
I second Attitude as they will ship discreetly to TX if you happened to be in CA I could suggest a few more. But I think Attitude has a wider variety of genetics than any US based seed bank anyways.
Attitude is good. if you are like me and can only use US debit/credi card the vault seed bank takes US cards. they are good with pretty quick shipping. took a little over a week from UK to me. and im very close to TX =]
Sensible seeds is also a good one. They will give you a lot of free seeds with every order if you ask politely. The free seeds are usually from their own breeding program. I have never grew any of their seeds but they gave me 10 feminized Girl Scout cookies. Which got stolen from my car! But I also have 5 California haze and 5 og kush from them as well. Some of their prices are actually cheaper than attitude and I send them cash by mail every time with no problem. I buy from both attitude and sensible. Attitude when they have their Black Friday special or their Christmas promo. And sensible for other times.
Buy from any bank that stocks the strain you want to grow, just ask around about the specific bank you choose. Or buy direct from the breeder
Tryin' to shop @ SEEDSHERENOW when 98.87% of dey shit SOLD OUT like:

hey! SOLDOUTNOW, add a "search by in-stock" button, k? lol
Great Lakes genetics, James bean, seedsherenow, Oregon elite, to name a few decent ones in the states. Overseas attitude and choice seed bank are solid.
Diff topic but what about like weed schools... Whats the deal with online ones are they legit and credible??

For what learning to grow or like training to tell good bad quality? For growing just research or take a local horticulture class at whatever local collage you have access to. For quality this place is supposed to be legit can even get a little home training beginner kit or take the online course.