obama signed it into law. like it or not if it wasn't for obama, if you got sick, you can bet your ass your insurance company would be scouring your history to find a reason to not cover you.
and i agree, you are being lied to.
but i'm not the one who's doing the lying. it's what that smart-ass dike Maddow calls: "the right wing media universe" . they're lying to you.
it's the place where unsupported assumptions are as good as facts. and the place where sources are over-rated, where accountability is non-existent, and where journalism and opinionated chest-thumping are the same thing.
i have been sick and in the hospital many times. my insurance never dropped me. but i am not saying it doesnt happen
here is what i am saying. for the past 2 years the left has made a prick out of palin for coming up with something "so ridiculous" as "death panels". now, come to find out, its been the plan all along. now, your argument is, "we have them now with insurance" which isnt really true.
so when she said they are gonna be there, YOU GUYS said, she is fucking nuts the govt isnt going to do that. well she isnt nuts, thats exactly where this is headed.
i got an idea, instead of some meathead govt worker sitting in a cubicle saying, "lives" or "dies", how about i sit down with my family and discuss what we want to do about grandmas hip replacement. do we want to spend that money or not. and we make that decision on a family basis. do we want to risk the family farm for her needs. what does grandma think? how about selling our house and getting into something smaller so grandma can live a couple more years. what does grandma want to do?
i dont believe giving that decision to a govt dickface is the right or moral or ethical thing to do.
and lets carry this to its logical conclusion. 2 people are dying. one has a huge bank account and the other is a broke janitor. mr govt man says only one can be treated. and this guy has a huge bank account which the govt will get half of if he dies. in this scenario, who do you think is gonna die? and if you dont think that will be part of the discussion, youre nuts.
it is absolutely a death panel and its immoral and wrong and the american people have resoundingly said, hey obama, take your healthcare and shove it up your ass.......God nov 2 2010 should be made a national holiday. thanks america for having way more sense than some of the numbskulls on this board.