sativa or indica? help please :)


Well-Known Member
your not all there are ya mate lol

asking a question = doing my homework

please go bore somebody else, i feel like im talking to a 12 year old kid


Well-Known Member
Actually,doing your homework would be doing some research by way of reading as much as you possibly can,not asking.others a question you.could have answered yourself had you done your homework.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
sativa/indica - often the line isn't so clear
better to just call it a hybrid, fat ass buds like those don't usually show up on a sativa
good looking plants, even in hps lighting
ou8acracker.....dude...please chill. (Whew!) I gotta agree with growone, alot of the hybrids I've seen have really blurred lines. I had a Col Sat crossed with a Pakistani(Peshawar) indica that looked a whole lot like that. I'm seeing a bit heavier indica bud structure. Def a hybrid tho...

Nice plants, BTW!!


Well-Known Member
thanks jack i try my best :) , with hybrids then the estimated flowering would be what? 10 weeks? ( just thinking of a mixture between sativa and indica flowering times).


New Member
I bred my own pure sativa strain from Durban Poison, Swazi and another sativa I can't remember the name of and the girls from the seed absolutely produced big fat, dense buds. The girls, outdoors, grew to about 10 foot tall, had trunks the size of your wrist and threw 2 pounds minimum dry weight per plant.
I can't grow this strain in my grow room cos it's not big enough.
But, my point is, you can get massive buds off a sativa. They're not always long and thin.
My strain, and the original Durban Poison mother it was based on, used to get dense buds a foot long and thicker than a beer can. The fuckers needed stakes to keep the branches from snapping.