Well-Known Member
Sources? I’m interested
I've known for years from advice I read in old Cannabis Culture and High Times mags etc that like chicken you should never refreeze it once it's thawed or it goes bad. The world wide seed bank somewhere in Sweden or Norway keeps seed in a huge vault dug into a mountain where the temp and humidity is kept constant to preserve seeds for many decades. Can't remember the exact numbers but the temp is just above freezing with the RH pretty low. All the seeds are in sealed containers but they want the environment at optimum. I read a while ago that global warming caused some melt water to get in there and they were freaking out.
Granted that in the wild pot seeds are likely to go thru freeze/thaw cycles before spring is finally there but I'd wager that many of them get ruined during that period but when a pollinated plant is dropping hundreds of seeds the odds are that some will survive. Nature works that way.
Now you got me curious. Think I'll take 20 seeds, put 10 in and out of the freezer a half dozen times then germinate all 20 and see what happens to sprout rates.