SCROG defoliation

I just learned by doing when it comes to trimming and topping etc. also there’s a dude on you tube I follow goes by name dr B I think. Bald dude. Old. Guys got a lot of good info but you gotta be as stoned as he is to sit through his videos lol. Not all the hype trying to advertise for grow equipment. Actually talks about the plants and different methods. I’d rather see results then read some bloggers opinion of growing he heard from a friend that has a friend that grows lol. Everyone’s got their method that works. I think there’s essential components to a grow but when it comes to training the plant it’s dealers choice really. As long as you don’t cut it down to the soil it’s gonna grow. Just limit the trim stress in flower. I’ll only trim a couple weeks after flower and then let her go. Might trim one plant again at half way mark just to compare this time.
I was too at first but honestly they don’t seem to mind. I put my screens about 10” from the top soil and I trimmed EVERYTHING below that point that wasn’t an established top. I picked at a few leaves before flower on two of my girls and never made much difference. Then about two weeks before flower I defoliated the back one pretty hard to see a comparison and the back one exploded. My advice on defoliation is leave whatever’s sticking out the top that has reached the canopy alone and trim any under growth that hasn’t or won’t. And you should only defoliate if your environment is in check. As long as that’s in check then the only stress you’re putting on it is the trim and they bounce back pretty quick from that so long as temps and humidity are in optimal ranges. Usually in a couple days you’ll notice the difference. Then every couple weeks I peek under and pinch off any new growth. I will also reach down in the canopy and trim out any smaller shoots that only come up a few inches or have really far node spacing and only have one or two nodes. I like my tops to have at least 4 nodes catching light.

The point is to remove small growth since it’s stealing food and energy from the rest of the plant. By trimming the plant we focus the energy and food into the areas we want.

Before trim
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After trim
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Couple hours after
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Sounds like some pretty solid advice man, thanks!!
I wish I would have done the majority of it before I flowered, cause now that I'm a week into flower that's what worries me the most. I keep reading so many posts saying not to mess with too much during flowering. The plant on the right has sooo many tops that haven't and womt make it through the canopy, and there definitely no way to remove them all without stressing it horribly. I'm talking probably 20-30 branches haha.
Today i went through and removed some more foliage under the canopy.
I keep checking everyday hoping that the tops down below will have popped up 5 inches to the surface lmao. I guess I'll have to chip at them a couple a day and try to clear most before any real buds start to develope
I cleared all that in one sitting. Probably a good 35% of the plant all at once and they haven’t skipped a beat. I guess it depends on strain and environment etc for how much stress they can handle but like i said before. If you have everything in check the only stress is the trim and don’t believe everything you read. You could cut every branch but one and it’ll bounce back like you never cut it. Just takes longer.
You’re doing good man. Some people don’t defoliate ever. I never used to but so far I’ve noticed a considerable difference so I’ll probably continue in the future. I have one plant that’s been an expierment and she’s been stripped completely bare except for the very top three times and she’s still good. Slow growing but that’s high stress. She bounces back fine. She’s flowering now so I’ll have four good size tops from her but I’m going to let her go to seed I think
Please explain why, without simply linking to another site. Looks like a scrog to me. Screen? Check. Plant? Check. Plant growing into screen? Check. What else is there really?

Yes trim up the shit under the screen and i mean everything, maybe lower the screen or raise the plant up whatever is easier. Your going to have to tie branches down till week 2 or 3 flower. Honestly the plant looks a little too big for your area, but we will see wont we.
Hey, I don't think this is SCRoG either. But I'll actually tell why. You can see in the picture that the canopy is not even, it's growing through the net and it's not being pushed back below the net level so it grows vertically. It's kinda late to try to fix it, you can see how bushy it got. Might be doable, haven't checked the OP's end result yet. So it's possible to do a scrog from this, but it's really "badly done scrog".
I want to grow cannabis......

Grows cannabis.......

I want to try scrog......

Tries scrog.........

Asks for advice.......

Basically gets told your a fool.....

My reaction to the fool calling fool.....

FUCK OFF!!.......

Let people grow and ask for advice, dont be a dick!

My first grow was during desert storm.....(dick comparator)
