Sch 1 marijuana and DEA

You cant. And before the whole med state thing..when your ass could get thrown in a cage for years...the risk/reward was pretty wild. Back in those days we were literally growing money trees. With legalization...95% of us will shut her down. Will be easier and cheaper to buy it than turn a light on to grow it. Maybe a couple back yard plants if that. Alot like tomatos. Alot of people fool themselves and head in the sand by saying "they" cant grow fire like us good growers can. Cmon. With the money at bet yer ass "they" will. Weed of all qualities. The. big ag world has been pretty profit stagnant for some time...this is big news for them. Your already seeing them prepping for it like Scotts/Miracle Grow buying out "our" companys. Ironically..the indoor "hobby" hydroponics equipment industry will be hit really hard. One of the reasons alot of industry insiders are cashing out now. They see where its going. Then you got tue growers (and they are good growers dont get me wrong) that delude themselves with this whole "craft grown" small batch quality horse shit. Cmon.

not in my world. i smoke a couple ozs a month.
A large majority of the country is years away from this, some several decades. I doubt I'll see it in my lifetime where I'm at.
Huh? I didnt think Id see Cali go with this med thing awhile back nor go Rec like Colorado amd a couple others. Alsondidnt think med would grip a large chunk of States and continue to sweep like wildfire. Not in my lifetime. Will happen within 10 years. How can you not see it?
Plus they are seeing the revenue collected vastly greater than the money in prisons..guards..lawyers..enforcement. BILLIONS. Colorado politicians were freaking and worried as shit at first. Soon as the State coffers started getting stuffed with cash they sure as shit changed thier tune. example. Amongst the rest of em. Its a BIG money big business thing. Nothing can stop it now.
It's just not gonna happen. Look at MN, one of the most liberal states in the midwest. They finally get medical, but you can only get it if you have some BS serious conditions, and only in pill or oil form. Just opening up on these conditions will take years and years. No growing, and still serious jail time if you grow. They actually take the wet weight of your plants (roots and all), and that's what you get charge with. I just don't see it happening quickly.
Well brother, I hope you are right. I just want the man to leave me alone.
Don't worry. I have it on good authority that "The Man" has been dead for a while.
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What if your corner store had pre rolled ounces of kick ass and clean smoke..your favorite types for 20 bucks?

if that was reality, i would be in. but americans love with the almighty dollar will never allow that.

wheres the profit margin?
Hez ready to drop the smack down hammer. Been ready. Trump and his whole circus of clowns is a cruel joke but this old fossil...a leftover from the Bush/ Reagen years is serious as a heart attack. 1989 all over again. Target rich environment as well. Fukin cocksucker.
If hes allowed to do what he wants to do..which is unleash the full might of the DEA in a full blown war on Med and Recreational states...its gonna be something. The growers that dont get popped and go back underground will get PAID!!! 3 TO 500 dollar ounces all over again. Welcome to supply and demand 101. I doubt it will happen like Sessions wants (it would be expensive for the tax payer) but it could. Sessions is that frikin crazy. I bet the Mexican Cartels want it to happen. Poppies are a bitch to grow down there. They want thier weed slice of the pie back.
If hes allowed to do what he wants to do..which is unleash the full might of the DEA in a full blown war on Med and Recreational states...its gonna be something. The growers that dont get popped and go back underground will get PAID!!! 3 TO 500 dollar ounces all over again. Welcome to supply and demand 101. I doubt it will happen like Sessions wants (it would be expensive for the tax payer) but it could. Sessions is that frikin crazy.
Asset forfeiture will pay for everything...
Legal weed will put a lot of growers out of business. Machine trimmed units of Cali outdoors are going for $700 a unit in lots of 100 and bigger. Who can make a living with those kind of prices.
I seen units as low as $300 bucks this year. It was decent I didn't have to buy 100 of them.
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Huh? I didnt think Id see Cali go with this med thing awhile back nor go Rec like Colorado amd a couple others. Alsondidnt think med would grip a large chunk of States and continue to sweep like wildfire. Not in my lifetime. Will happen within 10 years. How can you not see it?
I'm planting orchards and cut flowers for bouquets on my land. This was a fun run though.