• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

sara isnt so dumb after all.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif].http://www.godhatesgoths.com/godhatesretards.html .-This is an excerpt from that link-I disagree and personally think everybody loves a retard. this is from god hates retards=Cripples, retards and people with learning disabilities are abominable to God, and are worthy only of death for their depraved slobbering, staggering, stammering ways. Why should they be given the best parking spaces? Why should we waste precious resources on wheelchairs and crutches? If it is God's will that they should not walk,-

jeff f

New Member
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]http://www.godhatesgoths.com/godhatesretards.html .-This is an excerpt from that link-I disagree and personally think everybody loves a retard. this is from god hates retards=Cripples, retards and people with learning disabilities are abominable to God, and are worthy only of death for their depraved slobbering, staggering, stammering ways. Why should they be given the best parking spaces? Why should we waste precious resources on wheelchairs and crutches? If it is God's will that they should not walk,-
here here beardo. as soon as we solve those "budget shortfalls" we can go after the gingers. those freaks with their freckles and stupid red hair....GOD they are fucking ugly and deserving of death. by then, we should be to a balanced budget.....


Well-Known Member
here here beardo. as soon as we solve those "budget shortfalls" we can go after the gingers. those freaks with their freckles and stupid red hair....GOD they are fucking ugly and deserving of death. by then, we should be to a balanced budget.....
All this budget buisness is redicoulos I'm not the brightest but I know they shouldn't be cutting taxes or giving people tax refunds they need to maintain taxes at current levels or raise them slightly and they need to cut spending dramaticly which will mean huge layoffs for govt employees and some cuts in services we also need to deal with govt retirement packages

jeff f

New Member
All this budget buisness is redicoulos I'm not the brightest but I know they shouldn't be cutting taxes or giving people tax refunds they need to maintain taxes at current levels or raise them slightly and they need to cut spending dramaticly which will mean huge layoffs for govt employees and some cuts in services we also need to deal with govt retirement packages

in my opinion what they need to do is stop punishing people who want to make money. in turn, that stops "rich' people from trying to hide their money. whether it is by taking their company offshore, or whatever, the people with money will try to keep it. its the natural way.

tell them, hey, you want to keep that money and even make some more, invest in the usa where you wont be punished and made to pay for a bunch of bullshit.

the economy grows, more jobs, more people paying in instead of taking out.



Well-Known Member
so she was right about death panels. okay libs, lets hear you defend this. remember, krugman is your boy.....blahahahahahahahhahaha:clap:


hey granny, obama and krugman say you arent worth saving. by by now.
"she was right about death panels" haha thats funny that you think she came up with that. she was given that as a talking point. I would love to here her explanation of obamas healthcare plan (not that i agree with it) that would be hilarious.
Sarah palin is still a dumbass.. bye bye now


New Member
I don't buy this right wing bullshit at all, but reason says that if an elderly person has a terminal disease, we should not be doing organ transplants unless that organ cures the disease, and even then, they should not be top priority. Give the organs to those in the prime of life. Being "elderly" this would affect me and I'm sure I'd like that elusive organ, but if the "death panel" said someone in their 40s needed it, even though I could see the reasoning, I'm sure I'd be upset, but reasonable justice would prevail. It's not easy being elderly, and there is only one cure.


Well-Known Member
They will decide weather or not your worth treatment and what treatments you can recieve


Well-Known Member
actually, obama's health care plan says:

you will not be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. you and your doctor will decide what the best course of treatment will be.

the only time that actual 'death panels' existed was during the past several decades, when health insurance companies began denying insurance coverage based on 'pre-existing' conditions. what happened was that cases where payouts over 5,000 dollars were red-flagged.

these cases went on to a 'deliberation', where insurance adjusters scoured through every last word in your medical history. anything, ANYTHING, that kind of suggested that you weren't 100% healthy was highlighted and cross-referenced with special databases which gave adjusters a measure of the probability that the best doctor in that field would've recognized that as a possible sign of a condition already existing. if the probability was over 70-75%, then you were denied coverage.



jeff f

New Member
actually, obama's health care plan says:

you will not be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. you and your doctor will decide what the best course of treatment will be.

the only time that actual 'death panels' existed was during the past several decades, when health insurance companies began denying insurance coverage based on 'pre-existing' conditions. what happened was that cases where payouts over 5,000 dollars were red-flagged.

these cases went on to a 'deliberation', where insurance adjusters scoured through every last word in your medical history. anything, ANYTHING, that kind of suggested that you weren't 100% healthy was highlighted and cross-referenced with special databases which gave adjusters a measure of the probability that the best doctor in that field would've recognized that as a possible sign of a condition already existing. if the probability was over 70-75%, then you were denied coverage.


you didnt read your hero krugman did you? its HIS WORDS...."death panels". so if i have a kazzilion dollars and want to keep living as long as i can, i wont be able to under your boys plan.

your people are saying this, not mine.

you are typical. you and krugman think you know whats right for other people. you think you are too smart for the rest of us. say what you want, lie to who you want. the american people are on to you. anyone remember nov 2, 2010? its just the beginning. hold on all you leeches. the stool is getting kicked out from underneath you.

btw, obama didnt do shit. he had zero to do with writing the bill.


Well-Known Member
you didnt read your hero krugman did you? its HIS WORDS...."death panels".
I was curious about why he'd say something like that and googled it. Found references to him basically calling the use of the phrase 'death panels' bullshit scare tactics in the past, so I find myself wondering why he would use that phrase himself. Was he trying to be sarcastic? If so, it was a dumb move. I also found his response to people jumping on him for saying it: What I meant is that health care costs will have to be controlled, which will surely require having Medicare and Medicaid decide what they’re willing to pay for — not really death panels, of course, but consideration of medical effectiveness and, at some point, how much we’re willing to spend for extreme care.

If that's a death panel, then I suppose we already have them. I guess it's down to what kind of death panels we want, corporate insurance or government ones. Neither sounds good to me, but I suppose for economic reasons any type of insurance program will have to make that sort of decision at some point.

Sarah not so dumb after all? I don't know about that, regardless of death panels.


Well-Known Member
Just like the insurance companies do and have always done.

Ink, it's not entirely true. While most insurance companies do see it stays that way. Where they only let the $$$ do the talking, that's a stereo-type that needs to be extinguished permently. And I am the only person (that I can tell) willing to fight for the change in that industry.

Peace, love, rock'n'roll, your nieghbourhood cowboy,



Well-Known Member
you didnt read your hero krugman did you? its HIS WORDS...."death panels". so if i have a kazzilion dollars and want to keep living as long as i can, i wont be able to under your boys plan.

your people are saying this, not mine.

you are typical. you and krugman think you know whats right for other people. you think you are too smart for the rest of us. say what you want, lie to who you want. the american people are on to you. anyone remember nov 2, 2010? its just the beginning. hold on all you leeches. the stool is getting kicked out from underneath you.

btw, obama didnt do shit. he had zero to do with writing the bill.
obama signed it into law. like it or not if it wasn't for obama, if you got sick, you can bet your ass your insurance company would be scouring your history to find a reason to not cover you.

and i agree, you are being lied to.

but i'm not the one who's doing the lying. it's what that smart-ass dike Maddow calls: "the right wing media universe" . they're lying to you.

it's the place where unsupported assumptions are as good as facts. and the place where sources are over-rated, where accountability is non-existent, and where journalism and opinionated chest-thumping are the same thing.


jeff f

New Member
obama signed it into law. like it or not if it wasn't for obama, if you got sick, you can bet your ass your insurance company would be scouring your history to find a reason to not cover you.

and i agree, you are being lied to.

but i'm not the one who's doing the lying. it's what that smart-ass dike Maddow calls: "the right wing media universe" . they're lying to you.

it's the place where unsupported assumptions are as good as facts. and the place where sources are over-rated, where accountability is non-existent, and where journalism and opinionated chest-thumping are the same thing.

i have been sick and in the hospital many times. my insurance never dropped me. but i am not saying it doesnt happen

here is what i am saying. for the past 2 years the left has made a prick out of palin for coming up with something "so ridiculous" as "death panels". now, come to find out, its been the plan all along. now, your argument is, "we have them now with insurance" which isnt really true.

so when she said they are gonna be there, YOU GUYS said, she is fucking nuts the govt isnt going to do that. well she isnt nuts, thats exactly where this is headed.

i got an idea, instead of some meathead govt worker sitting in a cubicle saying, "lives" or "dies", how about i sit down with my family and discuss what we want to do about grandmas hip replacement. do we want to spend that money or not. and we make that decision on a family basis. do we want to risk the family farm for her needs. what does grandma think? how about selling our house and getting into something smaller so grandma can live a couple more years. what does grandma want to do?

i dont believe giving that decision to a govt dickface is the right or moral or ethical thing to do.

and lets carry this to its logical conclusion. 2 people are dying. one has a huge bank account and the other is a broke janitor. mr govt man says only one can be treated. and this guy has a huge bank account which the govt will get half of if he dies. in this scenario, who do you think is gonna die? and if you dont think that will be part of the discussion, youre nuts.

it is absolutely a death panel and its immoral and wrong and the american people have resoundingly said, hey obama, take your healthcare and shove it up your ass.......God nov 2 2010 should be made a national holiday. thanks america for having way more sense than some of the numbskulls on this board.


Well-Known Member
here we go.

there are no death panels. it's not true. you've drank the kool-aid buddy, and there's no bringing you back huh??

just because fox news says it, doesn't make it true.

death panels used to exist, insurance companies just kept them under wraps.

right now in the US, if you have insurance, your insurance can't drop you if you get sick. PERIOD. and it's a mandate that everybody will have to get insurance within a few years.... guess what??? almost everybody in the US will be able to live in peace, knowing that they won't be burdended with every last health care cost, and knowing that they won't be dropped by their insurance just because they're sick. and the harsh reality that the US lived, that most bankrupcys are caused by health care costs that insurance companies won't cover in the name of profits, is no longer the case.

death panels..... really?????

get your head out of your ass, and look at the real issues.

a republican is pushing to make law the principle that a 'terrorist' can be arrested and held indefinetly without trial. even if that 'terrorist' is an american citizen. without due process, without all the things that the founding fathers wanted to cement into our way of life.

the TSA is strip searching americans left and right, without any success. all the 'foiled' terrorists plots were 'foiled' after the plane was in the air. so the TSA ain't doing shit, just invading our privacy.

the rich want to blow a 700 billion dollar hole in our deficit, so they can buy a few extra cartier watches a year.

and here you are.... trying to wake up a dead horse...... pitiful....


Well-Known Member
Well every body has their own thought about Palin BUT i would trust what she said than the lying muslim bastard ruining the country


Well-Known Member
i read the link.

i'm telling you it's a lie.

it's possible for me to read things and know when i'm looking at facts, and when i'm looking at assumption.

the author is drawing the wrong conclusion about the subject matter he is addressing.

and so are you.

there are no death panels.
