Seed Not Sprouting


Well-Known Member
You def need warmth on it. I did some seeds even my my vent and took them like 4 days. Now I have a small heater in my grow room and I soaked the paper towels good and did the plate method with them right in front of that heater and those sprouted in 1 day and 3 days later are breaking the soil already!!!! Hope this helps ya


Well-Known Member
I used to put them on top of my water heater back when I used the paper towel method. And some just dont sprout.


Active Member
like they said, have some patience...and don't underestimate the need for heat. It really goes a lot faster at around 25 C. Try putting it behind the fridge...its usually warm there....


Well-Known Member
Where this dude at rolling one smoking one you need plastic bag
and paper towel works best for me keep'em warn so the baggie
streams up you want it wet but not too wet too wet is not good
and not wet enough won't work either you have to have it just
Picture 174.jpg


Mate, if you don't see any results in 5th day, try to split seed very carefully with thin knife. It helped me! Or at least scrub it a bit


Active Member
yeah wait out a week 2 days is way too short a time! If nothing happens before that clean the surfaces of the seeds or split them slightly with a clean razor blade.