I have always been a sucker for those big beautiful calyx like on the Giesel .
You can get some pistils popping in the early flowering period while the reversal is taking place. You should see the production of male parts become all that develops. Here are some early shots in the reversal with some pistils
View attachment 4343426 When shouldi apply my pollen. I am wondering if as soon as week 1-2
If you're using up a valuable flowering spot, consider flowering her in a clear tote with splash over light or some other light source. That way if you can keep going with the reversal and if you later decide to abort, you didn't miss out on the flowering spot.
View attachment 4343427
This tote process is described more in depth here (first half applies, the second half is more for male plants).
I'm assuming this is your question: When should i apply my pollen. I am wondering if as soon as week 1-2
Generally, you want to pollinate in the 3-4weeks flowering range. This depends on the rate of flower formation. Some quicker flowering females (8wks total) can be pollinated sooner than the longer flowering (10-12wks total) females. Here is a picture of a female being pollinated to give an example of the point at which you can pollinate and get a decent amount of seeds. I like to wait for the flowers to be a bit larger than those pictured, but this is a good example of how early you can dust and be okay with the results.
View attachment 4420244
I prefer to time the pollination (assuming you have the pollen collected already) based on how far along the female flowers have developed. For example, Chemdog'91 usually takes until day 32-34 to have the buds that maximize seed count with enough time to develop. Green Crack S1 is ready to dust at day 25, so it depends on the female. As a general rule, you can dust as soon as buds are about the size of a dime, up to about the size of a quarter before you are risking not having enough time for the seeds to mature (assuming the plant is getting chopped based on trichomes and not seeds specifically).
You're welcome. This procedure is just for a small scale single branch pollination. Usually, you just have a full sized male plant in the room full of female plants you'd like to pollinate dropping pollen. When I do full plant pollinations, I have a male plant in the tent dropping pollen next to a fan blowing the pollen around the female plants. After a couple days in the room, you'll see the pistils turn brown when they've been pollinated and then you can remove the male.That’s awesome schwaggy
That’s awesome schwaggy thanks. So I’m wondering how you would pollenate on a big scale. So what about guys with a commercial greenhouse what would be legitament way to pollenate an acre greenhouse. I would hate to think of using a brush.
You're welcome. This procedure is just for a small scale single branch pollination. Usually, you just have a full sized male plant in the room full of female plants you'd like to pollinate dropping pollen. When I do full plant pollinations, I have a male plant in the tent dropping pollen next to a fan blowing the pollen around the female plants. After a couple days in the room, you'll see the pistils turn brown when they've been pollinated and then you can remove the male.
Since most growers have neither the space or need to make large batches of seeds, this small scale single branch dusting is a way for small scale guys to make some seeds on a single branch so you don't have to pollinate the entire female. I'm not sure about how outdoor breeders go about it, but I'm sure pollination by hand is not it.
You're welcome. This procedure is just for a small scale single branch pollination. Usually, you just have a full sized male plant in the room full of female plants you'd like to pollinate dropping pollen. When I do full plant pollinations, I have a male plant in the tent dropping pollen next to a fan blowing the pollen around the female plants. After a couple days in the room, you'll see the pistils turn brown when they've been pollinated and then you can remove the male.
Since most growers have neither the space or need to make large batches of seeds, this small scale single branch dusting is a way for small scale guys to make some seeds on a single branch so you don't have to pollinate the entire female. I'm not sure about how outdoor breeders go about it, but I'm sure pollination by hand is not it.
I'm glad I can help. I have no experience with outdoor, so I can't really say. What are you trying to accomplish with pollinating that amount of bud? A full single branch pollination (that fits in a lunch bag) can yield 100-300 seeds, so if you're just looking to do some small scale breeding or make some backup seeds, a full greenhouse full of seeds may be overkill.I’m new on hear but have been cultivating cannabis for about 20 years now. I just recently in last year got into feminized seeds. Been learning so much on RIU and personally a lot from your post I’ve been taking notes. So thank you for your time I appreciate the skills and knowledge. I am working on pollenating a big greenhouse of mine and that’s why i was asking about spreading pollen on say an acre of greenhouse. How to spread pollen evenly. if i have Adiquit air flow but I’m worried about pollenating neighbors and i will not proceed Till i find out what i should do to kill pollen when outaking air ‘
, and if i need to be 100% sea Led or just kill pollen that i outtake in my air ?