Scott Walker...F##K Yeah


Well-Known Member
What part of gun control will stop mass murders ? If you can`t use a gun, try a fuel truck. Dumbass.
Ever try to go to the local truck shop and purchase a fuel tanker filled?

That shit is expensive.

I would just go buy a firearm bro, save yourself some time and money.

See my point here?


Well-Known Member
Didn`t Obama say we don`t negotiate with terrorists just before he had the Teams shoot those Pirates in Somalia ?

So now it`s open season on Westerners cuz they pay up ? I think the cry was, we don`t negotiate with terrorists just before Obama had the Teams shoot those Pirates off Somalia.
You think prisoner swaps are silly?

Present why.

-Preserve life on both sides
-Keeps things more civil for POWs, knowing they will get their people unharmed back is good for morale on both sides
-Leaves a diplomatic route established even during the harshest times of war and hatred
-reduces likelyhood of torture and increases general treatment of POWs


Well-Known Member
Ever try to go to the local truck shop and purchase a fuel tanker filled?

That shit is expensive.

I would just go buy a firearm bro, save yourself some time and money.

See my point here?

Yes, but I waited at the truck stop, stabbed the driver and took his delivery,....See my point ? They tried to shoot the driver but had no guns because they were not being threatened at the time they applied for one....... see my other point ?

What have you done if you disarm the general public against law breakers with guns ?

See that point ?


Well-Known Member
Yes, but I waited at the truck stop, stabbed the driver and took his delivery,....See my point ? They tried to shoot the driver but had no guns because they were not being threatened at the time they applied for one....... see my other point ?

What have you done if you disarm the general public against law breakers with guns ?

See that point ?
Is disarming reducing the access by requiring background checks?

If you answer yes you are certainly over medicated.

Didn't the trucker have his firearm? In my world he would still.

Have you ever tried to drive a semi-tractor trailer? If you haven't try it sometime, it took me about three weeks to be able to properly drive some of the US army's largest trucks.

It takes three movements to load and fire a round. Much easier then going to learn how to drive a big rig. Ever heard of half gears my friend?


Well-Known Member
You think prisoner swaps are silly?

Present why.

-Preserve life on both sides
-Keeps things more civil for POWs, knowing they will get their people unharmed back is good for morale on both sides
-Leaves a diplomatic route established even during the harshest times of war and hatred
-reduces likelyhood of torture and increases general treatment of POWs

This is no respectable or recognized Army of any Country. They up the anne, and the ransom,......Now they can grab a school full of children, demand a Nuke, or they will burn one a day alive. Gonna give them the Nuke ?

I would, just after I arm it.


Well-Known Member
This is no respectable or recognized Army of any Country. They up the anne, and the ransom,......Now they can grab a school full of children, demand a Nuke, or they will burn one a day alive. Gonna give them the Nuke ?

I would, just after I arm it.
Prisoner swaps involve prisoners not anything else. You keep making my arguments into straw men, stop it you are smarter then that.


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with recovering a service member who likely has exceptional amounts of intelligence about the group that had him?

He will get his courts martial, justice will be figured out appropriately by them.

I wish more leaders would do prisoner swaps, one of the oldest institutions in warfare. Well received by the forces who fight on all sides and it also tends to keep prisoners alive.
Well, he hailed him as a hero when he did the swap and looks pretty clueless now.

I too agree with prisoner swaps, but this one was a bad deal and was politically based.


Well-Known Member
Well, he hailed him as a hero when he did the swap and looks pretty clueless now.

I too agree with prisoner swaps, but this one was a bad deal and was politically based.
I only care that a service member was recovered and is safely in his home country.

I also appreciate that appropriate action was taken after he was mentally taken care of.

I hope he get the fairest courts martial he can have.

That dude made a very poor decision, everyone makes those from time to time. Vengeance and revenge gets us nowhere as a species, it only serves to promote more war and hatred.


Well-Known Member
I only care that a service member was recovered and is safely in his home country.

I also appreciate that appropriate action was taken after he was mentally taken care of.

I hope he get the fairest courts martial he can have.

That dude made a very poor decision, everyone makes those from time to time. Vengeance and revenge gets us nowhere as a species, it only serves to promote more war and hatred.
I agree with your points and principle but this guy is different. He caused the death of people in his company who went looking for the deserter and wasn't worth the high price and egg on our face.


Well-Known Member
Is disarming reducing the access by requiring background checks?

If you answer yes you are certainly over medicated.

Didn't the trucker have his firearm? In my world he would still.

Have you ever tried to drive a semi-tractor trailer? If you haven't try it sometime, it took me about three weeks to be able to properly drive some of the US army's largest trucks.

It takes three movements to load and fire a round. Much easier then going to learn how to drive a big rig. Ever heard of half gears my friend?

I`m all for regulations/background checks, that`s a no brainer.

Yes the trucker had a gun, it wasn`t allowed in the restaurant and he left it in the truck. I cut his throat before he got back in..........

Don`t need a rig, just fill your pick-up with gas propane tanks to candles,...sooo many options but the rig is too much. and likely to be spotted before you get there.


Well-Known Member
Prisoner swaps involve prisoners not anything else. You keep making my arguments into straw men, stop it you are smarter then that.

Prisoner swaps involve prisoners not anything else. You keep making my arguments into straw men, stop it you are smarter then that.

That only applies to a recognized Country, and they are not. One for one, anything else is stupid and invites more of the same, The redeemable qualities of each life should not matter. Not everyone will agree, I can respect that.


Well-Known Member
I agree with your points and principle but this guy is different. He caused the death of people in his company who went looking for the deserter and wasn't worth the high price and egg on our face.
Local commanders are responsible for missions ultimately, his commander did not listen to his platoon mates who claimed he had deserted and sided with the Taliban.

He certainly made a situation occur that otherwise wouldn't have. His commander is ultimately responsible for the loss of life unless orders came from on higher. There are also ways for ground commanders to avoid doing certain missions, one method is through risk assessment. Using composite risk management commanders can figure out the particular level of danger of a mission. If a commander does a good job and assigns the right NCO for the job the mission becomes FAR TOO DANGEROUS and not worth the risk of life or equipment.

Even without including the use of CRM, which is required on EVERY MISSION according to army policy, the commander failed to make a call. From PT to calling for fire, everything gets an assessment.

The courts martial will seek justice, I hope it is found.


Well-Known Member
I agree with your points and principle but this guy is different. He caused the death of people in his company who went looking for the deserter and wasn't worth the high price and egg on our face.
i think it was the people who shot his company members who caused their deaths, actually.


Well-Known Member
That only applies to a recognized Country, and they are not. One for one, anything else is stupid and invites more of the same, The redeemable qualities of each life should not matter. Not everyone will agree, I can respect that.
I sincerely hope you never hold any responsible position for human lives, your callous attitude scares me.


Well-Known Member
i know australia put common sense gun control into place in 1996 and haven't had a mass murder since.

edit: also, they have pygmy hippos.

The rules about guns in my house are more strict than State laws. I don`t have issues with common sense regulation. Or Fees,...... just the amount of the fees, but don`t compare stats from a Country of 25 million to one of 300 million.