Second mmj grow


Well-Known Member
ok i water with phed water around 6and 7 every time i water with just water and nutes, and for some reason my runoff ph is like at 5 why is this, and i got some seeds today from a freind he said the tigerstiped seeds were whitewhiteberry and the rest are just from dank weed from last year, and theirs only a few tigerstiped ones so its easy to pick them out and save them,i am going to germ ten other seeds though of unknown strain, but its from dank, and i will germ five just the regual paper towel methed and germ the other 5 with the sample of messenger seed treatment, to see if any thing better happens, also i am just gonna grow them on a 12/12 lighting schedule with my other plant under the 600 just because i dont have a veg room, so well see how it turns out, also my dad sent me some stuff that i thought were pretty cool he lives in north east washington, heres a some pics of a great horned owl claw he found it dead in some barbwire so he cut the feet off and took the feathers to he sent me a claw off of it, its pretty cool and hella sharp, also some coins he sent me they are 1880 silver dollor,also my plants have been getting a lil more yellow so i decided to use the sample of green stay spray i read about it and its supposed to work good and quik so i guessill see, heres some pics of the plant after 5 days of 12/12 :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
today i found a pretty much already made veg box behind the dollor store its wood and card board its 2ft by 2ft and about 3 feet deep, i added mylar on the bottom and on the sides, their was no top but the pic with the top on is what will be used but i will make it better later tonight, its already light proof, i have some pics of what it looked like when i got it and after i did some stuff. also all my seeds germinated except 1 but i think it would have if it were to stay in the paper towel. i didnt let the tap root grow out that much just a lil bit i planted the 10 best ones, i threw all the extra ones in a small house plant pot to see what happens i dont really care abou those ones though, theirs a pic of the house plant that i put the extra seeds in to see if they pop up, i planted the seeds in jiffy pellets and lett the jiffy pellets sit in phed water with 1 drop of thrive alive from supernatural, they will be vegged for 24 hours until ready to flower, they will get 12 hours of 200 watts of cfl and then 12 hours of 600 watt hps, only cuz i cant run both lights at once though cuz it will blow a circuit but im sure it wont harm them at all,switching every twelve hours,

oh and i also had to go buy a new socket for my 200watt cfl, and the socket alone was like 28 dollors, and i rember buyn the cord and socket for 8.99 when i got my cfl, so i was confused on why that was, so instead of buyin the socket i bought the cord and socket again save quite abit for more product:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Damn... Great fuckin find bro! I've been looking for something EXACTLY like this! I NEED a veg room! lol, and that "box" is absolutely PERFECT for what I need! lol, so I'ma be lookin for something JUST like that! Cuz all I have right now is a flower room aswell.

I agree with you, I don't think it'll be a big deal switching between light specs every 12 hours. I don't see why it would hurt. Then again, I've never done it...
I've got some seeds I would like to start, but have to build that veg room first..... I'll be lookin for a box like that, can't wait to see it with some plants in there!

Lookin good bro! Lookin good!

Oh, and how are things lookin with the big girl in flower? Did you get the discoloring ect... figured out?


Well-Known Member
Damn... Great fuckin find bro! I've been looking for something EXACTLY like this! I NEED a veg room! lol, and that "box" is absolutely PERFECT for what I need! lol, so I'ma be lookin for something JUST like that! Cuz all I have right now is a flower room aswell.

I agree with you, I don't think it'll be a big deal switching between light specs every 12 hours. I don't see why it would hurt. Then again, I've never done it...
I've got some seeds I would like to start, but have to build that veg room first..... I'll be lookin for a box like that, can't wait to see it with some plants in there!

Lookin good bro! Lookin good!

Oh, and how are things lookin with the big girl in flower? Did you get the discoloring ect... figured out?
thanks man i got i got lucky on the find i went to dollor tree to get ducttape and tacks, to build a veg box out of like 5 differnt boxes and then while i was their i rember they threw the used boxes behind the stores so went around back and this thing was just sittin their callin my name all pre made an every thing, u should checkout behing grocerystores and stuuf they have alot of boxes their should be spoeut in their by tommorow to, and im only switchin the lights every twelve hours cuz it will save some cash and energy, and the one in flower is growin quik still but still abit yellow, i think with the next feed it should fix it im hopin, i will post some pics of the seedlings and my flowering plant in a couple of days:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
im waitin for a better camera i can borrow so i can get some good pics and not these stupid camerphone pics, good luck on finding the veg box


Well-Known Member
all right i redid the veg box as it was way to hot, so i nailed the top on and made a small door on the side that i can leave open abit so i can have a fan blowein cool fresh air in, just havin probs with hangingthe light in their, heres some pics of the yellow leaves i tries=d to get as good pics as i could woth my phone the camera still didnt come through today, also some shots of the whole plant and stuff some under the hps and not i also tried to capture some of the small buds that are already forming, oh and also my stems seem to be really purple but growth hasnt slowed at all:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Nice shit man! I can see that 12/12 stretch has started, crazy! Let's see some finished pix of the veg box! haha

I just found an old cabinate laying in the back of a grocery store yesterday. Took that bitch, and built me a VEG cab last night! All I have to do now is install the lights and fan and put a door on and she'll be up and running! Woot WOOT!


Well-Known Member
thats cool that u found a cabnit, and ya they dont seem to be strechin to bad but im only 9 days in so well see, and the box is finished just need to hang my 200 watt cfl in their, witch is bein a hassle for me, what kind of lights u gonna put in their and how much watts, im going to be puttin some seedlings in the veg box tonight they finaly popped through the dirt


Well-Known Member
alright so about 8 of my seeds have already sprouted today, and im sure the rest are on their way, heres a pic of them they are unknown strain, from some dank from last year and theirs possiblay some whiteberry in their, also a pic of the veg box in action i have a small fan blowing air in through the cracked door, and then the small hole lets out the hot air and it works pretty good it was hittin almost 100 now with the hole and fan its stays way cooler,i just dont like that much light excapin though, specaily sinc its in the sam room as the flowering room is in,im almost positve the bloom room is light proof but still worried, but it should be fine, ah and the bigger plant is a small branch i took from the one in flowering it was at the very bottom so i decided to try to clone it, i have a small dome for it to i have tried to clone many times but never sucsesful i hope this one will root:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey man those sprouts look sweet! And good luck with that clone. I've tried to clone 4 idfferent time, 1 died, 1 looks like it's about to die and maybe, just MAYBE the other 2 will root (HOPEFULLY).. lol, I guess that's what I get for trying to clone a 3 week flowering plant..... haha, I hope yours roots though! Did you use any rooting hormone?

what kind of lights u gonna put in their and how much watts
My light set up will be as follows:
~x6, 6500K, 27W CFL's
~x2, 2700K, 26W CFL's
~Total of 214W.
~The 2700K bulbs=1600lum
~The 6500K bulbs=1750lum
~Total of 13700lum

The box that I built is as follows:
~2.28 square feet
~5.41 cubic feet
So basically that gives me 6008.77lum per square foot. (Givin that all my math is correct, which it should be)
It's said, or I've read that an OK set up put's out around 3000lum per square foot, and that 5000lum per square foot is ideal. So I'm just assuming that 6008.77lum per square foot is going to give me optimal growing conditions.

I've spent a total of $16 and some change on the veg box so far. The only thing I do not have yet is the actual CFL bulbs, and fans for ventalition, which will be easy. Just waiting till I get my paycheck to actually buy the fans and bulbs. After that it will be completely finished.

What are the specs on your veg box if you don't mind sharing?


Well-Known Member
Hey man those sprouts look sweet! And good luck with that clone. I've tried to clone 4 idfferent time, 1 died, 1 looks like it's about to die and maybe, just MAYBE the other 2 will root (HOPEFULLY).. lol, I guess that's what I get for trying to clone a 3 week flowering plant..... haha, I hope yours roots though! Did you use any rooting hormone?

My light set up will be as follows:
~x6, 6500K, 27W CFL's
~x2, 2700K, 26W CFL's
~Total of 214W.
~The 2700K bulbs=1600lum
~The 6500K bulbs=1750lum
~Total of 13700lum

The box that I built is as follows:
~2.28 square feet
~5.41 cubic feet
So basically that gives me 6008.77lum per square foot. (Givin that all my math is correct, which it should be)
It's said, or I've read that an OK set up put's out around 3000lum per square foot, and that 5000lum per square foot is ideal. So I'm just assuming that 6008.77lum per square foot is going to give me optimal growing conditions.

I've spent a total of $16 and some change on the veg box so far. The only thing I do not have yet is the actual CFL bulbs, and fans for ventalition, which will be easy. Just waiting till I get my paycheck to actually buy the fans and bulbs. After that it will be completely finished.

What are the specs on your veg box if you don't mind sharing?

ya i hope my clone roots to, i used shultz roottone powder, i already had it and have no cash to buy the expensive shit, how long have your cuttings been going, and that should be plenty of light im usin 200 watt cfl so u dot 14 more watts then me plus ur box is smaller, so it should be good, and my grow box is 2 feet in length 2 feet in width and is 4 feet deep, i also added some getto ducting to have fresh air comin in and cool it off in theor instead of haven the door open with the fan blowin air in, i have one end of the cucting in the small box and the other end is going into the veg box, also the small fan is in the small box, heres some pics, not the greates cuz my stupid phone camera. still waitin on the good cam. and a few more popped up last night, but i styarted a new journal for the seeds and the hopefully clone, so far every grow ive had that was from seed i have a plant that shoots out the three small water leafs, i have had one every grow but they are always male i hope this one is female cuz i like the way they grow, i will post pics of mine when bigger in my other journal, but here is a pic to show u what i mean:bigjoint: the pic of the plant is not mine just showing what i mean by three leafed its pretty cool :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey mcpurp, this is lostfedexman. I switch account names cuz I use lostfedexman for other sites. And I got paranoid the other day and googled my name and some stuff about marijuana came up. I just don't want anybody to google my name I use it for other things, and see stuff about the lovely plant. So I'm re-subscribed, and will be on this account from now on.

My cuttings have been going for about 2 weeks now. Actually 2 weeks to the day. One looks OK, one looks not so great, and another looks worse than that!.. So we'll see I guess...

Your VEG box looks much better with the ducting, no matter how getto it is, lol, and it doesn't even look 'that' getto. That's what's great about us cannabis lovers, we can and WILL find a way to make something work! Just have a smoke, and start pondering!

Will be fallowing your little seedlings aswell! Great operation you got goin there! Oh, and I'm making an album with some pix of my veg box if you wanna see it.


Well-Known Member
oh ok i was wonderin what was goin on with the name change and stuuf, good call though switchin up the names, and i have only put one dollor into that grow box it was for some tacks, and it took me awhile to think of the ducting even though it shouldnt have im just to much of a stoner if their is a such thing, thannks for following my grow, i will be sure to check out your albums to i want to see the new veg box u got


Well-Known Member
just some pics of some yellowing and some small buds forming,
The plant sure is looking great. I'm not saying you are worried... but don't worry about the yellowing... those leaves are just dying from shade... you seem to have about a million more on that lucious thing.

I'd just pick them off and have perfectly green leaves everywhere.

It's looking good.


Well-Known Member
thanks jigfresh it always brings me up when i get a good compliment, its just that my last grow th plants turned yellow real quick and my yeaild was affected by it, but i think i had a different prob with them , i guess i will see in time it is still grwoing fairly quick though, thanks jig


Well-Known Member
ok the yellow is still continuing and some are coming off, i dont really know what to do, hope it gets better i guess, heres some pics


Well-Known Member
Lookin sick dog! lovin it! Have you thought about trying to feed her veg nutes once instead of bloom nutes? It may help with the yellowing. I actually mix and go half bloom, half veg nutes if I start seeing yellow. Just because yellow leaves don't help out any, and it's honestly better to feed veg nutes (if needed) during flower to keep leaves green for photosynthasis(sp?) than it is to keep feeding bloom nutes and get more and more yellow leaves (which don't photosynthasize)... Did that make sense??? I just smoked, so forgive me if it didn't..... I tried my best to make the point I was going for...

Much love from Hookd!

EDIT: [The yellowing might be from (N)def, hence the suggestion for the veg nutes]


Well-Known Member
ya i was thinkin the n def. to and yes ive been using both the veg and bloom nute to try to fix, thanks for the input though, i think it might just be fox farm nutes cuz i used it last grow and my planrts had the same yellowing prob, but who knows it should be fixed soon i hope