are bag seeds from variety of different strains
Take them out the water after they sink put in wat paper Towels till see then crack open and have tails or straight in dirt ...NO URINE lol seriously don't do it urine is not a nutrient it has nitrogen and I'm sure other things but it also has so much bad shit that's coming out of ur body just use a basic nutrient diluted to 25% start feeding week or 2 after sprout good luck
Take them out the water after they sink put in wat paper Towels till see then crack open and have tails or straight in dirt ...NO URINE lol seriously don't do it urine is not a nutrient it has nitrogen and I'm sure other things but it also has so much bad shit that's coming out of ur body just use a basic nutrient diluted to 25% start feeding week or 2 after sprout good luck
Thank you I truly appreciate it!!!


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Take them out the water after they sink put in wat paper Towels till see then crack open and have tails or straight in dirt ...NO URINE lol seriously don't do it urine is not a nutrient it has nitrogen and I'm sure other things but it also has so much bad shit that's coming out of ur body just use a basic nutrient diluted to 25% start feeding week or 2 after sprout good luck
So how long do i keep them underneath the paper towel? And is it alright to keep the bowl on top? I seen it on a YouTube video....


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allow them to dry then rewet them.
Seed can take as much as 10 days to germinate.
And this is my Little grow room in my closet im gonna raise the lighting up once they get a little bigger. But also if you guys have any ideas or comments please let me know again this is my first time so i need all the help i can get need a good first harvest


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CFL is too far away, they will stretch...
I'd use at least 2 bulbs for 4 seeds and place it as close as you can get it to both seedlings.
As long as it doesn't touch, it is cold enough.
And this is my Little grow room in my closet im gonna raise the lighting up once they get a little bigger. But also if you guys have any ideas or comments please let me know again this is my first time so i need all the help i can get need a good first harvest
All of that foil on the walls can be taken down, as it serves no purpose, compared to the white walls. You'll be opening and closing your closet for ventilation? Or do you have some other means of ventilation, as that shit would get tedious.
All of that foil on the walls can be taken down, as it serves no purpose, compared to the white walls. You'll be opening and closing your closet for ventilation? Or do you have some other means of ventilation, as that shit would get tedious.
Yes i will be opening and closing for ventilation & how many watt do u guys prefer ? And i thouggt the foil could save the heat etc
CFL is too far away, they will stretch...
I'd use at least 2 bulbs for 4 seeds and place it as close as you can get it to both seedlings.
As long as it doesn't touch, it is cold enough.
And is it ok to use miracle grow potting mix ? On a little tight budget but can make few changes if necessary.. and im using the blue all purpose fertilizer (miracle grow) is this any good ??? Like i said i can make a few changes if necessary
Don't use miracle grow potting soil. Too hot n will burn your younglings. Get a seed starter mix. Miracle grow organic or jobes organic seed starter mix is cheap n will work fine. When they r larger n rdy for transplant, buy a decent soil. Happy frog is a good inexpensive soil. Don't feed nutes till u have a few sets of leaves. While not preferred, mg nutes will work but there r better options that won't drain your wallet.
Don't use miracle grow potting soil. Too hot n will burn your younglings. Get a seed starter mix. Miracle grow organic or jobes organic seed starter mix is cheap n will work fine. When they r larger n rdy for transplant, buy a decent soil. Happy frog is a good inexpensive soil. Don't feed nutes till u have a few sets of leaves. While not preferred, mg nutes will work but there r better options that won't drain your wallet.
So the soil its self ? Or the yellow bbs in the soil? If so, could bypass if I were to take them out?
So the soil its self ? Or the yellow bbs in the soil? If so, could bypass if I were to take them out?
It would be a lot easier to buy the seed starter miracle grow mix, rather than sifting all of the time release balls out. The solid would probably still be too hot even after doing so.