I tried to cheap out and everything was drying perfectly with my “fan blowing on a wet towel in the tent“ until I feel asleep and didn’t wet the towel on day 8, after tubbing everything up. Overdried

but still smokes pretty well and I think I found the best keeper from the 3. Also, I learned my lesson and ordered a fucking humidifier for the tent and to be used in the dry area. Yields on the GB, SC and MTF taller pheno were all within 1/2 oz of each other in weight, around 170 grams each. Smaller MTF was in the corner and didn’t stretch, only made 130 grams.
MTF taller pheno - sativa up front, strong in the head, then balances out more to the body. Flavor I get is faint cherry and almost menthol like. More sativa than I wanted and expected. Absolutely beautiful plant, with nice density on the buds, even the lowers. Gonna be tough to kill this off, but at the end of the day, I grow for me, not for market. Might hold on to her anddo a small targeted f2 with her sister and 2 males if I pop the rest of the past later on.
MTF shorter pheno - strong indica dominant buzz, hits quickly, with long lasting calming after-effects, makes me feel like I took an antidepressant or tranquilizer. Good for sleeping, pretty much knocks me out and slows me down a peg or 2. Flavor is very floral, like rose and lavender. I really like this one. Probably a good strain for me to hold on to. NL#1 is in this backcross, and I’m guessing there’s still a touch of that coming though, even though this is a bx4. Lowers made a lot of larf. Running again with better training, more space, and more light should help that. the most important part is finding the best smoke first, then dialing it in later. Good run, had no problems with her.
Grape Bubba - now what I was expecting from the morphology. Creeper indica type high, takes a few minutes to kick in. Mellow and, chill, sleep pretty well after this one. Flavor is floral/hashy with a bit of mild grape. This might make better hash than flower. Produced a lot of kief when trimming. Buzz is more mellow than I want for night time. Might make better day smoke. I don’t like the way this thing grew - stretchy and didn’t give really nice buds. This pack was a freebie, and I might explore the rest later. I really want a nice bubba dom plant, and this isn’t the only bubba pack I have.
SC - 3rd time running it, and as expected. Chill indica dominant hybrid, good for pain and sleep. Relaxing and calming smoke.
I mixed it with the MTF indica dom pheno last night, and it was wonderful. Definitely gonna be doing that again. Mixed em both together and put some kief in there as a nightcap. Took one big hit at 11 pm on the couch, and then woke up at 3 am - still on the couch. Finished the bowl and went to bed

I pruned all the moms and took cuts of most to refresh them. They’re getting shrubby and woody. Neville’s G13 x Headband #2 pheno started to throw some male flowers, probably getting rootbound in her 3 gallon pot after so long. She got the chop. After the cuts root, they’ll all be transplanted. The Neville’s G13 x Headband 2 remaining phenos might get run next. After that, I might dig into some of my fems from Inkognyto. I’ve never run fems before, but the idea of not culling males makes it appealing to try 2-4 different strains and still keep my low plant count.