Sea of Seeds reputation

Ya payment system has been down 3-4 weeks.

How can a company have a payment system down for this length of time, several times over the last year, have the web site also down and still be up and running?
How can a company have a payment system down for this length of time, ...

What's wrong with using Bitcoin? That's not a rhetorical question. Is there something objectionable about it?

I got setup in 2-3 days. Seems it would be a more anonymous method of payment. But, I don't understand it. The only negative thing I've heard is that the value fluctuates a lot due to speculators.
we shouldnt have to use those, its like buying pills online or something bitcoins raise red flags honestly. nothing is safe entirely. im pissed with SoS. and the usa.
Hi All

Sos i doing its upmost to get this card processing back up, if only you knew what hoops they have been jumping through to get this sorted if it was easy there would be shit loads of sites pop up. Anyways we are hoping its not long now :)
Sos is far from going under orders are still coming in and yes for now maybe a little slower due to bank transfer times and post payments etc... but thats how it is right now, Bit coin is another option Sos added for people as it was requested and to be honest Sos have had a good response from it, @Hank a one man band lol what gave you that impression, Sos will be at the 26th cannabis cup in amsterdam as normal so it should be good if you are their come and see us :)
Anyway peeps im due to go abroad again very soon so if i dont answer straight away i will at some point


it shouldnt just be your ability to gain banking accts, it should be your customer service and selection/pricing. im probably not going to spend my $$ on those apothecary genetics now amongst others. thad be big $$ to risk.

web sites do pop up over night, they just dont hold rep. and most are scams. im not dissin u man just pointint out obvious frustrations. this is rediculous how hard it is to order some damn seeds all of a sudden. id goto the tude, but i gott gget a different bank. they are being singled out my banks and being flagged as high risk to prevent sales of stuff those ceo guys dont like. to put it simply and quickly.
they are being singled out my banks and being flagged as high risk to prevent sales of stuff those ceo guys dont like.

In another post you said you're concerned bitcoin raises red flags. But, Lexus Nexus tracks all credit card purchases in the US (at least). I heard years before recent revelations of NSA data mining that the government is the largest customer of Lexus Nexus. So, when a credit card processor drops a business for engaging in "stuff those CEO guys don't like," it trivial for the miners to match purchasers to businesses that have been "flagged" as "not liked."

In that regard, I don't see much difference between bitcoin or a credit card in that regard. Bitcoin should at least be outside the purview of Lexus Nexus. The most that would be recorded is that you bought some coin. Not where you spent it. (Notwithstanding the government cracking bitcoin's encrypted transactions, which would then give them as much info as they'd have from credit card purchases via Lexus Nexus.). If you're concerned about privacy, money orders or cash are the answer.
I did ok with SOS... just make sure you ask for the freebies... I've had several cases where i did not get them because I forgot to put a note in the comment section.
I did ok with SOS... just make sure you ask for the freebies... I've had several cases where i did not get them because I forgot to put a note in the comment section.

I take it your ordered with cash because of no freebies?

All the orders I did happened with a debit card, I always got my freebies. One of the biggest reasons I ordered a lot from them over the last year.
It has been now 2 weeks since I paid the order, but still they havent shipped it?
I have emailed them, but no answer! should I be worried?

This sucksssss!!!! I really need those seeds and fast :/
Just my 2 cents but if you need some seeds quickly. Try herbies seed shop. Great costumer service. And i know this is a post abouts s.o.s reputation but i had great success with s.o.s just got tired of waiting for their card facility to be working so i tried herbies out and got mine in 7 days from order and they answered my emails within not hating on s.o.s just thought i could help someone out.
Thanks for this info. Much useful. Where is Herbies located? Can they deliver in Canada? or anybody can recommend a Canadian marijuana seedbank?
been over a month, heard nothing at all. No return emails and still says 'pending'. Didn't use a card either. What the fuck is going on? EC?
Since the silk road got shut down Bitcoin is being watched by the feds NSA and FBI/interpol

From what I understand, BitCoin's privacy wasn't cracked. It was Silk Road's procedures (requiring users' coins to be held in Silk Road's account) which made it possible to identify coins through "clustering."

BitCoin isn't anonymous. However, it offers privacy if moderate steps are taken. For example, use different "wallets" for different types of purchases. This avoids the potential for "clustering" your music, Elvis photos and seed purchases which would allow someone who identifies you through a music purchase to relate you to other transactions within the same address or wallet.

Use an anonymous proxy like Tor to hide your real IP address from the transaction.

Use "change addresses" to split coin into new addresses, breaking "clustering" effect of history related to a single address.

There is a write-up here:

Anyway, my understanding is that the only thing the government can see is "clustering" resulting from poor practices by bitcoin users. And, that Silk Road's flaw was their own process which made clustering a huge exposure for all users, regardless of how careful they were to maintain privacy outside of Silk Road. Anytime you're asked to deposit coins into an account at another site, you lose all control over privacy. That's not the same as a simple transaction with another user within bitcoin's infrastructure.

I could be wrong. I urge everyone to perform their own due diligence. But, it's my understanding that bitcoin isn't anonymous, but can be private if used carefully.

EDIT: by the way, you can reduce traceability of coins to you by purchasing bitcoins with cash (via You pick a seller with a good reputation, deposit the cash to their bank account, and they deposit the coins to your wallet. This effectively breaks the visibility (identification) of credit card or bank debits to buy coins.

No point of origin tied to your identity. Even the guy you buy them from doesn't know who you are. Just a cash deposit to his bank account, and your bitcoin "address" he's to transfer coin to. Using bitcoins blockchain he could watch how those coins move around (transactions). But, he wouldn't know who you are. If you use techniques described above (separate wallets, change addresses, etc.) there would be no way to correlate those coin (and what they were used to buy) and other coin (used to buy Elvis posters, music, etc.).

There are bitcoin "mixers" (like which blend your coin with other users, obscuring original ownership. You end up with the same number of coin, but the trail of possession is ended. Suddenly some guy in Norway has my coin. I have coin from a grandmother in Mongolia. Etc.

If you buy in cash, a mixer won't add much value. I think Dr's point was that doing things like buying in cash (receiving coin without verified bank transactions through your wallet) could attract attention. Using a mixer (abrupt custody changes) could also attract attention. But, at this point your coins are anonymous. Your wallet/address may attract attention, but nobody knows *who* owns it.

The key here is maintaining no link between your IP address and access to your wallet's address.

A good article about how to do this is here:

Bitcoin is a steep learning curve. It offers much more privacy than credit cards. But, (as dr suggests) can attract attention to you. Which makes the learning curve more important, and maintaining your own privacy.