Security, common sense, and stuff you might not know


Well-Known Member
sVice officers will do anything it takes to get a bust, changing their style of dress, weight, hair etc... Going after people talking openly on the internet, is a lot easier than getting piercings, and cheaper than paying informants 50 dollars a pop.
Or create an online account on a cannabis forum? Right officer?


Active Member
Yeah it was a thread I started... and there has never been anyone in recorded history to have the vague jobs I held... so I am sure they will nail me based on my burger king experience...
yeah a burger king job is not likely to give much info about you, but there were idiots in that thread telling about their job with the state of Connecticut doing a specific task during the past several years.

take my advice or leave it, but i recommend using caution, especially if you live in the uSa where even though there are states where it is legal, it is still illegal on a federal level.

info is power. don't give the pigs power.


I'm sorry but if OUR government tells me POT is worse for me then COKE.. I have to use coke.. and were a pepsi family :(
i think thomas jefferson said it best... ''if a law is unjust man does not only have a right to disobey, he is OBLIGATED to do so.''


Well-Known Member
yeah a burger king job is not likely to give much info about you, but there were idiots in that thread telling about their job with the state of Connecticut doing a specific task during the past several years..
I was that "idiot" who state the age I was.. not the year I was born.. do more reading and less bs.

CT Population, 2011 estimate3580,709

someones got a shit ton of research to do...

or the cops are more likely to hit the streets.....


Well-Known Member
i think thomas jefferson said it best... ''if a law is unjust man does not only have a right to disobey, he is OBLIGATED to do so.''

and then the country was born.... :) saying FU to another monarchy only to setup a new one here... I am sure he is pissed now.


Active Member
Fuck it, I say move to Canada if your that paranoid. Here, our police have budgets. They don't pay cops 60 grand a year to troll the internet looking for random weed offenders. I can order seeds direct to my house. My mailman and I made friends over seeds, lol. We don't get checked with 'heat sensors' and 'hydro monitoring'. In fact there is only really one major way growers get busted here, and that is informants.

Understandably it's different for our Southern neighbors and that's a terrible thing. Think of it like this: It's probably not a good idea to post your address anywhere online, but if the police want to bust you for growing, unless you hand the bust to them on a silver platter it takes money and time to investigate and that's something is short supply with state police. They only go after the small guys to get the bigger fish. If your growing legally as is a condition of joining this forum or just for yourself, that's small time. Nobody goes fishing to catch the small fish. Imo bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if some law enforcement agencies tried to get personal info on people thru sites like these, but I'd doubt it.
Well that ironcross kid was pm'ing people asking if they sold cannabis and where they were located. So there's always that sketchy shit.


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of fishing for information going on on this site, and i see security breeches occurring. There was a thread here the other day asking people to reveal what jobs they had held down through the years, and people were responding to it with their entire work history. This work history can lead cops directly to you, jobs you have had get reported to state and federal agencies and are as unique as fingerprints!

i also saw a thread with some guy accusing a seed company of ripping him off, then the seed company rep came in the thread and asked him to pm him his info, to which the complaint-ant responded that he had pm'ed him the info. Don't you know that these sites run off of a database, and that those pm's are stored in that database? Any one with access to that database has access to all the pm's everyone sends, this includes the site owner, the geek who keeps the site running for the owner, the geeks who work for the hosting company this site uses, etc. So now all of those people have the guy who complains address!

People who use this site or similar sites should use a proxy to access it at all times, NEVER access it from your own ip address.

Any personal info you post on this site is wide open for law enforcement to use as they please.

If you are at all worried about getting busted, don't be stupid on here. Unless you use a proxy and do not give out ANY information which can be used to identify you, you are at risk for law enforcement and to a lesser extent rippers to find out where you live and bust you or rip you off.

I hope this post helps out some of you, be safe and happy holidays!
Did you smoke one of those "pure landrace sativas"? I got like that once.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
assuming a cop came on here, figured out who i was, my name, address, etc, just how exactly does he use this to "bust" me?

"yes, judge. i'd like a warrant because this guy talks shit on the internet."

the truth is, if this cop decides to stalk me and i slip up, i got busted for slipping up, not posting on the net. this notion that i'm somehow making a target of myself is absurd. if LEO really had the time and money to come after an individual that hard we'd ALL be in a cell. in fact, if anyone can find me a SINGLE article or verifiable record of someone who has been busted simply by posting on this or a similar forum, i'll mail 20 bucks an address of your choosing. not anecdotes, an actual RECORD. proof. show it to me and the 20 bucks is yours.

they've had nearly 4 years to come get me. that must be one HELL of a case they're building. :roll:

meechz 024

Active Member
assuming a cop came on here, figured out who i was, my name, address, etc, just how exactly does he use this to "bust" me?

"yes, judge. i'd like a warrant because this guy talks shit on the internet."

the truth is, if this cop decides to stalk me and i slip up, i got busted for slipping up, not posting on the net. this notion that i'm somehow making a target of myself is absurd. if LEO really had the time and money to come after an individual that hard we'd ALL be in a cell. in fact, if anyone can find me a SINGLE article or verifiable record of someone who has been busted simply by posting on this or a similar forum, i'll mail 20 bucks an address of your choosing. not anecdotes, an actual RECORD. proof. show it to me and the 20 bucks is yours.

they've had nearly 4 years to come get me. that must be one HELL of a case they're building. :roll:
You must not be confident enough in your assertion if $20 is all you're willing to offer up here. Why not $500?
mothafuckas got child support and shiet to pay


New Member
Who cares if people post their info? I've been using marijuana forums for almost 7 years now, never felt unsafe, never seen someone say they were busted and blamed the site, they always blame this or that or themselves. Cops have bigger stuff, especially on the internet to track down. They know all the stuff on forums like these is here say so they don't even bother investigating anything, people can get pictures and lie about what pic is there's so they don't bother digging, it's a waste of time.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
You must not be confident enough in your assertion if $20 is all you're willing to offer up here. Why not $500?
mothafuckas got child support and shiet to pay

it's more the principle. yes, i am that confident, but on the off chance that someone was able to produce such a thing, i'd like to still be able to pay my bills. it's a real offer though.