Sealed room already...generator over bottles due winter temps?


Active Member
As above. Im fully aware that it's not as 'clean' as using bottled gas but picking up 15kg+ Co2 bottles around doesn't mean. Also, I'm running LED 4 x 600w in 3.0m x 3m with 9 pants.

As I'm using the whole room, would it not be better to use a Co2 generator for the added heat? If so would a 4 burner be sufficient for the size? I gather when CO2 is at correct levels the power to the Generator is cut. Any problems with multiple restarts compared to a solenoid on a bottle?

Also due to the toxics from the Gen (if its suitable for room size) I was thinking of running a small 6" intake/ extract a few times a day to clear the room. Prob at the end of lights on and whenever recommended.

Due to being on 1200 litre bulk LPG tank I can ask my Gas dude to plump the LPG into the burner with shutoff so o need for bottles, ever.
What's your humidity like ? Bottled gas makes a lot moisture

Another reason for the Generator and cycling room but I have a Quest 155.

Also, during the day (lights off) as I'm not using Co2 can I not just turn off the A/C and run the extraction through a carbon filter (my failsafe anyhow) to help remove humidity? I was planning on using a carbon scrubber also anyhow but in sealed.
I have a similar sized space (10 ft x 14 ft) and use a propane CO2 generator when temps allow. Bought it a couple of years ago and like it a lot. It is a four burner model but that's overkill for such a small space. The generator came with two plugs to shut off two of the burners which I installed so I only run two of the four burners. I do not have a mini split so am limited to use it only when it is either very cold or when it is warm enough to use my window air conditioner. I live in a cold climate so the burner made sense for my situation.

The heat from your 2400 watts of lights will be significant and the generator will add more heat to the space. As far as humidity goes, the space is so small that the burner will only run for a minute or two to get up over 1500 ppm. Not enough gas is burned to generate a lot of humidity. When the burner runs in my space, temps and vpd go up and relative humidity goes down.

I suspect that the electronic starters in CO2 generators will fail with more frequent use but you can adjust your ppm band between on and off to start less frequently if you are concerned about that.