Second Grow, first journal.


Well-Known Member
pretty much opposite, its nearing the end of spring here. we dont get any below zero days or nights except right in the middle of winter and even then they only just dip under, like -1 or -2 if its really cold. i think they will start to flower in about march or april, giving me a may/june harvest.


Well-Known Member
Today is exatly 1 month since the seeds were originally put in their paper towels and they look great. i have been informed that the one in the pic on the right is big bud, can anyone confirm this? feedback is good. the one in the first pic hasnt been given nutes yet, i thought it looked green enough, anyone think i should give it a dose?



Well-Known Member
yo i dont mean to butt into your grow journal,, plants look nice by the way..... as far as fertilizers go... i would recommend some foxfarm products//// they work very well and make buds taste nice........:hump:


Well-Known Member
hey man lovin the other aussies on here, and nah it wasnt too hot down here today (southern state), and bertsolo, thanks for the advice but i'm not sure we can get foxfarm in aus. i'll try and get some good nutes at some point soon.
cheers for feedback guys
home_grown, r u gonna have an outdoor this year? we can tease the northerners while they stick to their indoors for a while:mrgreen:
smoke on fellas


Well-Known Member

Unfortunately, where I live. Outdoors is impossible.

But I have a good indoor grow on the go :-)

I'd suggest you take a look at Canadian Xpress' Nutrients :-)

Next time, grow in Coco-Peat instead of Soil. Works like soil, however you'll see a bigger yield and bigger growth.



Well-Known Member
hmmm cheers for the advice, i'm kinda rural so i'm not sure theres a hydro shop anywhere too close but i can speak to a mate whos bro owns a hydro shop, he might be able to get me some. pics to come in the next few days


Well-Known Member
Hooray, one month since my first post in this journal. They look good, unfortunately i have my suspicions that the more sativa lookin one (pic no 1) is a male, damn fuckin males. anyways here r some pics, i actually have 2 more plants but they are just seedlings so i cbf postin pics atm, i'll post pics when they r bigger. tips, comments, advice? post away :mrgreen:
:joint:smoke on:joint:



Well-Known Member
australia is da shit, good on ya. also, yeah it would suck if it was male but it sorta looks like a mini calyx but it doesnt have hairs yet. i'll just leave it until its nice and big to be sure, would be a waste if it was fem. thanks for comments guys, keep it comin.


Well-Known Member
100th post, now i'm a toker :mrgreen:
one of my plants showed her hairs today:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: i was so chuffed.
i think one of the others is a male tho, hard to say. they looked freakin awesome, all green and happy:mrgreen:
the one thats female is the closest one to the cam in the pic, the other i think is male but not sure, gave him/her a feed today. the plant in the other pic is about a week old and going pretty well.
comments apreciated.



Well-Known Member
toker hey. keep up the good work. are you growing outside, are you from aussie. its warm there this time of year.


Well-Known Member
yeah man outdoor, its just the end of spring, pretty warm now but it gets to high 30s and mid forties celsius at a peak in the middle of summer.


Well-Known Member
Hey chazz

Nice plants man. Cant wait to see them when they get bigger. Doesn't the heat become a problem? I used shade cloth once which worked damn well.



Well-Known Member
Thanks man, i've only been experimenting with growing for a while but i thought i'd move them in the shade when it started to get really hot. i'm going away in the middle of summer but i think i can get someone to take care of them, he knows that if he doesn't i'll rip his dick off and, besides, he wont get any ;)


Well-Known Member
thewse plants really are weeds. they grew about 2 inches in two days, my suspected male is lagging behind so i topped him, just as an experiment. my fem is powering, she is about half a metre tall now and its only just the start of summer here. My seedling is going pretty well and my new sprout is going well for its size. pics: #1 is the female, #2 is the male, #3 is my seedling and #4 is a side profile of my fem. enjoy. comments appreciated.



Well-Known Member
about a month and 3 weeks from seed today. plants look good, i had an affirmative on that male, identified definate balls. he's dead. also, one of my sprouts was eaten, no matter, it was only little.
my other seedling is taking right off, new leaves. sorry no pics of her today. my female is looking kinda nice, one little problem tho, i have a few very small brown spots on my bottom leaves:?, have a look at pic #2. i have only fed her once at half strength although i have a feeling there are slow release granules in the soil. sorry about the quality. i plan to wait till shes a little bigger then make a few clones before april when it should flower. i will also use the 2 now vacant pots for another 2 seeds. comments, tips, go right ahead.



Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good, congrats on the girl, Australia seems to be awesome, however your license to drive is strange, something about different levels/colors in order to obtain a license to drive? is this correct?

its a guerilla grow on a vacant rural block
Isn't that risky, not only from getting busted but thieves, do you ever get paranoid or anything like that,

Bellow is a very useful link on over nuting and other plant disorders,

I as well will be keeping up on your grow, this should be an interested one as for the location you are in, keep up the good work!