Well-Known Member
Nope, just wood. 17th C travel dildos. Sold for about $6000.
$5786 to be exact.
Showpieces of my collection.
Nope, just wood. 17th C travel dildos. Sold for about $6000.
Rhino horn?
Size creep through the years. Those were enormous schwantzstückers for their day.Seem a little on the small side to me...
Size creep through the years. Those were enormous schwantzstückers for their day.
Dicks in a box.Well, they're nicely made nonetheless. I like the case too.
This is the way I see it: if you come upon someone in your house whom you didn't invite, who just broke their way in there, you should be allowed to use lethal force (preferably with a verbal warning of your armed status, but the world aint perfect). There are only a few things you are doing in someones house without their knowledge, so whats to stop someone for knocking out the whole list at once?I just find it frightening that people think killing a person to protect something material is ok. Your property this and that. Life is life, everything you've ever done or will do just being stopped because you needed cash that bad you were succumbed to rob someone, as if that isn't degrading enough, they then kill you for it? What is worth protecting, other than people, that is justifies killing someone. I'd say nothing at all, people need to stop thinking of life so cheaply because they have nothing other that first world problems to worry about. Maybe I'm mentally ill as it seems I'm one of the few seing it from this perspective. Frightening
This is the way I see it: if you come upon someone in your house whom you didn't invite, who just broke their way in there, you should be allowed to use lethal force (preferably with a verbal warning of your armed status, but the world aint perfect). There are only a few things you are doing in someones house without their knowledge, so whats to stop someone for knocking out the whole list at once?
Would be thief, who just wants another Vicodin (or seven) oh so bad, walks into a house only to find a desirable figure sleeping in the bed. Now they are ready to steal money, pills, and innocence. And what happens when that person wakes up, and starts screaming for help? Does the thief lie down, and start regretting the choices that brought them to this juncture in their life while the cops make their way over from the donut shack (err, station), or do they try to avoid persecution and get their fix? I have met very few junkies who graciously take responsibility for their transgressions.
And if my hypothetical wasn't enough, gather around kids, while Uncle Prostheticninja tells you an anecdote:
An old timer I know went away to do contract work at a mill for a few weeks. He came back to a strange truck in his driveway, with their back end up against his place and the gate down. He left again, and walked around the back down a trail to come up to his back door. He saw a guy go walking through the house, over to the living room. The old timer then quietly unlocked the back door, and walked in. On his wall, hung (and still hangs) an old, antique, flintlock rifle. The old timer went up behind this guy, and butt slapped him in the back of the head with that gun. Down goes the intruder, only to start reaching for his own piece so he can be the one walking away that day. However, that did not happen as the old timer stomped his head into a pulp right in the living room.
Upon further inspection of the house, his normal safe was gone, as was anything else of value. His gun cabinet had been literally smashed open, and all the guns taken from inside. In this guy's truck, they found a Sawzall and a three-pack of metal blades. A very common around here is to cut out the copper piping in one's home or camp and exchange it for the salvage value. He wasn't even going to let the old timer keep his fucking plumbing. However, when he went into his bedroom, he found his wife hog tied; bare ass naked. I bet you can guess what happened to her.
If you don't want want to get killed in a strange home, don't go in there. I feel no remorse for people who are too blind (whether naturally or they are veiled by something) to see that. I wouldn't say it is wrong for someone to be ripped apart after they wander into cave with a bear and her cubs; I would call that Darwinism.
I agree with the wandering part. I have found myself on property that isn't mine more times than I should have, but I think it's all about context. I definitely wouldn't start popping off shots if someone comes into my yard picking berries, but if they start doing sketchy shit I'll probably do some sketchy shit back. Also, I wouldn't want some homeless man or woman wandering into my home, where I have multiple things of monetary and sentimental value (not to mention a garden full of pot plants in the basement) even if they did need a shower or God knows what. I have a hose outside lol.rough story . here's the problem with shoot first and escalating to firing deadly shots.
1.mentally ill person or someone on drugs wanders on to your property. doesn't mean you harm. call police or neighbors or handle it with out escalating.
2.someone is being chased means you no harm. maybe someone just thinks they are being chased you can help them at gun point , no need to shoot.
3. homeless person needs a shower doesn't know anyone is there. or needs a sandwich and will apologize and offer to pay.
4. it's a criminal wanted with a reward, you shoot him and lose the reward.
5. it's a jim Morrison who is just passing through.
with in that short list i can think of 6 true stories in my real life as examples. 3 stories f legend and that's without getting creative. There are a lot of reasons not to shoot just because you can.