Seed Breeding w/ Slow Flowering Sativa (Ducksfoot)

And that proves what? Other than the English brought hemp. And that relates to Ducksfoot how? What is the origin of Ducksfoot? I certainly left plenty of room to admit I may be wrong, I've not stated unequivocally anything. If you think Wally Duck magically created Ducksfoot, your free to believe it. I don't. And after all this, your all arguing over nothing, not one person here can prove or disprove Ducksfoots origins. My theory is as good as any other, especially as the Ducksfoot strain I grow predates Wally Duck's. So explain how that is possible. This one has been grown here since the mid 1990's. Who created this one?

At least ask yourselves what the true origin might be, don't just make assumptions. Show me better information and I'll gladly concede I am wrong. I'd love to know the truth. A post about hemp in Wikipedia tells us nothing. What does it say about native plant life? How much of Austrailia's plant life has been cataloged?

Jesus christ even just wikipedia can tell you you're wrong, and you say you've done research?

"The first record of common hemp seeds brought to Australia was with the First Fleet at the request of Sir Joseph Banks, who marked the cargo "for commerce" in the hope that hemp would be produced commercially in the new colony. For 150 years early governments in Australia actively supported the growing of hemp with gifts of land and other grants,[6] and the consumption of cannabis in Australia in the 19th century was believed to be widespread"

All cannabis is introduced in Australia
And that proves what? Other than the English brought hemp. And that relates to Ducksfoot how? What is the origin of Ducksfoot? I certainly left plenty of room to admit I may be wrong, I've not stated unequivocally anything. If you think Wally Duck magically created Ducksfoot, your free to believe it. I don't. And after all this, your all arguing over nothing, not one person here can prove or disprove Ducksfoots origins. My theory is as good as any other, especially as the Ducksfoot strain I grow predates Wally Duck's. So explain how that is possible. This one has been grown here since the mid 1990's. Who created this one?

At least ask yourselves what the true origin might be, don't just make assumptions. Show me better information and I'll gladly concede I am wrong. I'd love to know the truth. A post about hemp in Wikipedia tells us nothing. What does it say about native plant life? How much of Austrailia's plant life has been cataloged?
I’m not debating wether Wally “created” Ducksfoot,he certainly did find a plant with that genetic trait and breed a true breeding line from it. The origin is the thing I take issue with you claiming it came from an Australian Landrace when there is no such thing and your ignorant attitude when this has been pointed out to you. The only person that seems to be trolling on this thread is you. When you make a wild unsubstantiated claim about something the onus is usually on you to prove your theory and the fact is you can’t because there is NO cannabis that is native to Australia. Hawaiian web also pre dates Ducksfoot do you think that was a mystical landrace someone found in Hawaii too ? Maybe you need to do a few more months of research before you apply for a PhD with your theory of Australia having native cannabis variety.
Now it is you making assumptions. But don't all theories spring from assumptions? Your offering argument but not much in the way of substance. And according to the locals I got this from, the seeds for this, came from Australia, not Hawaii. If this was bred from or an aberration of, some "normal" strain of cannabis, it sure has some odd physical traits.

And no one word of any of this matters. I'll continue to grow this duck and enjoy it. That is all that really matters, certainly more so than arguing over trivia
Well... it took three pages, but it looks like we devolved into a typical big-man dick swinging contest. Good job gents, you took something chill and fun and turned it into internet drama. Only online will people find a way to argue about weed! :bigjoint:

At any rate, here is a status update: I successfully completed the cross of Ducksfoot and Snowryder. Will take some pics and upload them here when the new plants are up and growing in a few weeks so y'all can see what the hybrid looks like. This first generation shouldn't be webbed or autoflowering, but the next generation produced off of this one should have a few. Thanks for the interest and discussion on my thread here :weed:
I read yesterday that some plants raised in shade produce less seed with lower germination rates, but that the seeds are more suited to living in shade than is normally the case.
It would be neat to breed a strain that yields well under less light, say a 600W if this applies to cannabis.
I read yesterday that some plants raised in shade produce less seed with lower germination rates, but that the seeds are more suited to living in shade than is normally the case.
It would be neat to breed a strain that yields well under less light, say a 600W if this applies to cannabis.
My original GV {grape vine} strains were grown in the shade. I have only run one each of GV1 and GV2, also grown in the shade. Maybe I will do a few more next season.