scrog three strains in 3 gallon pots in 3x3x6.5 area questions?


Active Member
Looking to veg 4-6 weeks and flower for about 60 days. Does indica plant grow to fast and short for full benefit of scrog method.
  1. Og kush, Purple Kushx2 MEDIUM (100cm-180cm) plant height.
  2. Ak-47x2, White Russian. Compact (50/80 cm) plant height
Which set of strains should I run and which method; 6.5 foot Ceiling

Feel free to correct me if im wrong, im in research phase.
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Well-Known Member
Sup Green. This your first grow? If so, congrats on getting in the game!

I have roughly the same size tent as you. You growing from seed? I haven't done a true scrog before because I want to have some room left to work in there. It's pretty easy to fill up a 3x3 space without even trying too hard. I only run two plants at a time using 5gal smart pots. One option is to do a "mini-scrog" with each plant. Just buy two of these...,160_&refRID=05H5R5MRBNVCJ2TQXYP1

Stick one in each pot prior to flipping to flower and train the buds to grow through as you see fit. Check out my LST vs Main-Line thread to see what I'm talking about. It's hard to see the supports, but the LST plant has the mini-scrog thing going on. I'm sure you could fit four plants in 3gal pots in your tent, but that party is gonna get crowded pretty fast. :peace:


Well-Known Member
3 plants in 3 gallons each is good in that tent but, if you plan to veg that long I would probably use more soil per plant likely 5 gal. Also you will want to control bushiness and height. I would go LST if this were my grow.

But, soooo much depends on light source. What do you run in?

The best thing you can do for this and future grows is to read and learn. I wish you the best of luck and Seasons Greetings!