I see a lot of fishing for information going on on this site, and i see security breeches occurring. There was a thread here the other day asking people to reveal what jobs they had held down through the years, and people were responding to it with their entire work history. This work history can lead cops directly to you, jobs you have had get reported to state and federal agencies and are as unique as fingerprints!
i also saw a thread with some guy accusing a seed company of ripping him off, then the seed company rep came in the thread and asked him to pm him his info, to which the complaint-ant responded that he had pm'ed him the info. Don't you know that these sites run off of a database, and that those pm's are stored in that database? Any one with access to that database has access to all the pm's everyone sends, this includes the site owner, the geek who keeps the site running for the owner, the geeks who work for the hosting company this site uses, etc. So now all of those people have the guy who complains address!
People who use this site or similar sites should use a proxy to access it at all times, NEVER access it from your own ip address.
Any personal info you post on this site is wide open for law enforcement to use as they please.
If you are at all worried about getting busted, don't be stupid on here. Unless you use a proxy and do not give out ANY information which can be used to identify you, you are at risk for law enforcement and to a lesser extent rippers to find out where you live and bust you or rip you off.
I hope this post helps out some of you, be safe and happy holidays!
i also saw a thread with some guy accusing a seed company of ripping him off, then the seed company rep came in the thread and asked him to pm him his info, to which the complaint-ant responded that he had pm'ed him the info. Don't you know that these sites run off of a database, and that those pm's are stored in that database? Any one with access to that database has access to all the pm's everyone sends, this includes the site owner, the geek who keeps the site running for the owner, the geeks who work for the hosting company this site uses, etc. So now all of those people have the guy who complains address!
People who use this site or similar sites should use a proxy to access it at all times, NEVER access it from your own ip address.
Any personal info you post on this site is wide open for law enforcement to use as they please.
If you are at all worried about getting busted, don't be stupid on here. Unless you use a proxy and do not give out ANY information which can be used to identify you, you are at risk for law enforcement and to a lesser extent rippers to find out where you live and bust you or rip you off.
I hope this post helps out some of you, be safe and happy holidays!