Say goodbye to Clean Air and Water

That's wrong at every level. You offer zero facts. Even your limited math skills understands zero. You may as well have said the sky is green. It is equally infactual

Just because you can put words together into a sentence doesn't make it true. Even when you wave your arms around and jump up and down. You just look silly and your statement is still complete bullshit
a lot of words without one salient point. you love to hear yourself talk don't you? fancy yourself an intellectual? i would say pride always comes before the fall, but you have no lower level to fall to. but seriously, good luck with your delusions.
a lot of words without one salient point. you love to hear yourself talk don't you? fancy yourself an intellectual? i would say pride always comes before the fall, but you have no lower level to fall to. but seriously, good luck with your delusions.

tell us more about your belief that obama was secretly born in kenya and his mom put birth announcements in hawaiian newspapers.
Im dont know what to feel.

Disgusted that the leader of the free world doesnt listen to the smart scientists. Even the Pope believes in climate change. If religion and science agree on something then it must be true. A leader who doesnt think clean water is important, especially for the poor.
But then I think to myself that the stupidity of the American people voted for Trump. Knowing he is not the best business man in the world. Knowing he ripped off thousands of mum and dad investors with DJT stock. A man who regularly goes into bankruptcy to get out of paying American workers. A man who just ripped up the trade agreement that has not even been finalized and then wants to renegotiate....thats a strange one..renegotiate something that was not finished being negotiated/ratifide...Some who doesnt and has never liked anyone except white people. A man who creates his own reality.
And i think to myself..well the stupid voted him in and the stupid believe his reality over facts. The stupid will get shafted and love it. They will praise him as he does it. So America deserves what it gets. Sad it effects the rest of the world though.

Be nice if a tree fell on him...soon.
tell us more about your belief that obama was secretly born in kenya and his mom put birth announcements in hawaiian newspapers.
yeah, i don't recall saying that, but if i did, and you have to drag up shit like that to feel like you were on a moral highground, more power to you buckie the welsher. at least i never made a losing bet to leave the site...then lost...then stuck around. but your futile attempts to salvage any dignity are cute.
yeah, i don't recall saying that, but if i did, and you have to drag up shit like that to feel like you were on a moral highground, more power to you buckie the welsher. at least i never made a losing bet to leave the site...then lost...then stuck around. but your futile attempts to salvage any dignity are cute.

i was just bringing up an example of your delusions since you accuse others of having them.
You dont see the hypocrisy?
if you seriously think it's worth cutting off your nose to spite your face, sure. but you can't go full retard on the whole america first thing. what then? no foreign trade? i'm sure IF this does happen, the oil will be taxed appropriately. simply brokering deals with other countries is in no way being hypocritical in this case. it's a win/win, and improves foreign relations.
if you seriously think it's worth cutting off your nose to spite your face, sure. but you can't go full retard on the whole america first thing. what then? no foreign trade? i'm sure IF this does happen, the oil will be taxed appropriately. simply brokering deals with other countries is in no way being hypocritical in this case. it's a win/win, and improves foreign relations.
So you dont think an American first person wouldn't use an American company (that pays tax's in America) and employs American workers (who pay tax's). Maybe who gets their supplies from American company's (pays tax's). A company at the very least who doesnt trade with China, after all China made up Climate change to wreck the American economy?
if you seriously think it's worth cutting off your nose to spite your face, sure. but you can't go full retard on the whole america first thing. what then? no foreign trade? i'm sure IF this does happen, the oil will be taxed appropriately. simply brokering deals with other countries is in no way being hypocritical in this case. it's a win/win, and improves foreign relations.

america first was originally an anti-semitic slogan from the 1930s.

you voted for trum and you are poorly educated.

and your sig describes trum's style perfectly.
So you dont think an American first person wouldn't use an American company (that pays tax's in America) and employs American workers (who pay tax's). Maybe who gets their supplies from American company's (pays tax's). A company at the very least who doesnt trade with China, after all China made up Climate change to wreck the American economy?
i agree with most of what you are saying, but no way is canada just going to build a pipeline across the US. it'll be done by US companies, taxes will be paid, and fees will be paid to the US. i mean, where is this canadian oil being transported to in the US? refineries in la/tx?
i agree with most of what you are saying, but no way is canada just going to build a pipeline across the US. it'll be done by US companies, taxes will be paid, and fees will be paid to the US. i mean, where is this canadian oil being transported to in the US? refineries in la/tx?
Can tell ur a Trump voter in that statement carnt we...lmao

Among other things,
Why would a Canadian company pay taxs in the US? Then they would also have to pay it in Canada...are u still in school?
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Can tell ur a Trump voter in that statement carnt we...lmao
Why would a Canadian company pay taxs in the US? Then they would also have to pay it in Canadia...are u still in school?
i see instead of electing to answer my questions you instead spouted bullshit and figure insulting my intelligence was the way to go. great job there. i will assume you have never done business in a foreign country, something i have a fair amount of experience with. you pay taxes to the country you are doing business in as well as your originating country. then any materials you use, if you bring them from your originating country, you pay a tariff on, or your source those goods from the country you are working in- thereby contributing to that country's economy. if you want to keep playing checkers, go right ahead. i'll keep playing chess.