Hey all

i return from mecca ....
had a very nice 2 days spell in amsterdam and i've gotta say i did get through a nice selection and unfortunately a nice pile of cash
The Blue Cheese SMoke Report :
Look/Smell/Bag Appeal : The Blue cheese is some of the funkiest looking buds around with little buds growing off of the main kolas and bigger buds, curing to a colour somewhere between lime and emerald green all covered with shiny crystals all over

so for bag appeal 10/10 :bigjoint
The smell is beautiful and layered strangely. When you take a big whiff of it from the jar it gives you a very sweet very blueberry smell, when you squeeze a bud you get the ultimate stilton and sweet blueberry aroma with a hint of skunk. on the whole i have smoked a lot of weed and i am comparing this to my recent amsterdam trip i have to say a very nice odour allround so 9/10.
The Smoke :
Absolutely fantastical smoothness will be your first impression (maybe because of my organic and natural methods) maybe just the strain. On the inhale you get an earthy skunky cheese flavour with a fruity, distinctly blueberry taste. on the exhale i found the cheese much more noticable. The high is a very noticable indica body high which kept me trapped on the couch all the end of last week (very fun). yet not lacking in its ability to stimulate mentally, the first indica i've smoked that actually keeps me sociable but dopey
Overall Cured Product Yield 2.5oz from 3 plants
I really do apologise for the lack of pictures i have been so busy and so stoned the last week or so that i havent had the chance to show you guys my pot

i am now at the point where i have about 5 grams of bud left where friends and family have had a go. Unfortunately you will have to take my word for it,
The Scroungers guide was a Success - If you want cheap pot do all the crap i did its pretty easy actually. There i said it because i have done it ...... Growing Pot IS EASY!!!
I have completely redesigned my growing area and i have ordered some autoflowers. Any1 who wants to see me take it up a notch (i promise i'll buy a camera and lifetime supply of batteries) please feel free to join my new thread which i will be posting shortly
Thanks again everyone who followed the scroungers guide. it means a lot to know the crazy crap i do is remotely interesting

Much Love