Scroungers Guide To "The Stealth Cabinet" - Lots of Pics


Well-Known Member
Ok, seeing as my nutes are 100% organic (decayed plant extract). and also seeing as im damn impatient, i have gone ahead and put my biggest seedling[her roots were escaping the pot] into a bigger pot and fed her some nutrients. im hoping like hell i will notice a marked improvement in her growth compared to the other 3 in which case time to repot and feed them all. At least this way if i screw up its only 1 plant i will be screwing up. I have named her Mary-Jane-Labrat i will be back on tomorrow to tell you all if she survived the night in the mean time heres a pic :D

002 (2).jpg


Active Member
Speaking of quality, Duck tape is useless where ever heat is involved!! I'm falling in live with this Aluminum Tape. Not only does it stay stuck in heat, it's not that hard to remove!

So far 90% of my engineering failures has been due to duck tape. So for all you DIYers out there, Duck tape is NOT a way to save money.

:cool::cool::cool: End of Public Service Announcement :cool::cool::cool:

Hijack time. Check out my rez build and my ladies, yes both threads are updated!! :) Hopefully more detailed pics of the girls later tonight.



Well-Known Member
Hey SS,
What happened with MJLebrat? Did she make it ok? How are the others doin? The suspense is killin me! :mrgreen: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well, i was being extra cautious and i left it for a few days. Here are the results :

The plant that i fed the Bio Vega half strength solution has shown a very noticable jump in size since, in fact since monday it has almost doubled in size :bigjoint: i have nothing but good things to say for BIOCANNA and their magic medicine for plants :D

Next up the plants in general. I have to say the REALLY are holding true to their thoroughbred indica genes as theyve been growing wider and wider and i havent noticed ANY gain in height :D there was bound to be some but not very noticable.the stemms on all 4 girls are starting to harden up and become woody and solid ,probably cuz they have a circulation fan running 24/7. I have also this evening added a bowl of wwater in front of my fan to boost humidity levels, update on how that goes on my next post :)

12 days ago i put dry seeds between moist paper towels, now look what i have

The plant that has grown fastest is in the biggest pot, tell me if you see the difference :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Ok, im back with more news :) i will be moving the smaller plants into their veg pots tonight as i think their growth is being slowed by the small pots . iv noticed theyre starting to grow faster now theyre getting nutes so tonight is the night they move :).

The test plant is doing best of all there is a pic below, mainly because she has more root space and she's been on the nutes longer, AND she was the best plant out of 4 to start with :D

Ive also invented mini reflectors for the plants as i was bored

My humidity issues are now OK aswell :bigjoint: .... things are going well



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4129899]Nice SS, the babies look great :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

Thanks for stoppin by SICC , iv been checking out some of your grows too lovin the purple kush :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have recently learned about a new technique that promotes explosive growth with plants in a soil medium. I feel compelled to try it. The thread i found it on is availiable HERE , along with this technique there is a WEALTH of information for any soil growers out there along with many growing tips in general. As i am a relatively new grower i will be trying the technique on 2 plants 1) to make sure that if i do it wrong i wont be destroying my entire crop and 2) because i want to prove this technique as a godsend for all soil growers wanting to bring the true potential of their plants to bear.

So Props to Riddleme who showed me this trick, i think its only fair i prove that it works. I will post an update on growth with pics on wednesday when i start the "Making it Rain" Technique - im just waiting for all my soil to dry to within an acceptable level :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

first side by side test for my method, I'm stoked to see how it turns out

PS you do not have to wait to make it rain, mother nature doesn't


this is one of coolest budget builds ever, i dont post much at all but i will be scribed. keep up the good work. budout.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sensi, Definately sub'ed for this that side by side. I was one of the people in his class he talks about in his threads and I would liketo see how it comes out.




Well-Known Member
Ok, so since moving my girls into new ,more spacious pots they have MORE THAN doubled in size ( this also could be attributed to nutes theyve recieved half strength nutes once since being repotted and they seem to love it :bigjoint: ) so once again ....


I did start making it rain for one of my girls thismorning and shes sucking up the water like she's never seen the stuff before :D soon as i get my other girl into a bigger pot with some drainage it will start raining for her aswell :bigjoint:. I will say the first plant i have started this technique with was already slightly bigger than the rest but not my much.

I dont think there is much more to say , just compare the girls to my last lot of pics on day 15 and see how fast theyre growing :D.

PIC 1 - The first subject of my "Making It Rain" Experiment
PIC 2 - The Next in line for the treatment, once i get her in a pot that has drainage.
PIC 3 - one of the girls in her new pot
PIC 4 - another girl in her new pot
PIC 5 - Family Photo :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan man, your babies are growing fast!
Thanks SICC , good to know i have an experienced guy watching :bigjoint:


first side by side test for my method, I'm stoked to see how it turns out

PS you do not have to wait to make it rain, mother nature doesn't
I thought it might prove interesting for you Riddlme :weed:

this is one of coolest budget builds ever, i dont post much at all but i will be scribed. keep up the good work. budout.
Hey bud thanks for stopping by, if you need any ideas on how to grow quality pot on the cheap dont be shy i stop by here once a day.

Hey Sensi, Definately sub'ed for this that side by side. I was one of the people in his class he talks about in his threads and I would liketo see how it comes out.


Hey Bigman, thanks for your interest i do love a good experiment :) if you have any wisdom from the master i'm all ears :bigjoint

Now with all that commenting out the way ..... wheres my pot :D

:peace: OUT Everybody


Well-Known Member
Hey SS, I was a true noobie when I happened to stumble on Riddles thread. Since I was well into flowering so I let the girls run there course. On my second grow I started using what I learned and applied it to my new batch of girls. this is what my last girls looked like at day 44. After applying his techniques this is waht my next batch looked like at 4 wks.

He knows what he is doing so don't be afraid to ask him about anything.

