

Well-Known Member
whats up RIU, I was just wonderin if any1 had sciastica by any chance...Im only 19 nd i got it pretty bad, it literally came outta nowhere, I was pretty active when i was younger, And then i stopped lol I wonder why? :bigjoint:

Anyways Now i got this shitty condition which Is just strait up annoying, and im just wondering if anyone else has it, and how they cope with it day to day, also if you could get a medical marijuana liscense for it.


Well-Known Member
It Isnt always a sympton of another problem, I already went to get checked and this quack puts me on mad pills that barely helped, And Honestly Like i said i was VERY active as a child. loved sports, still do to this day just dont really play them as much unless im using a controller ( lol ) , And That could deffinately trigger a condition like sciatica.


Well-Known Member
I have scarred muscle tissue in my lower back that when inflamed aggravates my sciatica, shit is a literal pain in my ass, as for dealing with it I'm on probation and I dont take pills so I really just have to tough it out along with all the other shit that's wrong with me


Well-Known Member
I think something has got to be causing the nerve pain, as that's all sciatica is. Could you have a slipped disk or inflammation like Perfextionist? Treating the root of the problem if you can find it might help you.


Well-Known Member
I had it from deadlifts at the gym, so i stopped doing deadlifts and it went away but took about 18 months repair or align again.


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me? sometimes the pain is unbearable, i cant move an inch or sneeze or laugh or cough without it hurting like a mother fucker, nothing like a torn nail dude.

And yeah I see what your saying kuroitaima. I should really see a specialist cuz the walk in doctor just wants to put me on pills.


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me? sometimes the pain is unbearable, i cant move an inch or sneeze or laugh or cough without it hurting like a mother fucker, nothing like a torn nail dude.

And yeah I see what your saying kuroitaima. I should really see a specialist cuz the walk in doctor just wants to put me on pills.
I wasn't comparing your pain to a torn toe nail in any way, shape, or form. I was basically saying it is so rediculously easy to get a recommendation. At least in CA it is.


Well-Known Member
Please do see someone and find out what's really causing the problem. I have a small tumor that's pressing on nerves, and some joint/skeletal problems... Nerve pain is a bitch. And having all those little things trigger it, I can empathise too. Many kisses and cuddles and I hope you get it sorted out soon so you can get relief from the pain <3


Well-Known Member
Back pain sucks.....I've had major pain from my low back all the way to the bottom of my feet for a long time. 2 MRI's, an EGM, and physical therapy, and we can't find whats going on. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get a shot or a referel to get a epidural. The perc's, vics, and the MJ (high in CBD always) doesn't touch it. Also take 1800mg of neurotin a day.....nothing.

Hope you feel better bro. Some days can be so hard.....I find walking the dog, and just trying to move around as much of the day as I can helps some.

There are many here who understand what you're dealing with. Go in the medical forums.....we're all fucked up in there.


Well-Known Member
Look Kid,

Any back pain, at your age, can be fixed by a chiropractor. If it can't then learn to be an adult. Suck it up.

I know that sounds harsh, but it sounds like you are getting adult pains way before your time. I feel for you. But a lot of pains are just part of life.


Well-Known Member
whats up RIU, I was just wonderin if any1 had sciastica by any chance...Im only 19 nd i got it pretty bad, it literally came outta nowhere, I was pretty active when i was younger, And then i stopped lol I wonder why? :bigjoint:

Anyways Now i got this shitty condition which Is just strait up annoying, and im just wondering if anyone else has it, and how they cope with it day to day, also if you could get a medical marijuana liscense for it.
Hey man, I never had sciatica as bad as you but I got it in my left buttock once I stopped being active and playing computer games.

Avoid things like tight belts, low hip trousers & things in your back pocket when you sit down. Also avoid sitting down for long periods of time. Daily hot as you can bare showers will help too and also try self massage too.

The thing that will ultimately help you is something like Yoga or Pilates. The stretches in these 2 arts will treat your whole body which is whats always needed... (one part off balance different problems etc)

There are other quick fixes though:

Lie on your back and allow your lower back to touch the floor. Lift your knees up to your chest and hold them with your hands. Lie down that way, the spine stretch gets more intense if you flatten your neck too. Lie down like this for a minute or two but don`t do it if it feels painful.

Best one for sciatica is to sit down on a suitable chair and put one foot over the other knee. The side of the raised foot will get a nice stretch. The stretch is intensified by straightening your back and/or leaning forward. Lean slightly towards one side (opposite side to the one being stretched) and bring your forehead down to your knee.

Don`t do any of these on any sort of pain meds, if they feel good keep doing them as required. Not too much but listen to your body.

Hope this helps man :)


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Tenner provides amazing advice and support once again. Listen to your body. Yoga classes help me correct a lot of nerve/postural problems. Get friendly with your instructor, it pays off.


Well-Known Member
i noticed a problem with this after I got out of high school, and stopped stretching regularly, and sit alot of the time on my laptop. Plus I have a previous dance injury, a pulled hamstring, which acts up in the cold or if i stay in one place. Stretch out as much as you can if this is the problem, its the only way to stop the pain


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much, I went to a chiro an hour ago too set an appointment up, I hope they can fix this BS, And Yes, it is deffinately a bitch, if you dont mind me asking, Is your tumor a serious concern?

and Highlowgrow, You are probably right, I was going to try before but i needed to fill like 50 pages of paperwork out, so i said fukkk it, but i might try one day.


Well-Known Member
i noticed a problem with this after I got out of high school, and stopped stretching regularly, and sit alot of the time on my laptop. Plus I have a previous dance injury, a pulled hamstring, which acts up in the cold or if i stay in one place. Stretch out as much as you can if this is the problem, its the only way to stop the pain
I always try to strech, it doesnt seem to do a thing, I went to the chiropractor today because it has become much more serious then that. I have felt it since i was 15, but it was very minor, every year it kept getting worst, untill now sometimes the pain is unbearable, I dont know why i was so stubborn about it.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I never had sciatica as bad as you but I got it in my left buttock once I stopped being active and playing computer games.

Avoid things like tight belts, low hip trousers & things in your back pocket when you sit down. Also avoid sitting down for long periods of time. Daily hot as you can bare showers will help too and also try self massage too.

The thing that will ultimately help you is something like Yoga or Pilates. The stretches in these 2 arts will treat your whole body which is whats always needed... (one part off balance different problems etc)

There are other quick fixes though:

Lie on your back and allow your lower back to touch the floor. Lift your knees up to your chest and hold them with your hands. Lie down that way, the spine stretch gets more intense if you flatten your neck too. Lie down like this for a minute or two but don`t do it if it feels painful.

Best one for sciatica is to sit down on a suitable chair and put one foot over the other knee. The side of the raised foot will get a nice stretch. The stretch is intensified by straightening your back and/or leaning forward. Lean slightly towards one side (opposite side to the one being stretched) and bring your forehead down to your knee.

Don`t do any of these on any sort of pain meds, if they feel good keep doing them as required. Not too much but listen to your body.

Hope this helps man :)

Hey thanks for the advice but i think im way past the stage where stretching will do any good, Im thinking i might need a surgery, I Always try to stretch everyday but i started when i think it was too late, I deffinately need sum professional help, but I guess even if you dont have any condition stretching/yoga and all that is deffinately a smart desicion for future reference, My 2012 goal was too just get fit and stop sitting around so much staring at screens. And when i was younger, I would always rock my jeans below my ass:dunce:, and i would also bike around alot ( the wasteline would be pushing in against my thigh area ), im pretty sure that fucked sum shit up down there lol and the hot showers i actully discovered that a week ago, they realllly do wonders.


Well-Known Member
Look Kid,

Any back pain, at your age, can be fixed by a chiropractor. If it can't then learn to be an adult. Suck it up.

I know that sounds harsh, but it sounds like you are getting adult pains way before your time. I feel for you. But a lot of pains are just part of life.
That sounds harsh as fuck, lol but i feel u, If nothing can be done ill live with it.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the advice but i think im way past the stage where stretching will do any good, Im thinking i might need a surgery, I Always try to stretch everyday but i started when i think it was too late, I deffinately need sum professional help, but I guess even if you dont have any condition stretching/yoga and all that is deffinately a smart desicion for future reference, My 2012 goal was too just get fit and stop sitting around so much staring at screens. And when i was younger, I would always rock my jeans below my ass:dunce:, and i would also bike around alot ( the wasteline would be pushing in against my thigh area ), im pretty sure that fucked sum shit up down there lol and the hot showers i actully discovered that a week ago, they realllly do wonders.
Sorry to hear about your condition man. The chiropractor sounds professional enough.

Doubt you would need surgery. I went to the chiropractor 3 times and they really helped for my shoulderblade. There is still physiotherapy etc :) Pilates is proven to be beneficial weather you have an operation or not but its a lot of effort.

Get to it quick and score some pain meds while your at it :fire: