Science has proven God exists...

It's to bad some many people have lost faith,
faith in religion or faith in their loved ones or plants.
If it doesn't magically appear or can't be proven,
then it just doesn't exist to many of you.
So few have seen the light.

That's the easy way out. It's harder doing it not deluded and thinking you'll win the cosmic lottery is a sure thing.
It isn't really a cosmic lottery canna.

it's more of a cosmic fire shelter.

If I'm being honest I've always had a tough time believing hell as described. So heaven is this place where God is and it's paradise.

But hell is a place of eternal torture? The worst part is Christians often say god created us, and planned out our destiny.

That means god created souls just to be tortured? Sounds kind of sadistic.

Hell, if it exists has to me much more neutral. And instead of paradise, it is just absence from the presence of God.
So can I see it?

That is a phrase I've heard a lot lately.

I think it is in the trailer for the movie "God is Real" where the college professor makes his class do something that is against the religion of a Christian student.

While I am aware of a lot of hazing that goes on towards Christians in such settings, at one point in the film apparently, with righteous indignation the student yells at the professor and says "science has proven he exists, you know the truth!"

So maybe that caught on. Because I've heard it said a lot. I was in small group the other night at church and again, I heard it.

So I said, "well what is it because I've not really seen it, I've heard it said recently, but they never follow through with it."

They all got quite and looked at me like it was me that nailed jesus to the cross.

Never gave me an answer.

So I know very few of you believe it, but some of you keep up with some of this stuff.

Does anyone have any idea what this proof might be the movie and these people were talking about is?
i seen a movie yesterday it was good i believe it..
i think you go into a partner ship and your partner goes into it like shure we will both make money and then he fucks you out of your shit that mother fucker needs to burn!!!! or when you old lady or ex old ladey desides to fuck up on you that bitch need to get the fuck out!!! kinda like that have you ever been fucked or have you been doing the fucking ???? kinda like that you got an option wich one will you take their is no room for bitch made mother fuckers up in heaven its easy to be sleazzy its hard to be right chous!!! lolz pic one!!!
Conservatives are interested in science if they think it will prove that God exists but if it proves that they are dumb, they think it must be wrong.

Science has confirmed that racism and conservatism are negatively correlated with cognitive function.
Bnb, the nailing christ to a cross feeling you are getting from your peers is because you do not have blind faith like the rest. I was brought up catholic and i can not tell you the number of times i got scolded for asking questions in RE aka brainwashing. The very definition of faith is to believe something without having a shred of proof, that is just not the kind of person i am. Everything happens for a reason and if christians do not have a reason it is god, i on the otherhand think we just r not smart enough to understand the inner workings of everything yet, doubt we ever really will.

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"Science" has yet to figure out the four fundamental interactions....or even if there's ONLY four fundamental interactions, let alone the existence of anything that even remotely resembles the concept we refer to as "God".
Any smart person will tell you that what we know of our world and surroundings is nothing compared to what we do not know.

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It isn't really a cosmic lottery canna.

it's more of a cosmic fire shelter.

If I'm being honest I've always had a tough time believing hell as described. So heaven is this place where God is and it's paradise.

But hell is a place of eternal torture? The worst part is Christians often say god created us, and planned out our destiny.

That means god created souls just to be tortured? Sounds kind of sadistic.

Hell, if it exists has to me much more neutral. And instead of paradise, it is just absence from the presence of God.

it's gettin awfully Mormon in here...

Conservatives are interested in science if they think it will prove that God exists but if it proves that they are dumb, they think it must be wrong.

Science has confirmed that racism and conservatism are negatively correlated with cognitive function.

still flogging that fail ass bullshit story?

Protip: it's not true.
Those soul-soliciting pig fuckers make me wanna scratch my eyes out. I'd rather slam my dick in a car door than try and sit through another friendly chat with them about how I'm going to hell. They don't give a squirt of piss if you live or die - they just want your money.

End rant.
kinda like the DNC...

i direct the gentleman to my comments of moments ago...

both those fail ass discredited publications are discussing persons who voluntarily submit to the domination of others, that is to say "Authoritarians" not conservatives.

anyone who willingly submits to the will of another, suspending all rational thought, and simply accepting everything their chosen master says as truth is RETARDED, and yes, being a willing stooge for some crazy senseless bullshit is strongly correlated with stupidity.

and it has ZERO to do with freedom of thought and expression, personal liberty, free market economics, the US constitution, or any other part of "Conservatism"

your agenda is a failure.