Scrog. About to switch to 12/12. Need some advice please


So basically I have a one plant scrog. Here are the specs.
150 watt hps and two 23 watt cfls that i will switch to 48 watts when i switch to flower
one god bud clone. 25%sativa 75%indica
watering with fish tank water and ff big bloom
growing in part of my attic so the temperture undergoes fluctuations between the day and night outside, but i also dont need to worry about smell;)
i plan to run my lights during the night time because ill be flowering right into summer so im hoping the light will make night temps a little warmer and day temps a little cooler so i can get really nice tight node length
Had some spider mite problems but they're gone for now and ive been spraying all the stuff around the box and plant with slightly soapy water to help keep them at bay.

My question is..
Do i have enough room from the screen to the top of the box to not need to worry about overgrowth during the first two weeks of flowering? Because I need to keep the top on the box and Im worried that I will need to move my light up and therefore wont be able to distribute light into the box effectively cause theres a hole cut in the top of the box to fit the light. Since its indica dominant.. can i relax a little more about the verticle growth that is soon to come?

Ill upload picture in one sec


alumimiumniumiun only reflekt heat br0 and it will bern da lefz use mylar
and it doesnt only reflect heat, it just reflects more heat and less light than mylar. Aluminum can make a fine reflector in DIY cases, but white paint seems to work and thats usually easier