Sea Minerals: Do We Need Anything Else?


Well-Known Member
I remember someone somewhere had a thread, but it didn't come up when I did a RIU search.

I take these for health, so why not for our plants? I remember trying it back then, but, I had issues that I may have wrngfully blamed on the minerals

Anyway, I came across this article

Using Sea Minerals in Agriculture – a Tutorial

Sea minerals as fertilizer

When sea minerals serve as plant food, the plants and soil take up more minerals and trace elements than they would get from any other type of fertilizer, including organic fertilizer. All of the earth's elements, both known and unknown, can be found in sea water. Scientists have so far been able to identify 92 elements in sea water and 84 in unrefined sea salt.

Thus it makes perfect sense to use diluted sea minerals on the 30% land mass on which we live. Contrary to a healthy sea environment, there is more disease, aging, shortening of life spans and cell degeneration on land. By working with dilutions which are so extreme you can hardly taste the salt, there will be no salinization of the plants and soil, so the minerals can be used to their full advantage to help crops develop, grow and build up resistance.

Disease is acidification. Sea minerals alkalize and mineralize the soil, which makes for a healthy soil and soil life. Insects, fungi and other pathogens only clean up weaker crops and will not touch ocean-grown crops or the crops will show remarkable resistance to these micro-organisms. Weeds often thrive on slightly acidic soils and they will also stay away. Insecticides, fungicides and herbicides are then no longer needed. These chemicals have a highly acidic effect and will only deprive the soil and soil life of vital nutrients because they don't work with nature but against it. The same is true for artificial fertilizer and non-composted organic fertilizer. Sea minerals are a natural alternative which allows you to work with the building blocks of life and in perfect harmony with nature.

discuss... :joint::joint::joint:
I'm not so sure about all this. Ive read about this stuff before and laughed it off as snake oil. A question for those considering trying this... Have you ever tried to grow anything in native soil in a beach town, especially within a few blocks of the beach? I have, and most plants don't like it too much. Sure there are some native plants that thrive in it, but try to grow a nice vegetable garden in it and you'll see what I mean. I don't know with any certainty that it's because of the salt brought in by the sea water, or the sandy soil, or both or something else altogether, but my vegetable garden did not thrive, while containered plants did just fine. I'd love to see someone with the time and space give this a whirl. Start to finish and keep a journal.
The question of "Sea minerals" came up in a thread about Mn increasing THC content. The sea mineral was a suggestion as an Mn source......If I'm not mistaken....

That "Sea Mineral" thing is a scam type site that boasts and makes claims like AN does....

In the end it was not what you wanted for the Mn thing...... You have to test soils and adjust Mn up slowing to around 100 ppm in the soil. You should note that the Fe soil levels should be as even with the Mn as you can get when supplementing soil Mn to increase THC production.
Been using this in my organic grows.. Organic media and sea crop. Google Sea Crop and read about their research.. Good stuff and a good read. 20160713_195422.jpg
PPete, please tell us more. Do you have a grow thread? AFAIK, sea minerals are INorganic salts, but that's fine. Unlike adult humans, plants have no problem breaking down inorganic salts
Been using this in my organic grows.. Organic media and sea crop. Google Sea Crop and read about their research.. Good stuff and a good read. View attachment 4249861

Sorry but, That is one of the "scam" list item's I spoke of!

The developer, a Dr. Maynard Murry....Just another huckster with about zero scientific credibility.

The pictures and comparisons on the web site of that product are, well, not exactly truthful.
The smaller Berries, Carrot's and Plums. I would like to know what soil and feeding those plants got in his "control" group.... Bet the soil was good enough to grow in, barely...
Bet the nice bigger ones. Came from highly fertile soil.......

Lastly. If these products worked so damn well.
How come no one uses them on an industrial farming scale? Trust me here. I farm. If there was a product out there that made that kind of difference in yield. Every Farmer in the world would be using it....It would be more common then roundup on an industrial grain farm...
Sorry but, That is one of the "scam" list item's I spoke of!

The developer, a Dr. Maynard Murry....Just another huckster with about zero scientific credibility.

The pictures and comparisons on the web site of that product are, well, not exactly truthful.
The smaller Berries, Carrot's and Plums. I would like to know what soil and feeding those plants got in his "control" group.... Bet the soil was good enough to grow in, barely...
Bet the nice bigger ones. Came from highly fertile soil.......

Lastly. If these products worked so damn well.
How come no one uses them on an industrial farming scale? Trust me here. I farm. If there was a product out there that made that kind of difference in yield. Every Farmer in the world would be using it....It would be more common then roundup on an industrial grain farm...
Believe what you want. Call it a scam whatever. You can bet this or bet that or say that nothing is truthful. .. You have no scientific credibility either and yet you believe you know more than he or anyone that has done the research. I have used it and believe i have healthier plants when I do use it. .. That is the bottom line... It is approved in WA. State for organic farming, that is why I gave it a try. . I think there is a difference between his Doctorate and your Doctorate .. But I could be wrong... Farm on farmer.. Peace
Believe what you want. Call it a scam whatever. You can bet this or bet that or say that nothing is truthful. .. You have no scientific credibility either and yet you believe you know more than he or anyone that has done the research. I have used it and believe i have healthier plants when I do use it. .. That is the bottom line... It is approved in WA. State for organic farming, that is why I gave it a try. . I think there is a difference between his Doctorate and your Doctorate .. But I could be wrong... Farm on farmer.. Peace

His doctorate is in medical science.....His "research" was done about the same time as Kellogg was giving enema's and serving Corn Flake's at every meal....

I am 65 years old.
I have been growing cannabis for over 45 years.
I went to college for agriscience.
I ran over 10 acre's of greenhouse for some years.
I then went to work for a major drug company and ran the whole farm system, growing yews for Taxol production, a cancer drug. At one point we had over 25 million plants running at difering stages of growth.
I retired out and now run a 4 farm organic Co-op.

"I" know more about growing then your turn of the century medical huckster!

These "sea water" mineral things have been proven to have little to no effect on plant growth in healthy soils systems...Just like that silly "SUPERTHRIVE" shit!

Your being sold a bill of goods....

I am sorry about that..
I guess I should say that the source of the mineral ion has no effect on plant growth over the availability of that nutrient ion.
As long as the mineral compounds are the same..

Ca carbonate
Ca nitrate
Types of Mag compounds etc, etc......

Some of these are due to effective use by the plant, in varying types of the compound.
Sometimes the type of compound will effect differing parts of the plants growth.....In differing ways.
The only real problem is......
You didn't like being told the product you got "sold" is is BS..

You called out my credibility vs. Dr Murry.....I gave it to you.

Again, I say sorry to that...

Well aren't you the bee's knees.. Congrats on your self righteous attitude and ability to to shit on other people's methods. Farm on Mr. Big time.. Maybe if you weren't so condensending and self absorbed you might get listened to... Peace
sounds like he was trying to tell you the truth, but you're too invested in defending your choice of snake oil to want to hear the truth. i don't have nearly the experience Dr. Who does, but i've been around agriculture and plants my whole life, and while the shit you're using isn't bad, it's absolutely nothing special....and there are plenty of better choices out there, more economical choices that have a better balance of nutrients for cannabis.
trust me...there are enough people on here that have grown for a long time, if there was some kind of magic nute...we'd be all the fuck over it.....
Dr Who.. I apologize for what I said. You have much more knowledge than I and I would look forward to learning from you. But do you not believe me when I say that I think there is a difference between using it or not using it.? Do you think I am lying? Am I just imagining it or is just the good soil I use.? And It has nothing to do with being sold anything.. I don't care about the few dollars spent on trying something. I just said the stuff worked for me and it was an interesting read. I never claimed anything else. I have used it my last 4 grows and I thought my plants seemed more healthy and were more resistant to disease and pests when I was growing outside... We all have something in common.. We all like to grow weed. We all do what we we think works best for us.. And we can never close our minds or stop learning. I know we got off to a bad start but I hope we could step back and hit restart. Because I would like to learn more. Once again my defensive outburst was uncalled for.. That is not who I am. I am sorry.. Peace
Dr Who.. I apologize for what I said. You have much more knowledge than I and I would look forward to learning from you. But do you not believe me when I say that I think there is a difference between using it or not using it.? Do you think I am lying? Am I just imagining it or is just the good soil I use.? And It has nothing to do with being sold anything.. I don't care about the few dollars spent on trying something. I just said the stuff worked for me and it was an interesting read. I never claimed anything else. I have used it my last 4 grows and I thought my plants seemed more healthy and were more resistant to disease and pests when I was growing outside... We all have something in common.. We all like to grow weed. We all do what we we think works best for us.. And we can never close our minds or stop learning. I know we got off to a bad start but I hope we could step back and hit restart. Because I would like to learn more. Once again my defensive outburst was uncalled for.. That is not who I am. I am sorry.. Peace

Why Thank you.... I really wasn't offended. I've grown a pretty thick skin around here.

I do tend to be very direct and rather curt in answers....MY bad... It's the old "work to do attitude" some of us old guys can have..

Sadly, I suspect it is the quality of the soil you use. Adding or supplementing mineral's over a given soil formula can cause problems too.

High Mn is not good, and needs to be balanced with Fe to work properly with cannabis growing.

The whole increasing Mn thing is in response to the idea of increasing THC counts and/or CBD counts.
The real trick is in finding those rather tiny amounts to add to get the desired effect..... You must have a rather close Fe count or you risk problems, yet in the same light... If you have higher Fe over Mn. You will increase the CBD content. Higher, or equal amounts of Mn to Fe and you increase the THC content.

The thing is that supplementing by a liquid nutrient, even creating your own liquid mix. Is time consuming and you must be very careful with mixing and measuring. This is done with rather accurate scales that go down to .01 (hundredths) of a gram at least.

Some years back, Mel Frank listed a formula he used to increase THC in growing MJ. Thing is, in modern grow science. We now know that his formula was getting higher in CBD then vs. THC increase. The simple trick we now know to improve that formula. Would be to increase the Mn vs the Fe to be close (over by a small %) or to balance it with the Fe amount he listed.

This still has a built in problem. What are the Mn and Fe levels of the soil your using it's self?
General accepted amounts given by advanced growers that actually play with this idea. Not to mention how they adjust available Mn and Fe. Are key to success in attempting this feat.

We do it by adjusting the soils available amounts by actually supplementing the soil.
The goal?
Around 100 available ppm for each. You must adjust the soil contents slowly and by like 10 ppm at a time. Till you reach that 100 ppm each (or pretty close) A little higher, by like 10% is ok, so is lower but, I would go the over.

This is done only when you have the 2 items balanced or the Mn a little higher....That 10% comes back here as the differential limit you should allow for.

The trick of Mels sauce still work? I think so. Just bring the Mn up to match the Fe he use's....
Better yet?
Get Mel's Books and read about it yourself......Be careful and use it only as Mel suggests..

I tried a cpl of other idea's....TM - 7 at low dose.
Another guy's mix that he adjusted from Mel's.

Best thing that worked?

The soil adjusting as given by another member here.....

Your mineral supplement is fine. It will work to help the available mineral content in your soil, just don't over use it! The mineral's need by the plant are fraction's of the amounts of NPK used by the plant... A little, goes a long way..

Let me throw in a side bar here....

High N, K, Mg....These restrict THC production! Thus you'll have lower THC counts...

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