Say goodbye to Clean Air and Water

You're a serious dumb-dumb and extremely ignorant.
You have absolutely no idea what the carbon output of any of the things you mentioned are, pure anecdotal BS.
Forest fires don't "make CO2", they release whatever they've captured but then produce fertile soil and the forest regrows to re-sequester the CO2.
I did not realize I said that wood stoves and forrest fires created carbon dioxide , Oh that's right I didnt. I assumed you were smart enough to decipher that, I said that I'm sure that wood stoves are the cause for the bad air. And since you can only read dipshit and not sarcasm, I'll go ahead and tell you I was saying that sarcastically. Automobiles and other things with engines that burn fossil fuel and fossil fuel derivatives probably are the number one reason for co2 release into the air, As for trees absorbing co2 , yeah that is a given but the ocean is the main co2 absorber. I'm not so concerned with the carbon dioxide , more concerned with all the heavy metals the government is spraying into the atmosphere to conduct "experiments" and to try to control the weather that are now in the soil and water in higher concentrations then have ever been seen before, Making people sick and poisoning our food and water.

But yeah I see nothing in the politics section has changed , Assholes, libtards and know it all keyboard warriors aplenty, Still whining about hillary and how trump is the devil who is going to ruin the country. "Obama already did a pretty good job of that" You guys can keep this dump of a section, Keep on belittling people because they dont see things in you're narrow minded ways. I have to go to work now .
Jesus h Christ it like arguing with a republican special ed class.

Asshole #1 hollers about "facts" except he never presents any. He just says he does.

Asshole #2 is the other half of the vagina who works third shift at the talcum factory and posts horseshit pablum in between making batches of baby powder

Now some twit in a shiny helmet avatar wants to jump on the pile because now they somehow feel empowered. Clearly as stupid as before but more confident.

All of these small brained nitwits drink the cool aid daily fed by the cheeto machine.
Jesus h Christ it like arguing with a republican special ed class.

Asshole #1 hollers about "facts" except he never presents any. He just says he does.

Asshole #2 is the other half of the vagina who works third shift at the talcum factory and posts horseshit pablum in between making batches of baby powder

Now some twit in a shiny helmet avatar wants to jump on the pile because now they somehow feel empowered. Clearly as stupid as before but more confident.

All of these small brained nitwits drink the cool aid daily fed by the cheeto machine.
Don't you remember, those of us that believe in science are the sheep. It's all a big conspiracy dated back hundreds of years. Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Aristotle, Galileo, NASA, every scientist and school teacher in the world; all in on it.
Except the geniuses that made the creationist museum; those guys were on point.
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I did not realize I said that wood stoves and forrest fires created carbon dioxide , Oh that's right I didnt. I assumed you were smart enough to decipher that, I said that I'm sure that wood stoves are the cause for the bad air. And since you can only read dipshit and not sarcasm, I'll go ahead and tell you I was saying that sarcastically. Automobiles and other things with engines that burn fossil fuel and fossil fuel derivatives probably are the number one reason for co2 release into the air, As for trees absorbing co2 , yeah that is a given but the ocean is the main co2 absorber. I'm not so concerned with the carbon dioxide , more concerned with all the heavy metals the government is spraying into the atmosphere to conduct "experiments" and to try to control the weather that are now in the soil and water in higher concentrations then have ever been seen before, Making people sick and poisoning our food and water.

But yeah I see nothing in the politics section has changed , Assholes, libtards and know it all keyboard warriors aplenty, Still whining about hillary and how trump is the devil who is going to ruin the country. "Obama already did a pretty good job of that" You guys can keep this dump of a section, Keep on belittling people because they dont see things in you're narrow minded ways. I have to go to work now .
Lol, let me decipher this shit post:

•Climate change is a hoax
•Thinks wood stoves and cars produce the most CO2
•Calls someone else a dipshit and narrow minded

You might be retarded but at least you're funny.
I'm not ignorant, The planet is getting warmer, The michigan winters are not the same as they were 15 years ago. But the earth goes through cycles , This is one of them, I dont believe that we are dumping enough co2 into the atmosphere to cause it, Like a drop in the ocean so to speak, the clean air act just put alot of people out of business and made lots of folks around here mad as hell , I'm sure the woodstoves are the cause of the bad air. Hell the last forrest fire put off more smoke in one day then all the woodburners in michigan have for the last 100 years.
Did you live through the last cycle? Or did you receive this knowledge from doG or science? What was your major?
I'm not ignorant, The planet is getting warmer, The michigan winters are not the same as they were 15 years ago. But the earth goes through cycles , This is one of them, I dont believe that we are dumping enough co2 into the atmosphere to cause it, Like a drop in the ocean so to speak, the clean air act just put alot of people out of business and made lots of folks around here mad as hell , I'm sure the woodstoves are the cause of the bad air. Hell the last forrest fire put off more smoke in one day then all the woodburners in michigan have for the last 100 years.
... And you're going to try and tell us that forest fire had nothing to do with climate change, right?

How about the exhaust of 2 BILLION CARS? Just for starters...

Tell ya what, sport; let's hear a convincing argument that petawatts of power generation using fossil fuels would NOT affect climate and I'll happily switch sides. You have a hypothesis, so let's see your evidence. The other side's data is pretty strong, consistent and longstanding, so I'm not holding my breath.
I did not realize I said that wood stoves and forrest fires created carbon dioxide , Oh that's right I didnt. I assumed you were smart enough to decipher that, I said that I'm sure that wood stoves are the cause for the bad air. And since you can only read dipshit and not sarcasm, I'll go ahead and tell you I was saying that sarcastically. Automobiles and other things with engines that burn fossil fuel and fossil fuel derivatives probably are the number one reason for co2 release into the air, As for trees absorbing co2 , yeah that is a given but the ocean is the main co2 absorber. I'm not so concerned with the carbon dioxide , more concerned with all the heavy metals the government is spraying into the atmosphere to conduct "experiments" and to try to control the weather that are now in the soil and water in higher concentrations then have ever been seen before, Making people sick and poisoning our food and water.

But yeah I see nothing in the politics section has changed , Assholes, libtards and know it all keyboard warriors aplenty, Still whining about hillary and how trump is the devil who is going to ruin the country. "Obama already did a pretty good job of that" You guys can keep this dump of a section, Keep on belittling people because they dont see things in you're narrow minded ways. I have to go to work now .
CO2 is absolutely changing the environment, in ways large and small. Check with your beachfront friends if you don't believe in sea level rise.

I'm not belittling you, unless you continue to offer up bullshit denials without a shred of evidence. Hint: if Einstein did that, I'd call his bullshit, too.
Don't you remember, those of us that believe in science are the sheep. It's all a big conspiracy dated back hundreds of years. Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Aristotle, Galileo, NASA, every scientist and school teacher in the world; all in on it.
Except the geniuses that made the creationist museum; those guys were on point.
... And you're going to try and tell us that forest fire had nothing to do with climate change, right?

How about the exhaust of 2 BILLION CARS? Just for starters...

Tell ya what, sport; let's hear a convincing argument that petawatts of power generation using fossil fuels would NOT affect climate and I'll happily switch sides. You have a hypothesis, so let's see your evidence. The other side's data is pretty strong, consistent and longstanding, so I'm not holding my breath.
In China where they still use a lot of coal you can rarely see the sun. It's always covered in smog.
To those that don't know; the sun is the life force of every living thing on the planet in one way or another. Except some in deep sea vents but now we're just getting ahead of ourselves.
Lol, let me decipher this shit post:

•Climate change is a hoax
•Thinks wood stoves and cars produce the most CO2
•Calls someone else a dipshit and narrow minded

You might be retarded but at least you're funny.
You are an idiot , But I see who likes your posts and now I see why you are the way you are. you just read what you want to.