Scrog Help


Active Member
I've always wanted to try this.

I thought though that it's not viable for a perpetual grow so only really makes sense to do it for your first harvest , or if you don't mind waiting 3-4 months in between harvests. Maybe I'm totally off base. I've talked to quite a few growers but never really brought it up or heard anything said about it so i feel really ignorant not knowing whether or not you CAN do perpetual grows with a SCROG. You'd just need two SCROG set ups , correct? But then you'd need to move it.....ahhh whatever , it's not that important , whats important is I'm setting up my buddies first grow , a little partner thing and since he's starting from scratch it doesn't really matter if perpetual is out of the question as he can be vegging while I'm flower just as if everything was the same.

Credit due to the guy in my first thread for mentioning it.

Now for BASIC questions

I will be running 2 - 1000 watt lights.

5 or 6 plants , as one was cloned a week before harvest but did product nice roots in my bubbler , but I have a feeling it's gonna be a second before i see any new growth. Were on the lookout for another one to replace it though so hopefully the final number will be 6 plants.

So my questions

1- I take it one I've built my Scrog enclosure that's the pot size the plants will stay for the harvest (sorry if that sounds really dumb , I'm 99% confident that's the case just want to make sure)
2- Consider my set up , 6 plants , 2 - 1000watt lights , what size pots should I go for? Given the nature of scrog I'd assume not to big , maybe like 5 gallons but really i have no clue.

Other than that we have tons of wood laying around so this shouldn't be an expensive project. Me not being the brightest handyman could make it stressful , but I've always managed , even when I spend an hour putting something together only to find out i did it the opposite and now have to take it apart , lol.....

Lastly!!!! I notice a lot of tutorials on various forums but I'm unsure as to which , if any , are the authoritative figure on scrog tutorials. Any guidance will help , in the mean time ill soak up what i can from the different guides. What would be better is actually videos , I browsed youtube but only finding short clips , mainly showing off there scrogg wihich is cool but I'm looking more for a step by step how to , or even if theres a published DVD out there somewhere I'd gladly spend up to 1 hour trying to find the torrent or direct download link lol...

Anywho thanks to the poster in the original thread for the suggestion , i was totally aware of scrog but never crossed my mind , and boy have i heard good things about it so I'm convinced i'll get the most bang out of my buck considering the low amount of plants i have (and the fact scrog grows always seem to dominate and now i finally have a chance to do one)!

Thanks in advance to any helpful guidance! Having been parts of forums for 10 years , and growing my own for 4 now , I'm ashamed I never became part of any of these communities considering the amount of help you can get if you ask. I've been a lurker but a half ass one at that. Sad part is deep down I had to know joining a community like this would only help , as it did for my poker career.

Looking forward to knocking out at least a couple journals over the next year so look out for them as any advice , negative , positive , I can take it (so long as your not being a cunt for cunt's sake) , but i gotta warn you with being active on forums I'm inconsistent. I'll get addicted for x months and then fade away , but i guess that's what most of us do anyway , and while i feel like i wasted years not using this resource , all i can do now is make the best of it!