schizophrenics need guns, not mental health care

Is it wise to let schizophrenics buy guns and block their access to mental healthcare?

  • yep, smart move. give them guns!

  • no, that's monumentally fucking dumb. don't let them buy guns.

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so that's different then all disabilities and mental illness . still not all schizophrenics are ever dangerous and many recover. i am advocating a certificate of training and and a special pysch eval. no bans on weapons but restrictions of what you can use and carry.
Not sure what psych evaluations would do. Like the vet that turned himself and gun in. Told everyone what he was going to do and then was turned loose to do it.

We need more mental health facilities and treatment for the ones that need it.
Not sure what psych evaluations would do. Like the vet that turned himself and gun in. Told everyone what he was going to do and then was turned loose to do it.

We need more mental health facilities and treatment for the ones that need it.
you'd proly have crooked and incompetent or improperly trained doctors doing it but yeah i agree more health care also more community availability to eople so they don't break.
I just find it frightening that people think killing a person to protect something material is ok. Your property this and that. Life is life, everything you've ever done or will do just being stopped because you needed cash that bad you were succumbed to rob someone, as if that isn't degrading enough, they then kill you for it? What is worth protecting, other than people, that is justifies killing someone. I'd say nothing at all, people need to stop thinking of life so cheaply because they have nothing other that first world problems to worry about. Maybe I'm mentally ill as it seems I'm one of the few seing it from this perspective. Frightening
I just find it frightening that people think killing a person to protect something material is ok. Your property this and that. Life is life, everything you've ever done or will do just being stopped because you needed cash that bad you were succumbed to rob someone, as if that isn't degrading enough, they then kill you for it? What is worth protecting, other than people, that is justifies killing someone. I'd say nothing at all, people need to stop thinking of life so cheaply because they have nothing other that first world problems to worry about. Maybe I'm mentally ill as it seems I'm one of the few seing it from this perspective. Frightening
i would only shoot to injure and to protect life. if someone attempts to harm someone and karate is less of an option. I work security and prefer to do it unarmed as i am not willing to get in a gun fight over property and you are more likely to be shot in a robbery if you are armed.
i would only shoot to injure and to protect life. if someone attempts to harm someone and karate is less of an option. I work security and prefer to do it unarmed as i am not willing to get in a gun fight over property and you are more likely to be shot in a robbery if you are armed.
The problem with just injuring someone is that they'll probably come back for revenge.

Better off firing a couple of warning shots and giving them a chance to leave but being ready to defend yourself if necessary.
The problem with just injuring someone is that they'll probably come back for revenge.

Better off firing a couple of warning shots and giving them a chance to leave but being ready to defend yourself if necessary.
it depends but yea the voice is the first weapon. "STOP I'M ARMED."
i have won every fight and have nver had someone come back for more. i don't attack people i defend and they lose they don't seek revenge but they might celebrate my demise.
Im unsure of all limitations but folks who need someones assistance with their affairs as they are that mentally disabled no they dont need a gun. No one needs rounds that can pierce bullet proof vests or these insane capacity magazine units. If we draw no line in the sand then if i am wealthy enough i should be able to own anti aircraft artillery, a functioining tank, some hand grenades, etc...?

In my heart im with couch. I dont advocate for a gun free world as that train left station long ago... but i love the mindset of we need to change our paradigm of how we think of things. Americans do need to realize this isnt the wild west, lets grow up a bit folks and not prop up our masculinity with whos got more firepower in their closet.

"Imagine theres no countries, it isnt hard to do, nothing to kill or die for, no religion too, imagine all the people living their lives in peace... imagine no possesions i wonder if you can, no need for greed and hunger. A brotherhood of man, imagine all the people sharing all the world.... "

I know its utopian but wow if that dream could come true...
Im unsure of all limitations but folks who need someones assistance with their affairs as they are that mentally disabled no they dont need a gun. No one needs rounds that can pierce bullet proof vests or these insane capacity magazine units. If we draw no line in the sand then if i am wealthy enough i should be able to own anti aircraft artillery, a functioining tank, some hand grenades, etc...?

In my heart im with couch. I dont advocate for a gun free world as that train left station long ago... but i love the mindset of we need to change our paradigm of how we think of things. Americans do need to realize this isnt the wild west, lets grow up a bit folks and not prop up our masculinity with whos got more firepower in their closet.

"Imagine theres no countries, it isnt hard to do, nothing to kill or die for, no religion too, imagine all the people living their lives in peace... imagine no possesions i wonder if you can, no need for greed and hunger. A brotherhood of man, imagine all the people sharing all the world.... "

I know its utopian but wow if that dream could come true...
good quote. utopian: characterized by or aspiring to impracticable perfection; " the dim utopian future"; " utopian idealists"; " recognized the utopian nature of his hopes""""""" has negative connotations .
utopia is a perfectly reasonable goal . utopia: ideally perfect state; especially in its social and political and moral aspects
When I was studying to be a jeweler, my teacher was a fantastic gun engraver and customizer

This is his work:
i would only shoot to injure and to protect life. if someone attempts to harm someone and karate is less of an option. I work security and prefer to do it unarmed as i am not willing to get in a gun fight over property and you are more likely to be shot in a robbery if you are armed.
I worked armed security. It pays a hell of a lot better.

I wouldn't shoot anyone over stealing. That still carries a murder charge in most places. You can kill to protect yourself.

Never, never, never shoot to wound. Shoot to kill or don't shoot. What if yo hit them in the stomach and they suffer for a week before death?