Science has proven God exists...


Well-Known Member
I remember some data we analyzed in a statistics class in college. It did report that left leaning people were slightly higher in the intelligence rankings.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I remember some data we analyzed in a statistics class in college. It did report that left leaning people were slightly higher in the intelligence rankings.

abandonIntegrity is simply trying to propagate a meme, it is fallacious, neither of the "studies" he cites (occasionally, and never in full, just the abstract) say anything close to what he claims, and they are full of specious assumptions which associate "liberalism" and "leftism" with "Goodthings" while "conservatism" is defined as subjugating oneself and others to authoritarian domination.

even a retard can recognize that the various marxist authoritarian regimes around the world are not "Conservative" or "Right Wing", yet for the purposes of these failed "studies" authoritarianism is synonymous with "conservatism"

dont buy piss in a Starbucks cup and just start sippin, sniff it first.


Well-Known Member

abandonIntegrity is simply trying to propagate a meme, it is fallacious, neither of the "studies" he cites (occasionally, and never in full, just the abstract) say anything close to what he claims, and they are full of specious assumptions which associate "liberalism" and "leftism" with "Goodthings" while "conservatism" is defined as subjugating oneself and others to authoritarian domination.

even a retard can recognize that the various marxist authoritarian regimes around the world are not "Conservative" or "Right Wing", yet for the purposes of these failed "studies" authoritarianism is synonymous with "conservatism"

dont buy piss in a Starbucks cup and just start sippin, sniff it first.
When all else fails (as it so utterly did for you) give semantic fallacy a shot.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So I sidled up to the bar and said, "hey bartender I'll have a shot of semantic fallacy" He said we;re all out of that but we have some non sequitur on draft. Man what a hangover.



Well-Known Member
Because they are.
The study I saw, well it wasn't really a study just a very large sample of data, from which one could perform any number of statistical analysis, the difference wasn't vast.

The odd part was that the "left" had the majority of really high iq, and very low iq. While conservatives dominated the middle.

There were more really dumb liberals than conservatives, and more really smart liberals also.

But if you took the mean of each, the liberal mean was higher. But the difference was slight, while the difference between white and blacks is vast, in terms of iq.

So you either need to accept both as true, but accepting one, and not the other is very disingenuous of you.


Well-Known Member
The study I saw, well it wasn't really a study just a very large sample of data, from which one could perform any number of statistical analysis, the difference wasn't vast.

The odd part was that the "left" had the majority of really high iq, and very low iq. While conservatives dominated the middle.

There were more really dumb liberals than conservatives, and more really smart liberals also.

But if you took the mean of each, the liberal mean was higher. But the difference was slight, while the difference between white and blacks is vast, in terms of iq.

So you either need to accept both as true, but accepting one, and not the other is very disingenuous of you.
I accept the findings of peer reviewed scientific research papers.


Well-Known Member
I accept the findings of peer reviewed scientific research papers.
All one has to do is look at the demographic data from any test. It's all published. The statistical tests are easy enough to do. They all tell the same story.

The Bell Curve is a published book by real scientists using accepted methods. It meets your criteria.

You reject it because you don't like it's results.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, BnB, as much as I would like to see ANY empirical evidence supporting the existence of a GOD...
silly me, try as I may, I am totally unable to see it.

Methinks it truly does not exist, otherwise I would be a cheerful, happy acolyte!


Well-Known Member
All one has to do is look at the demographic data from any test. It's all published. The statistical tests are easy enough to do. They all tell the same story.

The Bell Curve is a published book by real scientists using accepted methods. It meets your criteria.

You reject it because you don't like it's results.
No, I rejected it because it is bullshit.


Well-Known Member
No, I rejected it because it is bullshit.
Real scientists with degrees and professorships at prestigious universities use validly collected data and analyze it with accepted methods, you call it bullshit because it doesn't fit your paradigm.

Looks like you're the bullshit.

Because folks with less prestigious credentials do something similar, but you won't share their methodology, only the abstract, and you trumpet their findings because they make you smile.

Yeah, you're the bullshit.


Well-Known Member
So can I see it?

That is a phrase I've heard a lot lately.

I think it is in the trailer for the movie "God is Real" where the college professor makes his class do something that is against the religion of a Christian student.

While I am aware of a lot of hazing that goes on towards Christians in such settings, at one point in the film apparently, with righteous indignation the student yells at the professor and says "science has proven he exists, you know the truth!"

So maybe that caught on. Because I've heard it said a lot. I was in small group the other night at church and again, I heard it.

So I said, "well what is it because I've not really seen it, I've heard it said recently, but they never follow through with it."

They all got quite and looked at me like it was me that nailed jesus to the cross.

Never gave me an answer.

So I know very few of you believe it, but some of you keep up with some of this stuff.

Does anyone have any idea what this proof might be the movie and these people were talking about is?
So, you are saying that Christians are using the theoretical smoke screens to propose a false fait acompli of, IT IS REAL, here is WHY!!!, like they have done for over 2000 years?


Well-Known Member
Real scientists with degrees and professorships at prestigious universities use validly collected data and analyze it with accepted methods, you call it bullshit because it doesn't fit your paradigm.

Looks like you're the bullshit.

Because folks with less prestigious credentials do something similar, but you won't share their methodology, only the abstract, and you trumpet their findings because they make you smile.

Yeah, you're the bullshit.
Cite some real scientists then.


Well-Known Member
So can I see it?

That is a phrase I've heard a lot lately.

I think it is in the trailer for the movie "God is Real" where the college professor makes his class do something that is against the religion of a Christian student.

While I am aware of a lot of hazing that goes on towards Christians in such settings, at one point in the film apparently, with righteous indignation the student yells at the professor and says "science has proven he exists, you know the truth!"

So maybe that caught on. Because I've heard it said a lot. I was in small group the other night at church and again, I heard it.

So I said, "well what is it because I've not really seen it, I've heard it said recently, but they never follow through with it."

They all got quite and looked at me like it was me that nailed jesus to the cross.

Never gave me an answer.

So I know very few of you believe it, but some of you keep up with some of this stuff.

Does anyone have any idea what this proof might be the movie and these people were talking about is?

It`s called cutting your throat and bleeding out til you die. That`s when you`ll know for sure.

And that`s a FACT.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
When all else fails (as it so utterly did for you) give semantic fallacy a shot.
anyone who reads the actual "studies" will immediately discover that not only was their "study" of the weakest sort (meta study), their methodology was flawed, they started out with insupportable assumptions, stacked the data by cherrypicking their metrics, and STILL didnt get the results they craved.

until "Being An Authoritarian" becomes a core tenet of conservatism, the idiotic "intelligence" study is meaningless, since thats all they looked at

until "Being A Bigot" becomes a core tenet of conservatism, the "dark minds" study is equally useless.

continuing to flog these bullshit claims makes you look stupider and stupider

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I accept the findings of peer reviewed scientific research papers.
what you accept is the "Appeal to Authority"

blindly accepting as truth anything published in any journal (even the dubious journal "Intelligence") without even actually READING the claims or the methodology, marks you as an authoritarian doctrinaire, but since youre a crypto-marxist Zapatista in 2014, those facts should be abundantly clear to everyone.

ohh the sweet irony.

a fool who blindly accepts the words of others based on even the shakiest authoritarian argument, flogging a study that supposedly demonstrates, people who like to submit to authoritarian arguments are stupid.