Second mmj grow


Active Member
good call on the waiting to water. seems that a lot of times overwatering leads to symptoms easy to misdiagnose as some sort of defficiency.


Well-Known Member
I would be leaning towards the Indica side by the looks of the leaves.

thanks dst i thought so to but some ar fat leaves and some ar skinnier fingered leaves also ive been researching on ak47 and power plant and all the reveiws say that they are both sativa dominent sio i dont know i gues well see by how long flowering takes, excited bout monday i start 12/12 yay:leaf:


Well-Known Member
ok i got a day early b day present, i got about an oz of powerplant, it was grown summer of 09 its very citrusysmelling almost like pinesol smell but its delicius, nice dense nugs and ive been smokin this for the past month now and the stone still isnt gettin old it just knocks me on my ass to where im almost paralized, i love it its a great medication strain, and its cool cuz im growin powerplantxak47 so it gives me an idea of what to expect, just thought id shair heres a few pics:leaf::-P:bigjoint::sleep:


Well-Known Member
damn I wish I had your light for flower! ;) lol, just wait, 2 weeks after flower those girls are going to be MASSIVE! I'll be watchin! For damn sure!


Well-Known Member
thanks lotsfedexman, i actually only have one girl left pretty much the other plant i had is just about dead bit i dont mind cuz i should have a nice yeaild if my one plant, and also i start flowering monday


Well-Known Member
ok i am turnin the lights off at6 tonight, i have some pic of the plant under the hps and my getto airintake fan, my plant seems a lil yellow, i think it might need some nutes, but im not sure, i have one fan blowin on the plant, to keep cool and also i leave the door cracked and use a small fan to put cool air in and it seems to work pretty well with out the fan it was lik 90 and now with the fresh air comin in its at around 82, i still wanrt the temp lower though, i was thinkin about crackin the bedroom window, let me know what u guys think:leaf::bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Haha, nice shit bro! 82 temp is fine BTW. She's lookin hella bushy! What'd you vegt under again?.. And did you grow from seed (if so was it femanized?) or get a clone?

And I'd say you are probably right, she may need some nutes... I still use veg nutes after I start 12/12 for about another week and a half or so, untill I really start to see alot of pistles, then I switch to the bloom nutes. Are you planning on starting with the bloom nutes right away? Or are you still gonna give veg nutes?

Just wait till you see what's in stor for you! Oh this is one of the MOST exciting times of the grow! Fa sho! Keep up the good work! I'll be watchin. I'll take some new pix of my girl tonight.


Well-Known Member
Haha, nice shit bro! 82 temp is fine BTW. She's lookin hella bushy! What'd you vegt under again?.. And did you grow from seed (if so was it femanized?) or get a clone?

And I'd say you are probably right, she may need some nutes... I still use veg nutes after I start 12/12 for about another week and a half or so, untill I really start to see alot of pistles, then I switch to the bloom nutes. Are you planning on starting with the bloom nutes right away? Or are you still gonna give veg nutes?

Just wait till you see what's in stor for you! Oh this is one of the MOST exciting times of the grow! Fa sho! Keep up the good work! I'll be watchin. I'll take some new pix of my girl tonight.

ya i figured the temps was ok it kinda changes through out the day from 75-87 but never over that i try to keep it coolerthan 80 but its a challange, also i vegged under a 200 watt cfl i got from northerlights and garden, and this grow was from clone so its 100 percent female i can already see pistils, also i will never pay for feminized seeds, cuz IMO people pay twice as much for a fem seed wqhen all a fem seed is a seed that came from a hermie mother so the genes of the plant will either be hermie or female, most peopl dont even know their planted hermied on them cuz the seeds and pollon sacz arent visable,breeders make u think they do all types of shit to get a feminized seed but really their just sellin hermie seeds but again its just my opioin alot of people seem to like them but i would never pay that much for some seeds, clones are even cheaper and their 100% female and grow much quicker, this is all my own opinion also though. and yes i will use veg nutes the next time i water, i will probably use 3/4 of fax farm grow big with a lil bit of molasses, i will work my way down in amount of nutes of grow big and slowly increase the bigbloom as time goes on till im usin just the big bloom if that made sense and i am very excited to finaly get to see this bitch flower:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Haha, hell yea dog! I hear ya about the femenized seeds. I have never purchased a seed period! And don't plan on it! For a while anyways. I didn't know that about the hermie plants and femenized seeds tho! Good to know! I have a really good friend that grows. He's got like 15 strains or something like that now, and whenever I need/want a clone he's got one waiting for me! I couldn't have asked for anything better! He is truly an outstanding guy and MAN am I blessed! haha. He's where I got BOTH my plants from! I'm getting a pineapple express clone here in 2 weeks! So stoked! Maybe a strawberry Caugh as well! :) Power to the PLANT! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
sweet it always good to have a freind that hooks it up and clones are the way to go , i loke to grow from seed cuz i like to see them grow but clones are much better, and thats cool about the pinapple express ever since i seen that movie ive wanted to try it but cant get my hands on it but all well plenty of other dank strains, and thats funny u said power to the plant cuz my plants strain is power plant x ak47


Well-Known Member
ya i figured the temps was ok it kinda changes through out the day from 75-87 but never over that i try to keep it coolerthan 80 but its a challange, also i vegged under a 200 watt cfl i got from northerlights and garden, and this grow was from clone so its 100 percent female i can already see pistils, also i will never pay for feminized seeds, cuz IMO people pay twice as much for a fem seed wqhen all a fem seed is a seed that came from a hermie mother so the genes of the plant will either be hermie or female, most peopl dont even know their planted hermied on them cuz the seeds and pollon sacz arent visable,breeders make u think they do all types of shit to get a feminized seed but really their just sellin hermie seeds but again its just my opioin alot of people seem to like them but i would never pay that much for some seeds, clones are even cheaper and their 100% female and grow much quicker, this is all my own opinion also though. and yes i will use veg nutes the next time i water, i will probably use 3/4 of fax farm grow big with a lil bit of molasses, i will work my way down in amount of nutes of grow big and slowly increase the bigbloom as time goes on till im usin just the big bloom if that made sense and i am very excited to finaly get to see this bitch flower:bigjoint:
Hey Mcpurple, just stopping by for a different view.:lol: Well a lot of what you say is true, I got my Headband seeds from a self polinating plant. All plants put under the correct (or incorrect depending on how you look at it:lol:) environments will try to pollinate, or self pollinate. Some strains seem to do this more than others.
I always get a couple of seeds from the headband girls, and have even found a cured and dried mail flower in one of the buds, but the smoke is sooo bloody good I couldn't give a monkeys about finding the odd seed, and for me it's just a bonus. You have to remember, nature meant these girsl to have seeds, it us humans that are messing around with them, lol.
With fem seeds there are additive that breeders give them, but yeh, all in all it seems a bit of a marketing trick to charge a whol elot more for them.
Clones can always come from a mother that has a tendency to self pollinate by the way. I know another grower on RIU who also grows Headbands from clones, and he gets the odd nanna as well. As long as you are happy with the product you smoke, thats the main thing.
So, day 2, how goes it with the girlies mate?


Well-Known Member
good point dst, i wasnt tryin to diss on fem seeds or any one who uses them cuz it seems like alot of peopl euse them with great results, but i prefer clones that i only pay less then half price for, but anywho, my plants are seemin to start their strech already but thats ok with me i have room to spare, and i picked up some unsulphered mallases the other day to water with my nutes today, im not sure exzactly what mallases does but alot of people use it sayin they get good results so i gues i will find out for my self


Well-Known Member
here some more pics the yellowing is slowly gettin worse theirs also little brown blotches on some that feel realy soft like, can anyone help on what this is, theirs some pics to show what im talkin about:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Hey man, so from lookin at your pix.... They aren't the greatest, but from what *I* can see, it looks like it could be Manganese (Mn) toxicity... This next part I got off another site, "grasscity" but is says...

And I quote" Younger and newer groth develope chlorotic dark orange or dark rusty brown mottling. First on young leaves before progressing to older leaves. Slow Growth, lost of vigor. Toxicity is compounded by low humidity. The additional transpiration causes more manganese to be drawn into floiage. Excess manganese causes a deficiency of Zinc (Zn) and Iron (Fe)." End quote

That would be my guess if I had to take one. Some of the problems just look SO much alike sometimes! But if it is Manganese Toxicity, the yellowing would be due to lack of Zinc and Iron... That's my $0.02 anyways. I am in no way an expert, just sharing my thoughts.

G/L, and hopefully someone that's delt with something like this will come along.

Here's a link to where I found that info if you want it.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, so from lookin at your pix.... They aren't the greatest, but from what *I* can see, it looks like it could be Manganese (Mn) toxicity... This next part I got off another site, "grasscity" but is says...

And I quote" Younger and newer groth develope chlorotic dark orange or dark rusty brown mottling. First on young leaves before progressing to older leaves. Slow Growth, lost of vigor. Toxicity is compounded by low humidity. The additional transpiration causes more manganese to be drawn into floiage. Excess manganese causes a deficiency of Zinc (Zn) and Iron (Fe)." End quote

That would be my guess if I had to take one. Some of the problems just look SO much alike sometimes! But if it is Manganese Toxicity, the yellowing would be due to lack of Zinc and Iron... That's my $0.02 anyways. I am in no way an expert, just sharing my thoughts.

G/L, and hopefully someone that's delt with something like this will come along.

Here's a link to where I found that info if you want it.
thanks for the info and i agree thet plant probs almost all look alike, and are u sayin my plant isnt that great or my pic, cuz i know my pics suck all i have is a camera phone but if ur diisin my plant u didnt have to, the growth hasnt slown at all either, but i will be keepin an eye on it, thanks for the info and the link almosy any help is good help and this is good help so thanks fore sharin the thought:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No way am I dissin your plant dog! I love your plant! It's WAY purtty! haha, just sayin the pix aren't the greatest so it's a bit hard to tell what the prob could be, that's all. The plant still looks good man, and it's bout to start looking DAMN good once them hairs pop out! ;)


Well-Known Member
oh ok, for min i though you wer baggin on my plant, but nevermind ya my pics suck all i have is a camer phone, and it has hairs form the preflowersbut just small ones they have already seemed to stretch atleast 2 inches since i switched to 12/12


Well-Known Member
Ok today i got some free sample of some stuff i gotsupernaturalbrand superleach, it is 0-0-1,growth meduim rejuvanator, i was gonna use this with my flush tommorow, also got some seed treatment called messenger this is what it says it doesincreases root mass and uniformity in germination, stimulates a plants growth and defense mechanisms, boosts overall growth,vigor, and production,aids in the managment of diseases,and improve the plants ability to grow and protect itself from stresses caused by adverse envirmental conditions, i dont know if i will ever use this though cuz i dont like growing from seed, i like clones, i also got some stuff called supernatrual brandgreennstay, it says keeps plants green when heavy flowering or under stress, but its only for foiler spray and i dont spay my plants unless its with neem to get bugs out and off, so i dont know if i will use this either but i still got it, if anyone has used anyof these let me know how they work and what not, and should i use the super leach to flush or flush with plain water, also when i flush do i water right after the flush with a low nute solution, i also got some ph upand down and the tester for only 15 dollors i thought it was a pretty good deal, and i cant get mylar cuz they only sell it in 25 sqaure feet or more and i dont need neer that much so still have no mylar but all well:bigjoint: oh and the pic of the md bottle is my home made watering device i saw one for llike 10 dollors at the store and decided to just make it with a regaulr hose and bottle it makes it easier to water with nutes so i dont burn leaves and so i dont have to water from the bottom cuz that shit sucked :bigjoint: