making KNF stuff, gathering IMO and expanding it, making LABs and some other ferments is on my list for sure.
You'll get there, once you get rolling, shit...., nothing will slow you down.
Also my wife was diagnosed with ovarian 3 years ago, fucking Johnson& Johnson baby powder man! Thank God she came out on top but we still have 3 more years until we hit 5yrs, so she's not completely in the clear but even at that, nothings a guarantee. Fuck I hate the pharmaceutical industry so much!!!!!!! But my heart goes out to you and with your kiddos too. This is a true testament to your soul, keep your head up and make every day count. It takes a strong man to accept it, but takes an even stronger one to adjust and overcome. Your that man!!! And this too will pass!
This super soil style of growing means I can put in all my work/time/effort in ahead of time (a few hours here and there while the kids are in school) and then the actual growing mostly takes care of itself, if I can buffer the environment properly. I can make up and store a years worth of soil, and recycling it keeps costs low and helps me keep a closed system to keep it clean and help keep it pest free.
Absolutely, and if you add the right conditioners, ammendments and microbes..... plus maintain your soil hydrostatic pressure, your garden will grow out of control. You'll be implementing control measures to minimize, rather than maximize. You my friend, certainly have a strong grasp on what it takes and I can tell, the determination to see it through.
The IMP program is a must,..... Never, Ever, disregard it. Mother nature will fuck you in the ass, when you least expect it. Always stay prepared. She always has a way of prevailing, you just need to learn how to use it to your advantage. I know you will. You've got that spark already, the organic itch. Lol
I grow my veggies outside with similar dry supplements in raised beds, and use my supersoil for starting those seedlings too. I’m trying to get my indoor garden on par with my veggies outside. Raised beds inside would be awesome, but I think they’d be tougher to manage if I got pests or messed up the soil mix. 2 15 gallon pots, re-amended with castings and perlite/vermiculite fill my 40 gallon totes pretty nicely. I’ve got a pretty good balance right now with my setup and I like the way it’s trending. I’ve come a long way since my first no-help grow in 2010.
On the contrary, raised beds indoors is a huge commitment, but the payoff is more than deserved. You'll find everything needs less intervention and/or attention. Pruning and training, light distance is the only thing i do. My watering system is on auto pilot via blumat soaker hose and a pump hooked up to my 350gpd RODI. I have an accumulator tank of 2 gal and pressure switches set to 100psi. but a basic 60psi out the tap is sufficient for the psi break adapter that required with a on demand pump system.
Little by little brother, that's how I did it.