Second Grow, first journal.


Well-Known Member
nah in australia its 6 months of L plates (learner), 6 months of P1 (provisional license 1) and a year of P2 or something. and nah, where i live, people do not go exploring very much, i'm not too worried. and plus the cops out here wouldnt put in the effort to find someone that grew 3 marijuana plants. i'd just be pissed if some narc found it and just pulled them up. thanks for the input, keep em coming. BTW ur grow looks fuckin great.


Well-Known Member
i'm confuzzled. the bottom leaves look indica but the top ones look sativa, its dark green but its 8 nodes at a foot and a half, wtf. indica or sativa or both? what ratio? so many questions. heres a pic from the top.



Well-Known Member
well i lost my fuckin fone, so no pics for now. i'm gonna try clone the bottom branches of my female, and i have 2 more seeds. i'm shooting for a total of 4 plants and a female clone. hopefully that will leave me with 3 females. one looked kinda pale so i gave her a feed of 1/2 strength nittrogen, she seems to be showing the signs of nute burn too but i've only given her 1 dose of 1/2 strength so far, perhaps its just a little sun burn.
cheers guys


Well-Known Member
nah in australia its 6 months of L plates (learner), 6 months of P1 (provisional license 1) and a year of P2 or something. and nah, where i live, people do not go exploring very much, i'm not too worried. and plus the cops out here wouldnt put in the effort to find someone that grew 3 marijuana plants. i'd just be pissed if some narc found it and just pulled them up. thanks for the input, keep em coming. BTW ur grow looks fuckin great.
Damn it no pics!

Thanks chazz, lol .. I was close, have to go through some process, we here go into DMV, take a test, if passed then they take your picture, gives you temp license and receive actual license in like three to six weeks.

Sorry can't help you with the strains as I know nothing about, I will be studying strains next, right now I want to see how my bagseeds turn out.

Good luck with the cloning hope you have better luck than I and that you reach your goals!


Well-Known Member
cheers guys, i'ma gonna get a digi camera off of someone or sumthin of sorts. humboldt, ur welcome for the whole aussie drivin thing, its pretty easy. anyways, i think its a hybrid cos it has traits from both species.


Well-Known Member
ok, now i'm freaked. its the beginning of summer here in australia but my plant has flowers, perhaps a slightly milder degree than the one in the pic but still they look like they're more than preflowers. (image credit to wutter). idk maybe its an autoflowering strain or maybe i'm freakin for no reason.

anyway they look fuckin awesome at the moment, i'm trying to get a phone or a camera but i dont have a lot of moneys at the moment. sorry guys.
anyway i'm going away for the next 4 days:mrgreen: so have a good week everyone, see u on monday.



Active Member
sweet chazz, looking good. fellow aussie here (WA) up north. entering the wet season now bit to hot to start a grow. average the last two weeks has been 36-40+ it would start frying the little sprouts HAHA/ keep it up mate, good luck.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i'm back.
Its flowering. i have no idea how because its nearly summer. i assume that it has ruderalis genetics and it autoflowers after 8 nodes. it already has popcorn buds and little trichs all over it. the harvest should time with my holiday so i think i'll do it either slightly early or slightly late. my other plant is on its 4th node but it looks like it has pretty heave nute issues, slow release bullshit appears to be burning it.
anyway comments appreciated, dreadfully sorry about the lack of pics but i'm broke.


Well-Known Member
Thanks chazz for stopping by my pad and for the comments, I had to come check out this auto flower strain, cool for you might have some smoke for your holiday! I wouldn't harvest it all sooner if not ready take a branch for the holidys maybe and harvest the rest when you get back....

HOOAH!~ on the early flowering...


Well-Known Member
yeah i think i might have to be early coz i'm going away right when i expect to harvest it, but idk it might take longer than i thought. i'm pretty sure its in flower because i've never heard of preflowers like this, it looks like bud thats been in 12/12 for a week and a half. is nice.
anyway i'll get pics as soon as i have a camera


Well-Known Member
HOORAY FOR PICS!!!! i borrowed a friends cam and i took some photos of my buds and the problem i have. its been about 2 months since they sprouted. i need help with the leave yellowing and opinions on my buds:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
man it takes a long time for my internet to upload images:evil:
cheers guys



Well-Known Member
HOORAY FOR PICS!!!! i borrowed a friends cam and i took some photos of my buds and the problem i have. its been about 2 months since they sprouted. i need help with the leave yellowing and opinions on my buds:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
man it takes a long time for my internet to upload images:evil:
cheers guys
Yes, that's bud. Pre-flowers are never that big.

Good luck. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.


Well-Known Member
WOOT i thought so:D my friend supplied me an autoflowering strain!
thanx for the input ethno and humboldt, your opinion is always valued. i have a feeling my plants have a fert issue with that bullshit slow release crap.
anyway thanks guys


Well-Known Member
my buds are starting to smell, but not much like pot. they smell sorta like honeysuckle or pineapple with weed. it smells really good. they're developing really quickly, i still haven't corrected that nute issue but i think i might give them a very low dose feeding because my bottom leaves are turning yellow with dying edges but the veins are staying green. a few of the leaves further up have dying edges but i think that might be just heat because we've had a few very very hot days. its about hip-high and i'm 5ft 10. i'm looking at harvesting in probably 4 weeks (if i correct the nute problem). i'm gonna try and get pics tommorow but dont get too excited.
cheers guys.


Well-Known Member
looks good. do you know what autoflowering strain. i wanna look into lowryder2xak or something similar.


Well-Known Member
i have no idea but i assume its descended from lowryder
Could be any strain that contains land-race ruderalis genes. I grew some Top44 that, under certain low-light conditions (when it was far enough along), would autoflower due to its genetic heritage. Frustrated me as I missed almost a week or two of flowering time for one plant to the 24/7 light before I realized what was happening. This was the first time I tried to grow that strain out; I was using CFLs at that point.
