See What Some People are Getting Done (Farming 101)

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
if your gunna cry about spelling and gramma... maybe get a life or get laid...

if you can understand the message, its correct...[/QUOTE

Yeah! I'm "gunna" bitch about ignorant spelling and "gramma"!
I'm sick to death of jerks with NO communication skills defending their ignorance with "get a life" or "get laid", and "anyone cud figger it out".
I don't WANT to figure it out.

"if you can understand the message, its correct..." WRONG!.....The questions shouldn't sound like a Klingon speaking in tongues!
Just my bloody tuppence.........BB

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
if you guys are so tired of the same questions being asked again and again.

stop answering them.


you have tought it about million times and there gotta be at least some students here from your teaching, that are still fresh for these kinda questions.

let them do it, ignore these questions, only answer stuff you are actually interested in.

let the more advanced newbs handle the total newbs.

you are no longer in basic growing, you are in advanced growing, thats where you should be teaching.

if you can teach at a college level or even highschool, arent your talents kinda wasted in the kindergarten? (well unless you really like the younguns.)
Hey! Now this is a breath of "fresh air", and dead-bang on point. I've gotten involved with several nubes, answering basic questions, and happy to do so. But there comes a times when you say to yourself, "this is starting to make my head hurt, same thing over and over........and when you're an "old fart" like me, your patience wears thin, LOL. But, the teaching and learning MUST go on, however bumpy the road.........BB


Well-Known Member
Hey! Now this is a breath of "fresh air", and dead-bang on point. I've gotten involved with several nubes, answering basic questions, and happy to do so. But there comes a times when you say to yourself, "this is starting to make my head hurt, same thing over and over........and when you're an "old fart" like me, your patience wears thin, LOL. But, the teaching and learning MUST go on, however bumpy the road.........BB
i agree..the next person that asks "why is my plant turning yellow 3 weeks into flower?" im gonna smack um with a dick

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Is that really him, or what? I'm confused. Seems like the right age group, and the quasi retarded look of his friends makes sense.
Oh yeah CG, that's HIM! LOL, did you expect ANYTHING else? I especially loved when someone "outed" him with his Mom and Dad's names, address, and phone #. It got real quiet for a while!.........BB


Well-Known Member
My mom always used the chipped beef you get in a jar - she cooked it in a milk gravy & put it over toast.
Fuuuuckkk, that is some good stuff !
Got that right!!!

I tried to duplicate it. All went well except for me forgetting you had to soak that shit in water to get at least SOME of the salt out of it.:dunce::spew:

Wish my mom was still alive so I could get a step by step.



Well-Known Member
WHy do people revive this thread. It starts me off wrong when Im being told to shut up in capital letters. I dont even know whos telling me to shut up but you can shut up right back at you

Brick Top

New Member
Not bad, I'm rocking four inches myself. Most girls don't like it that thick though...
They just tell you that because they want you to believe they are good girls and sweet girls and close to being innocent and almost virginal .. but they like it when they feel like a high speed log splitter is giving them the thrashing of a lifetime.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
WHy do people revive this thread. It starts me off wrong when Im being told to shut up in capital letters. I dont even know whos telling me to shut up but you can shut up right back at you
The OP left us with: " Stay tuned more to come when it dry's a bit."
almost 4 weeks ago, seems like mighty slow drying buds!.............BB

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
The OP left us with: " Stay tuned more to come when it dry's a bit."
almost 4 weeks ago, seems like mighty slow drying buds!.............BB
That's right BB, and he's a real jewel. So, we figured this would be a good shit dump thread while we wait to shut up and see what other people are doing. I'm glad you guys slid over here.

I have to say, I feel like I've really been missing out on this Taffy thing. I'm a sucker for watching people deepthroat their own foot. Name and phone#, eh? Shit, let's give him a call.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey CG, interesting idea, it wouldn't be "thread-jacking" since it looks like he abandoned and the law of the high seas regarding abandoned ships should apply here. We could make this our "fort", where we could conspire to throw rotten fruit at the various village idiots we encounter in the "comedy" threads. Yeah... I like it!

Brick Top

New Member
Hey CG, interesting idea, it wouldn't be "thread-jacking" since it looks like he abandoned and the law of the high seas regarding abandoned ships should apply here.
Maybe we could turn this into our own form of pirate radio like the ships in the North Sea did off England in the 60's?


Well-Known Member
The famous 'Leaning Tower of Pisa' grow, the Yogi and Boo-boo bear picnic basket grow with it on top of a stack of books that were on top of a stool that was on top of a table to keep 8 tiny seedlings close enough to tafbang's only source of grow lighting, a few weak CFLs in a chandelier in his bedroom.

It was classic! The Marx Brothers and the Three Stooges were never funnier than tafbang's pink and white picnic basket grow and with his 'I know everything and everyone else is totally ignorant' attitude.

If this site had a Hall of Fame of Growing Shame forum he would HAVE to be the very first inductee.
Ive tried looking for this piece of gold with no luck, any pointers in the right direction?